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Phenomenological Approaches

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1 Phenomenological Approaches

2 Social Action Remember Social Action Theory? Phenomenolgy is another ‘branch’ of social action theory. Phenomenology states that reality is produced by social actors (humans/us) subjectively interpreting and giving meaning to the world. Religion is a major device used by humans to give meaning to the social world. We look to religion for answers

3 Berger&Luckmann Wrote and researched ‘The Social Construction of Reality’. In this they state that religion is part of one’s ‘universe of meaning’ (belief system) to explain the world.

4 Plausibility Structure
Any universe of meaning needs constant legitimation, a ‘plausibility structure’ (tangible proof) to give credibility to that universe of meaning. This means that as people we need to find constant proof that what we believe is correct.

5 The universe of meaning is a ‘social construction’ (as is religion)
The universe of meaning is a ‘social construction’ (as is religion). We make our own worlds in our little minds.

6 One person’s faith is another person’s doubt or cynicism.

7 Religion is only meaningful so long as individuals give meaning to it.
Religion contributes to the consciousness of the individual.

8 Berger Again… Berger states that in the modern world, there is a plurality of belief systems and diversity of religions (especially in a multicultural society). Hence individuals are faced with a number of competing belief systems and ways of living

9 Hence it is difficult to maintain that any religion has a monopoly on the truth.
This View is similar to the postmodernist way of looking at the world & religion.

10 Berger Berger talked of the notion of ‘nomos’, meaning ‘meaningfulness’. Religion gives us ‘nomos’ or ‘meaning’ How is this different to Anomie?

11 Nomos, Anomie, Alienation
‘anomie’ (normlessness or meaninglessness). How is the idea of ‘alienation’ different to ‘nomos’

12 Malcolm Hamilton MH says that religion is a shield against the terror that ensues when the world is without order and meaning. He says that: “Religion has been one of the most effective bulwarks against anomie throughout human history”

13 Problem 1) Secularisation
Firstly, What is SECULARISATION? Now tell me how secularisation can be used to criticise what both Berger and Malcom Hamilton are saying?

14 Another Problem 2) It takes rather a Functionalist stance in seeing religion providing only positive functions promoting stability/order. It therefore ignores conflict

15 A Positive Evaluation:
As a positive evaluation, the theory can explain the motives of individual extremist religious groups (e.g. Hamas, Hizbollah) HOW EXPLAIN!?

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