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Stone’s “Solutions” (her array of strategies or instruments)

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Presentation on theme: "Stone’s “Solutions” (her array of strategies or instruments)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Stone’s “Solutions” (her array of strategies or instruments)
Meant as: Strategies for changing behaviors (personal and corporate) Policy instruments Forms of authority government uses (her array of strategies or instruments) Inducements Rules Facts Rights Powers

2 Inducements as a form of authority to change behavior: the theory
Giver inducement receiver [giver and receiver assumed as unitary actors who act “rationally”] All parties assumed to have future orientations Assumption of purposeful action (and simple causality) Positive and negative sanctions

3 Inducements as a form of authority
to change behavior: the reality in the polis Different mindsets Collective as well as unitary actors Difficulty in withholding sanctions Inducements and rewards take on symbolic as well as substantive meaning

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