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Personality, Lifestyles, and the Self-Concept

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Presentation on theme: "Personality, Lifestyles, and the Self-Concept"— Presentation transcript:

1 Personality, Lifestyles, and the Self-Concept

2 Personality Totality of thoughts, emotions, intentions, and behaviors that a person exhibits consistently as he or she adapts to his or her environment

3 Personality Qualities
Unique to an individual Can be conceptualized as a combination of specific traits or characteristics Traits are relatively stable and interact with situations to influence behavior Specific behaviors can vary across time

4 Psychoanalytic Approach
Applicable to both motivation and personality inquiry Id - Focuses on pleasure-seeking and immediate gratification Superego - Works against the id by motivating behavior that matches societal norms and expectations Ego - Focuses on resolving the conflicts between the id and the superego

5 Motivational Research Era
Researchers utilized tools such as depth interviews and focus groups to improve their understanding of inner motives and needs

6 Trait Approach to Personality
Trait - A distinguishable characteristic that describes one’s tendency to act in a relatively consistent manner Multiple approaches available for consumer researchers

7 Multiple Approaches to Personality
Nomothetic perspective Focuses on particular variables, or traits, that exist across a number of consumers The trait approach takes a nomothetic approach to personality Idiographic perspective Focuses on the total person and the uniqueness of his or her psychological makeup

8 Multiple Approaches to Personality
Single-trait approach The focus of the researcher is on one particular trait Multiple-trait approach Combinations of traits are examined and the total effect of the collection of traits is considered

9 Important Traits Studied
Value consciousness Tendency for consumers to focus on maximizing what is received from a transaction as compared to what is given Materialism Extent to which material goods are important in a consumer’s life

10 Important Traits Studied
Innovativeness Degree to which consumers are open to new ideas How quickly consumers adopt to buying new products, services, or experiences early in their introduction Need for cognition Degree to which consumers tend to engage in effortful cognitive information processing

11 Important Traits Studied
Competitiveness Defined as an enduring tendency to strive to be better than others Self-monitoring Tendency for consumers observe and control behavior in ways that agree with social cues and influence

12 Personology Approach Combines personality theory and motivation
Allows consumer researchers to better understand the uniqueness of the individual consumer Combines information on traits, goals, and even consumer life stories

13 Lifestyles Ways consumers live and spend their time and money
Useful in identifying viable market segments

14 Psychographics Way consumer lifestyles are measured
Survey consumers using AIO statements Used to gain an understanding of consumers’ activities, interests, and opinions

15 VALS Stands for “Values and Lifestyles” Classifies consumers into:
Eight distinct segments based on resources available to the consumer Primary motivations

16 LO6-3

17 LO6-3

18 VALS Survey Link

19 PRIZM Geodemographics
Stands for Potential Ratings Index by ZIP Market People with similar backgrounds tend to live close to one another Uses 66 different segments as descriptors of individual households

20 LO6-3 Demographics Observable, statistical aspects of populations including such factors as age, gender, or income Can be used in conjunction with psychographic analysis

21 Self-Concept Totality of thoughts and feelings that an individual has about him or her self

22 Self-Concept According to a symbolic interactionism perspective
Consumers agree on the shared meaning of products and symbols Semiotics - Study that relates to the symbolic interactionism Study of symbols and their meanings

23 Self-Concept Cosmetic surgery and body modification
Body piercings and tattoos

24 Video

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