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European Exploration aTicket bTicket cTicket dTicket eTicket fTicket

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Presentation on theme: "European Exploration aTicket bTicket cTicket dTicket eTicket fTicket"— Presentation transcript:

1 European Exploration aTicket bTicket cTicket dTicket eTicket fTicket gTicket hTicket iTicket jTicket kTicket lTicket mTicket nTicket oTicket pTicket qTicket rTicket sTicket tTicket uTicket vTicket $500 wTicket xTicket yTicket

2 A long carefully organized trip or voyage.
aTicket A long carefully organized trip or voyage. click here for answer

3 aTicket What is an expedition? click here to go back to game

4 Because of this, European interest in Asia began to grow.
fTicket Because of this, European interest in Asia began to grow. click here for answer

5 fTicket What is Marco Polo’s book? click here to go back to game

6 In the 1400’s this improved travel by sea.
kTicket In the 1400’s this improved travel by sea. click here for answer

7 kTicket What is technology? click here to go back to game

8 pTicket Finding new trade routes, controlling new lands, establishing colonies, and spreading their religion click here for answer

9 What were goals of European
pTicket What were goals of European exploration ? click here to go back to game

10 uTicket Catholic countries, such as Spain, began converting people in the New World to the Catholic religion. click here for answer

11 What was a goal of the Counter Reformation?
uTicket What was a goal of the Counter Reformation? click here to go back to game

12 Present day New York and Albany were colonized by this group.
bTicket Present day New York and Albany were colonized by this group. click here for answer

13 bTicket Who were the Dutch? click here to go back to game

14 gTicket Africa, Europe, and the Americas carried goods and enslaved people on this route. click here for answer

15 What is the Atlantic Trade Route, or the Triangular Trade Route?
gTicket What is the Atlantic Trade Route, or the Triangular Trade Route? click here to go back to game

16 lTicket England, France, Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Russia were all countries that claimed land on these two continents. click here for answer

17 lTicket What are the Americas? click here to go back to game

18 qTicket Settlements were built near these two bodies of water to make transporting people and supplies easier. click here for answer

19 Why did colonists build settlements near the sea or along a river ?
qTicket Why did colonists build settlements near the sea or along a river ? click here to go back to game

20 vTicket Trade by land was dangerous (bad weather, illness, thieves) and new technology in sailing (magnetic compass, astrolabe, and caravels) improved travel by sea for the Europeans traveling to this continent. click here for answer

21 Why did European traders begin to travel to Asia?
vTicket Why did European traders begin to travel to Asia? click here to go back to game

22 cTicket An expedition that began in what is now present day Florida was led by this Spanish explorer. click here for answer

23 cTicket What expedition did Juan Ponce de Leon lead?
click here to go back to game

24 hTicket This Spanish explorer explored the American Southwest.
click here for answer

25 Where did Francisco Vasquez de Coronado explore?
hTicket Where did Francisco Vasquez de Coronado explore? click here to go back to game

26 The tool that improved sailing by showing which direction is north.
mTicket The tool that improved sailing by showing which direction is north. click here for answer

27 mTicket What is the magnetic compass ? click here to go back to game

28 rTicket Improved technology, like this tool helped sailors use the sun and stars to find their location. click here for answer

29 rTicket What is the astrolabe? click here to go back to game

30 A water route through North America to the Pacific.
wTicket A water route through North America to the Pacific. click here for answer

31 wTicket What is the Northwest Passage? click here to go back to game

32 dTicket An expedition to lands south of where Columbus had landed, and were unknown by Europeans, was accomplished by this explorer. click here for answer

33 dTicket Who was Amerigo Vespucci? click here to go back to game

34 iTicket The first crew to complete a circumnavigation was led by this explorer. click here for answer

35 Who was Ferdinand Magellan?
iTicket Who was Ferdinand Magellan? click here to go back to game

36 Improved technology, like this type of sail helped sailors change
nTicket Improved technology, like this type of sail helped sailors change direction click here for answer

37 nTicket What is a caravel? click here to go back to game

38 sTicket An explorer that led an expedition to Florida and later became the first to see the Mississippi River. click here for answer

39 sTicket Who is Hernando de Soto ? click here to go back to game

40 xTicket ASpanish explorer who hoped to reach Asia, but landed on the island of San Salvador and called the natives “Indians” click here for answer

41 Who is Christopher Columbus?
xTicket Who is Christopher Columbus? click here to go back to game

42 eTicket An area or place ruled by a distant country
click here for answer

43 eTicket What is a colony? click here to go back to game

44 jTicket To change someone’s or one’s own beliefs click here for answer

45 jTicket What is to convert? click here to go back to game

46 oTicket This Spanish explorer/
conqueror took over the wealthy Aztec empire in what is now Mexico click here for answer

47 oTicket Who is Hernando Cortes? click here to go back to game

48 tTicket This Spanish explorer/ conqueror took over the Inca empire in
what is now Peru. click here for answer

49 tTicket Who is Francisco Pizarro? click here to go back to game

50 An official document from an authority to do something.
yTicket An official document from an authority to do something. click here for answer

51 yTicket What is a charter? click here to go back to game

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