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Theosophy Presented in Graphical Form

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1 Theosophy Presented in Graphical Form
PRÂNA AND THE CHAKRAS Theosophy Presented in Graphical Form Made by Anand Gholap from PowerPoint slides created by Dr. KVK. Nehru. For more information on Theosophy visit Some Works Referred: Besant A., A Study in Consciousness, TPH, 1972 Besant A. and Leadbeater C.W., Occult Chemistry, TPH, 1951 Leadbeater C.W., The Chakras, TPH, 1996 Leadbeater C.W., Man, Visible and Invisible, TPH, 1971 Pearson N., Space, Time and Self, TPH, 1964 Powell A.E., The Etheric Double, TPH, 1971

2 The Solar Forces 3 2 1 Aspects of the Logos Fohat Kundalini Prâna
Powell A.E., The Etheric Double, TPH, 1971, Diagram I, p. 9 All these forces remain distinct and manifest on all the Planes. “...the force of the Third Logos also rises again after touching its lowest point… Kundalini is the power of that Outpouring on its path of return…” (Leadbeater C.W., The Chakras, TPH,1996, p. 28 ) Fohat or Cosmic Electricity Prâna or Vitality Kundalini or Serpent Fire

3 The Ultimate Physical Atom
The Will Force of Solar Logos, welling up from another dimension Powell A.E., The Etheric Double, TPH, 1971, Diagrams II (1), (2), pp Besant A. and Leadbeater C.W., Occult Chemistry, TPH, 1951, Fig. 3. p. 13 The Vitality Force of Solar Logos, welling up from another dimension

4 The Vitality Globule Original Atom
Powell A.E., The Etheric Double, TPH, 1971, Diagrams II (3), (4), pp Besant A. and Leadbeater C.W., Occult Chemistry, TPH, 1951, Fig. 46, p. 95

5 The Constitution of the Human Being
MONAD (TURIYÂTMA) SELF (ÂTMA -- BUDDHI -- MANAS) Jinarajadasa C., First Principles of Theosophy, TPH, 1960, Fig. 55, p. 166 (See also Leadbeater C.W., Man, Visible and Invisible, TPH, 1971, Plate II) The Monad (Turîyâtma), existing on the Anupâdaka Plane, puts forth a reflection of itself and acquires vehicles on the lower Planes for the sake of gaining experience. The Permanent Atoms and Principles get attached to the Monad with the help of the seven Creative Hierarchies. The four lower Principles constitute the perishable Personality, which is renewed every incarnation. The real Individual, the Self (Jîvâtma) continues in the Causal Body, lasts throughout the Human stage. CAUSAL (KÂRANA) ASTRO-MENTAL (KÂMA) THE PERSONALITY ETHERIC DOUBLE (PRÂNAMAYA) GROSS PHYSICAL (STHÛLA)

6 Functions of the Etheric Double
1 To act as a Mold for the building of the Physical Body 2 To absorb Prâna and distribute it through out the Body 3 To act as a bridge between the Physical and the Astral Consciousness Powell A.E., The Etheric Double, TPH, 1971, p.4 4 To develop Force-centres through which the phenomena of the Etheric world could be cognized

7 Pearson N., Space, Time and Self, TPH, 1964, Fig. 55, p. 149
Shape of the Chakras Rapidly rotating Vortex, 2 to 6 inches, opening into the surface of the Etheric Double Pearson N., Space, Time and Self, TPH, 1964, Fig. 55, p. 149 Stem ending on the corresponding Center on the Spine

8 Structure of the Chakra
Primary Forces, move radially outward Vitality Force of Solar Logos, welling up from another dimension Secondary Force is rotational Powell A.E., The Etheric Double, TPH, 1971, Diagrams III (2) to (4), pp 24-26 Primary force (Vitality) from Astral plane wells up at the center and gushes radially outward. Secondary Force weaves up and down in circulatory motion around these ‘spokes.’

