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Parent Night For CES’ Individual Science Fair 2018

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1 Parent Night For CES’ Individual Science Fair 2018
and to assist with Individual Projects completed for a class grade

2 Purpose of Tonight: This informational, hands-on experience is designed to assist parents and students in gaining knowledge that will assist in the completion of an individual science project. Our hope is that many students in 3rd and 4th will join the students in 5th grade in entering the CES Science Fair in February. This evening will guide parents in completion of a project as required for the District competition. What your specific teacher will require will be included by may come home in smaller chunks or may not require a board/notebook (for 3rd & 4th grades) Note: ALL 5th graders are required to complete the board/notebook and enter the school’s fair.

3 Agenda: Discuss the Science Fair packets.
Discuss and complete part of a sample science project. Answer questions Send families home with resources and information to use in the completion of their own science project

4 Science Fair Packet/Manual
Step by Step directions for completion of a project Gives information about what goes on the board and what goes in the notebook – required for all 5th graders and for those in 3rd/4th entering the science fair Assists with wording and making sure you include all parts of the project Science Fair Manual Developed to outline the requirements for those participating in Elementary Science Fair Contains most up to date information regarding the District Scoring Information similar to the Science Fair Packet, may be explained a little differently or give more specific Use as a resource

5 Criteria for Participation
Requirements for Participation as outlined for District Participation (required to enter School’s fair and District Fair) Pages 1 and 2 of Science Fair Packet NO firearms/weapons, alcohol, mold, bacteria, harmful substances/devices/activities, allergens, human/animal tissue/fluid Suggest being cautious of human participation requirements No staples/sharp objects/3D objects attached to boards Board size requirements No brand testing (how many candies one brand versus another, how strong one brand is)

6 Testable Question/Purpose:
Projects are NOT to be demonstrations of a scientific principle Projects are NOT to be models of a science topic MUST test a question that is scientific in nature The Purpose of your project is the testable question you are trying to answer. It MUST be written as a question. How does _____________ affect ________________? (see example pg. 3) For our practice today: How does the size of the parachute affect the time it takes the parachute to fall to the ground?

7 Hypothesis: This is the educated guess as to what you expect to happen. This comes on Page 3 of the Science Fair Packet; however, it is best to complete research and know your control variable prior to completing the hypothesis.

8 Research: You MUST research topics related to your project.
Two sources required for projects entering the fair. Page 9 gives the two topic model and the format for citing sources. Two topics for tonights’ experiment could be: Air resistance Gravity Parachutes Drag

9 Control: Page 4 of packet
ONE group that you compare the other groups to MUST provide a reason you are using this as a control group For our experiment: We are comparing different sizes of parachute material. Control could be parachute basket dropped with no chute Control could be parachute of “typical” size as found on most toys – give source of “typical” size

10 Hypothesis: We can now create a better informed hypothesis.
See page 3 of packet Format: If _______________ then _____________ because _________________. For our example: If the size of the parachute increases, then time it takes for the parachute and bucket to drop will increase because the parachute will create more drag based on my research of drag.

11 Remaining Variables: Independent variable: This is the thing we are purposely changing. (Do not list your control here.) Dependent variable: This is the thing that will change as a result of changing the independent variable. Control variable: The group we are comparing the other independent variables to. Constant variables: ALL of the items you are keeping the SAME when you do the three trials.

12 Our Variables: Independent variable: the size of the parachute in square centimeters Dependent variable: The time it takes the parachute and bucket to drop from a height of 5 feet. Control variable: The parachute bucket with no chute. Constant variables: same timer, same location of the drop, same start height, same bucket, same strings, same type of paper, same time of day

13 Materials: Page 4 of packet
List all of the materials used for the project. Easiest to do this as you gather all your materials before starting the project. After you have completed the project, review and make sure you listed all of the materials you actually used. METRIC measurements

14 Page 5 of Packet Procedure: Safety Concerns:
List all steps in as much detail as possible. Be as specific as possible. You want others to be able to reproduce the same experiment based on following these directions. List anything you needed to consider when completing the project. For our experiment: We needed adult supervision for punching holes and cutting string. Be careful that the drop zone if free of other objects/people.

15 DATA Data Table (pg. 5) Observation Log (pg. 8)
Record each trial as you complete them. Label control and independent variables. Calculate averages As you complete each trial, note the observations you make. Should include as many senses as possible Sight Sound Touch Taste (if appropriate)

16 Run the experiment! Let’s run our example!
Complete the steps given to each group/table. Record data on the given charts.

17 Graph your data Page 6 of packet
Make a graph either using the computer or by hand. Make sure to include and label the control variable, averages, and each axis.

18 Conclusion: Page 7 of the packet
You are explaining your data, what you learned, what you want would change, and how this relates to real life. Great guide in packet – If your conclusion answers all the given questions, it will meet all of the criteria. You do NOT need to list the separate questions but write a conclusion that answers all of these.

19 Suggested Sites: For finding a project: For research: Science Buddies
Cpalms (click on appropriate grade level on left, then look for STEM lessons as suggestions) fair/ Note: Remember these sites may call something a project that is more of a demonstration or model. National Geographic Kids Time for Kids Smithsonian sites for kids Discovery Kids NASA sites for kids Note: Don’t use wikipedia or sites created as a blog as this information isn’t considered scientifically vetted.

20 Get your boards in STEM Boards being sold in STEM for $4
Bring money to STEM lab or see Mr. Tyree outside of class time

21 Questions? What are your questions?
Your child’s teachers are great resources for science projects. They may be able to answer basic questions that relate to the expectations for the project in class. You can always contact us for help. Best to question to Mr. Tyree and copy the to Ms. Lawson. This way we can confer and get the information to you.

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