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overview There are Many Atua in the Maori world, who we as a Maori view as the Guardians or Gods of specific realms and or elements in the world. All Atua descend from Ranginui (Sky Father) and Papatuanuku (Earth Mother). Our Ngaiterangi area is surrounded by 2 main elements The sea - Tauranga Moana and Ngahere – Bush. Because of this we are going to concentrate on these 2 Atua Tangaroa and Tanemahuta. In this resource we will cover The Atua – A little about them and How they tie into our Iwi Tikanga or cultural process surrounding the Atua Rahui Karakia What they are responsible for – Their Tamariki
tangaroa Tangaroa is the over all guardian of the Moana –Sea but is also the Kaitiaki of the Rivers and Lakes and all that live with in. Here in Ngaiterangi we have an abundance of Rivers and foreshore which we still use regular to gather Kai for our Whanau and use in recreational matters from swimming or gathering natural resources. Living with in Ngaiterangi tamariki at one point or another are going to have contact with Tangaroa, wether they are fishing, swimming, gathering food or shells or even building sand castles.
Nga tikanga o te Moana As Maori we have many culturally practices that apply to us when we are in the presence of Tangaroa. Some of those practices are. Saying Karakia or a Mihi to Tangaroa, this applies not just when gathering food but also when swimming and can be a karakia or a short mihi just to ask Tangaroa to keep you safe on the waters All kai gathered from Tangaroa must not be consumed in the area from which you collected and must be consumed outside of his realm As a thank you when going fishing we always throw our first catch back to tangaroa as a thank you to please him and keep you safe on your journey. In regards to women, it is forbidden to be in the waters at her ‘time of the month’
rahui Rahui are restrictions placed on particular parts of the Moana or Kaimoana that stop people from either gathering Kaimoana or entering certain parts of the water. There are many different reasons which can include but not limited to. Contaminated Kaimoana Restrictions can be placed on What Kaimoana can be gathered due to numbers a Rahui may be placed in order for a certain species to grow in numbers. When the Rena hit the astrolabe reef a Rahui boundry was placed around the affected area prohibiting access to outside vessels. One of the Most common reasons a Rahui is placed is when people die or go missing out in the Moana, Roto or awa. Rahui can have certain time frames attached to them depending on the Kaupapa or the circumstances on them being placed
Karakia - Mihi As mentioned before to keep ourselves safe and to give us an extra layer of protection, commonly a Karakia (Prayer) or Mihi (Thanks) will be offered to our Atua Tangaroa. Depending on what you are there to do will reflect the korero of your Karakia or mihi. For the purposes of an ECE Centre taking a trip to the Moana the karakia can be as simple as. ‘Tena koe Tangaroa manaakitia tatou I tenei ra, amene’ ‘Greetings Tangaroa look after us all today, Amen’ The point of this really is to make sure we are acknowledging tangaroa and respecting him while we are in his realm.
Nga Tamariki O TANGAROA
Moana - Sea Roto - Lakes Awa - Rivers Aio - Dolphin Ika - Fish Tuna - Eel Mako - Shark Inanga – White Bait Wheke - Octopus Patiki - Flounder Tohora - Whale Koura Papaka - Crab As mentioned Tangaroa is the Kaitiaki – Guardian of the Sea, Lakes and rivers and all that live in these areas. We refer to these as Nga Tamariki O Tangaroa, The children of Tangaroa. On the left are some examples of the creatures that live in these domains but there are many many more.