9 Working of the Chakra To Throat Chakra To Navel Chakra and Abdomen
To entire Nervous system Powell A.E., The Etheric Double, TPH, 1971, Diagrams IV (1) to (4), pp 28-31 Vitality Globules are drawn into Center, broken into particles. Vitality particles are whirled round by ‘secondary forces.’ The latter are seized by appropriate ‘spokes’ and dispatched to various destinations. To Heart Chakra To Root Chakra

10 Powell A.E., The Etheric Double, TPH, 1971, Diagram XIII, p 56
Names and Functions Sahasrâra (Crown)--Continuity of Consciousness Âjnâ (Brow)--Clairvoyance Vishuddha (Throat)--Clairaudience Anâhata (Cardiac)--Understanding Leadbeater C.W., The Chakras, TPH, 1996, Plate opposite p. 19 and Table I, p. 7 Powell A.E., The Etheric Double, TPH, 1971, Diagram XIII, p 56 * “The Spleen Chakra is not indicated in the Indian books; its place is taken by a Center called the Svâdhishthâna, situated in the neighborhood of the generative organs, to which the same six petals are assigned…” (Leadbeater C.W., The Chakras, op. cit., p. 7) *Svâdhishthâna (Splenic)--Travelling Manipûra (Navel)--Feeling Mûlâdhâra (Root)--Seat of Kundalini

11 Types of Nervous System
Leadbeater C.W., The Chakras, TPH, 1996, pp Besant A., A Study in Consciousness, TPH, 1972, pp

12 Chakras and the Nervous System
Crown Chakra Chakras and the Nervous System Pineal Gland and Pituitary Body Brow Chakra 1st Cervical Carotid Plexus Pharyngeal Plexus 3rd Cervical Throat Chakra 8th Cervical Cardiac Plexus Heart Chakra SPINAL GANGLIA Splenic Plexus 8th Thoracic Solar Plexus Leadbeater C.W., The Chakras, TPH, 1996, Plate opposite p. 40, p. 41 1st Lumbar Spleen Chakra Navel Chakra 4th Sacral Coccygeal Plexus Root Chakra

13 Root Chakra (Mûlâdhâra)
Leadbeater C.W., The Chakras, TPH, 1996, Plate I, between pages 18 and 19 4 Spokes--Receives Orange, Red and some dark Purple Vitality from Spleen Chakra

14 Spleen Chakra Leadbeater C.W., The Chakras, TPH, 1996, Plate II, between pages 18 and 19 6 Spokes--Absorbs Vitality Globules from Sun and splits them into 7 different streams

15 Navel Chakra (Manipûra)
Leadbeater C.W., The Chakras, TPH, 1996, Plate III, between pages 18 and 19 10 Spokes--Receives Green Vitality from Spleen Chakra

16 Heart Chakra (Anâhata)
Leadbeater C.W., The Chakras, TPH, 1996, Plate IV, between pages 18 and 19 12 Spokes--Receives Yellow Vitality from Spleen Chakra

17 Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)
Leadbeater C.W., The Chakras, TPH, 1996, Plate V, between pages 18 and 19 16 Spokes--Receives Violet and Blue Vitality from Spleen Chakra

18 96 Spokes--Half Rose with much Yellow, half Purplish-blue
Brow Chakra (Âjnâ) Leadbeater C.W., The Chakras, TPH, 1996, Plate VI, between pages 18 and 19 96 Spokes--Half Rose with much Yellow, half Purplish-blue

19 Crown Chakra (Sahasrâra)
Leadbeater C.W., The Chakras, TPH, 1996, Frontispiece Centre 12 Spokes, Outer 960 Spokes--Receives Yellow from Heart Chakra and Violet Vitality from Throat Chakra

20 Distribution of Vitality
NAVEL ABDOMEN SAMÂNA VÂYU Excretory Organs LOWER & CENTRAL BRAIN THROAT Top of Head UDÂNA VÂYU Breath UPPERBRAIN BROW VYÂNA VÂYU NERVOUS SYSTEM BLOOD Pores SPLEEN Leadbeater C.W., The Chakras, TPH, 1996, Table IV, p. 61 Powell A.E., The Etheric Double, TPH, 1971, Diagram XI, p 51 and Diagram XII, p. 53 SEX ORGANS APÂNA VÂYU CROWN ROOT PRÂNA VÂYU BRAIN Excretory Organs HEART

21 The Health Aura (Etheric)
Excess Prâna streaming out from the pores Leadbeater C. W., Man Visible and Invisible, TPH, 1988, Plate 24, between pages 86 and 87 The Health Aura (Etheric)

22 Modification in Developed Person
Stimulates Affection BRAIN Quickens Spirituality Modification in Developed Person Intensifies Intellect From Spleen Chakra SPINAL COLUMN ROOT CHAKRA Powell A.E., The Etheric Double, TPH, 1971, Diagram V, p 37 SEX ORGANS BLOOD For heat of body

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