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Presentation on theme: "CREATORS OF LIFE: A HOLISTIC WOMEN’S HEALTH CLINIC"— Presentation transcript:

MAJESTIC NURSES: Liza Bauzo-Nieves, RN Jyamalia Givans, RN Viktoriya Gorelik, RN Elizabeth Lutale, RN Elizabeth Scantlebury, RN Tuesday May 11, 2016

2 Patient-Centered Medical Home
Women’s Health Clinic Creators of Life: A Holistic Women’s Clinic Mission To provide women of all races and religions with easily accessible, culturally sensitive services and education from a holistic viewpoint

3 Creators of Life: Purpose
Purpose: Meeting Healthy People 2020 Objectives To improve pregnancy planning and spacing, and prevent unintended pregnancy Improve access to comprehensive, quality health care services Provide comprehensive and specialized care for women’s health issues

4 Creators of Life: Philosophy
Philosophy: Remember your vowels Advocacy Empowerment Integrity Options Understanding Y?

5 Creators of Life: Objectives
Clinical Objectives Increase awareness of women’s health issues Increase cultural sensitivity Increase funding of women’s health services for low- income families and the uninsured

6 Creators of Life: Providers
Nurse midwives, OB/GYNs, and registered nurses Nutritionist, lactation consultant, social worker, and psychologist Radiologist, radiology techs, medical assistants, and insurance coordinators

7 Health Care Services Routine women’s health exams Immunization for HPV, Tdap, and influenza Pregnancy testing and contraception BP monitoring and insurance assistance Psychological support for women affected by violence, rape, mental and other physical abuse

8 Health Care Services Pregnancy care
Prenatal care and screenings: GTT, vitamins, sonograms, birthing/Lamaze classes, nutrition visit, CVS (chorionic villus sampling), and contraction and non-stress tests Postnatal lactation classes and referrals for home care visits

9 Brownsville Brooklyn, NY

10 Brownsville Brooklyn, NY

11 Brownsville Brooklyn, NY

12 Data Collection Creators of Life will specifically address the needs of Brownsville through strategic marketing designs based on results from: Convenience Sampling Voluntary surveys Billing diagnoses Care will be coordinated according to trends and quality indicators

13 Marketing Flyers strategically placed in train stations, bus stops & in schools Brochures in libraries, as part of community outreach, Girls Club, YWCA, fitness studios, spas, nail salons Website: Social media such as: Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin Zocdoc for ease of appointment scheduling Monthly educational health fairs

14 Marketing Community outreach tables placed on high traffic blocks
Newspapers advertisements in free newspapers such as AM New York Television commercials Word of mouth throughout the community Bulletin boards placed just off of highways Insurance provider directories

15 Coordination of Care Scenario 1: 15 y/o female, suspected pregnancy
Clerk  RN  (patient questionnaires) (assessment, lmp, labs, vitals) OB/GYN  Radiology  (consultation, vaginal exam, referrals) (sonogram) Social Worker  Nutritionist  (assessment, paperwork, referrals) (assessment, education) Clerk  RN (follow up appointments) (assessment, labs, vitals)

16 Coordination of Care Scenario 2: 19 y/o female, s/s vaginal itching, burning, foul smelling yellow discharge Clerk  RN  (paperwork/questionnaires) (assessment, history, vital signs) OB/GYN  Social Worker  (internal and external vaginal exams) (assessment, referrals)

17 Coordination of Care Scenario 3: 50 y/o female for annual screening Clerk  RN  (patient questionnaire) (assessment, height, weight, vitals) OB/GYN  Radiology (pap smear, referrals) (mammography) Clerk  OB/GYN (schedule follow up) (results, teaching)

18 Provider Communication
All communication should be clear and concise, with respect for others Methods Face to face Telephone Computer Central, privately owned, and operated solely by the clinic Each user has a unique username and passcode to access patient’s health information

19 Quality Indicators to Monitor
Family Planning Decrease in the adolescent pregnancy rate Increase in contraceptive usage Decrease in infertility rate Decrease Sexually Transmitted Infections Decrease in the STD rate

20 Quality Indicators to Monitor
Maternal Health Increase in prenatal care Increase in early identification of high risk pregnancies Nutrition Monitor public assistance programs such as WIC (women, infant & children) and EBT (electronic benefit transfer) for access

21 Structural Organization
President Vice President Director of Clinicians Director of Services Nursing Supervisors Clients

22 Structural Organization
Clients RNs Nurse Midwives & OB/GYNs Psychologists & Social Workers Nutritionists & Lactation Consultants Radiologists, Technicians, Medical Assistants Clerk & Insurance Coordinators

23 Creators of Life: Budget
RN’s Average Daily Census = 50 Ratio = 1:5 Shift = 8hrs 50/5 = 10 RN’s X 7.5 = 75/50 = NCH 1.5 X 3 shifts = 4.5 RN’s needed to staff unit 10 X 3 shifts = 30 RN’s PTO = 1.6 X 30 RN’s = 48

24 Creators of Life: Budget
Patient Care Technicians ADC = 50 Ratio = 1:10 Shifts = 8 hours 50/10 = 5 PCT’s X 7.5 = 37.5/50 = NCH 0.7 X 3 shifts = 2.1 PCT’S needed to staff unit 5 X 3 shifts = 15 PTO = 1.6 X 15 = 24   Total NCHPPD = 6.6

25 Creators of Life: Budget
Unit Clerk 1 Unit Clerk X 3 shifts = 3 PTO = 1.6 X 3 = 4.8 PTO Salary Total Salary Registered Nurses (RN) 48 $86,000 $4,128,000 Patient Care Technicians (PCT) 24 $44,000 $1,056,000 Unit Clerks 4.8 $28,000 $134,400 Total of Unit’s Yearly Salary $5,318,400



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