Waiata - song Tangaroa Tangaroa Tangaroa Tangaroa Te Kaitiaki O Te Moana The Guardian of the sea Mai Otawhiwhi From Otawhiwhi Ki Tauranga Moana To Tauranga Moana Ngaiterangi Rohe e Ngaiterangi region Nga Wheke (Nga Wheke) The Squids Nga Ika (Nga Ika) The Fish Nga Kina (Nga Kina) The Sea Urchins Kei raro I te Moana Underneath the Ocean Te Kaitiaki The Guardian O Te Moana Of the Sea Where the song is bolded in the purple these Kupu-Words can be changed to highlight anything that Tangaroa is Responsible for. See nga Tamariki O Tangaroa and have a go at changing the words. Click the speaker below to listen to the song
Crafts There are many Natural resources on and in the Moana and takutai- Foreshore. Through using these resources like sand, shells, driftwood many things can be made. Making photo frames and mobiles from the shells. Making natural coloured glitters from the sand Haerenga There are many Bush walks around the region where you can take tamariki to be one with Tanemahuta. Although being the guardian of the forest Manu or birds fall under his realm so trips to bird gardens would also fit in under this kaupapa Waiata Attached to this resource is a simple waiata that can be taught that talks about Tangaroa and some of the things that fall with in his realm. It will give the tamariki the opportunity to swap certain words and expand their knowledge on this Kaitiaki and the tamariki
TANEMAHUTA Tanemahuta is the Guardian of the Forest and all that lives with –in From the Trees to the Birds. Here in Ngaiterangi we are surrounded by lush bush areas and walkways between Otawhiwhi and Papamoa. The Kaimai ranges can be seen right around the Motu and just Like Tangaroa, Tane Mahuta can be seen everywhere. Just Like Tangaroa, Tane Mahuta provides many things for our people. From Food to Building Materials for Homes, Rongoa medicines and other crafts like Waka. Maori Find The Ngahere a very spiritual peaceful and calming place
He Karakia One of the Main Customs of the Ngahere is respecting the environment. Just like our previous Atua its important to acknowledge and give thanks to this atua through Karakia when you are in his realm weather it is just for going for a hikoi – walk or to gather resources and or food. A Basic Karakia can be Tena Koe Tanemahuta – manaakitia tatou I tenei ra Amene Greetings Tanemahuta – look after us all today Amen When we are in the realms of specific atua we Karakia to keep us safe and to respect that particular atua for allowing their resources to be available to us
Nga TAMARIKI o Tanemahuta
Rakau - Trees Manu - Birds Kauri Tui Totara Kiwi Miro Kereru Rimu Kaakaa Kowhai Ruru Ponga Piwaiwaka Manuka Kokako Nikau Weka Nga TAMARIKI o Tanemahuta As mentioned Tane is the Guardian of the Forest and all within. Opposite are some of those things that fall under the realm and Guardianship of Tane. These are just a few, there are many more.
Waiata Tane-Mahuta Tane- Mahuta
Te Kaitiaki o te Ngahere The guardian of the forest Te Kaimai Ki Mauao The Kaimai to Mauao Nga rakau me nga Manu The trees and the birds No Ngaiterangi Rohe E… From our Ngaiterangi region Te Kauri (Te Kauri) The Kauri (The Kauri) Te Kiwi (Te Kiwi) The Kiwi (The Kiwi) Te Ponga (Te Ponga) The Ponga (The Ponga) Kei roto I te Ngahere Inside the forest Tane-Mahuta Tane-Mahuta Te Kaitiaki o te Ngahere The Guardian of the forest Where the song is bolded in the purple these Kupu-Words can be changed to highlight anything that Tanemahuta is Responsible for. See nga Tamariki O Tanemahuta and have a go at changing the words Click the speaker below to listen to the song
Crafts There are many Natural resources in the Ngahere and that come from trees. Through using these resources like wood, leaves, feathers many things can be made. Tracing leaves, making mini korowai, mini waka, making manu Haerenga There are many Bush walks around the region where you can take tamariki to be one with Tanemahuta. Although being the guardian of the forest Manu or birds fall under his realm so trips to bird gardens would also fit in under this kaupapa Waiata Attached to this resource is a simple waiata that can be taught that talks about Tanemahuta and some of the things that fall with in his realm. It will give the tamariki the opportunity to swap certain words and expand their knowledge on these Kaitiaki and their tamariki
Connections to TE WHARIKI
This resource can be connected to Te Whariki in many ways, some examples are. Mana Atua – Through the information and Karakia provided with in these resources staff and tamariki spiritual well being will be safe through the teachings and use of these Korero. Mana Auturoa: Tamariki will have a unique maori perspective when travelling to these domains whether it is the beach or Ngahere it will provide an insight into our te ao maori view on these areas when exploring these environments Whakamana – staff and tamariki will feel empowered and confident in implanting these resources and have a better cultural understanding of these places and what they mean to Maori Kotahitanga – Through the different implementations of this resource staff will be able to engage tamariki through all the different activities through visual speech waiata and action songs allowing tamariki to absorb the information in many different ways to appeal to each child's unique way of learning.
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