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Why did Europe explore and Colonize the North America?

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Presentation on theme: "Why did Europe explore and Colonize the North America?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why did Europe explore and Colonize the North America?

2 Why was Europe exploring the World?
Political C.R.E.A.M Economic 1400s-1500 European Nations seek trade with China for luxury items such as: sugar, spices, silks, perfumes and other goods Portugal - 1st to sail around the tip of Africa Spain – Columbus sails west and “discovers” the Americas Italian Merchants control the Silk and Spice Routes: Europe Middle East China England Netherlands Searched for the “Northwest Passage” France Ex Other European Nations wanted the wealth and power like Italy, they searched for their own route to China Exploration Geography Social 3rd G G old G od G lory

3 Why was Europe exploring the World?
Political Economic C.R.E.A.M 1400s-1500 Colonies generated wealth for European Nations. European nations established colonies to gain wealth and power. Colonies provided European Nations with much wealth, not only in the form of gold but also resources. European nations established colonies for various reasons: Spain – search for gold, establish plantations France – Fur trade Netherlands – Center of Trade England – See Reasons for the 13 Colonies Ex Colonization Geography Social Life in the New World provided many opportunities for individuals who were willing to settle: Religious Freedom – many came to escape religious persecution in Europe. Life in the New World offered many the opportunity to worship freely. Economic Opportunities- Land was in abundance in North America, the average European could own his own piece of land, in turn the land could help him gain wealth. Social Opportunities -Some came for new beginnings. New Netherlands was established on the Island of Manhattan.

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