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1- Short pulse neutron source

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1 1- Short pulse neutron source
Pulse length: ~ 1s Repetition rate: 50 – 60 Hz Average beam power: ~ 1.5 MW Beam energy: 1 – 8 GeV Spallation Neutron Source (ORNL) Particle type: protons or H-

2 Overview Wf = 1 GeV, If = 1.5 mA (average), then P = 1.5 MW.
H- source LEBT RFQ CCL SCL HEBT MEBT DTL Storage Ring Target 90 MeV 200 MeV 1 GeV 352.2 MHz 704.4 MHz 15 m 400 m 3 MeV Wf = 1 GeV, If = 1.5 mA (average), then P = 1.5 MW. Average ion source current estimated to be Is = mA (in order to account for transverse and longitudinal losses along the LINAC, as well as chopped portions of the beam). Repetition rate = 50 Hz, Duty Factor = 6%, then Is = mA (peak).

3 (Quads, rebuncher, chopper)
WARM PART OF THE LINAC (H-) (3 solenoids) (4-vane, 352 MHz) (Quads, rebuncher, chopper) Ion source LEBT RFQ MEBT 50 keV 50 keV 3 MeV 5 m 3 m 4 m 4 m (Álvarez, 6 tanks, 352 MHz) (4 modules, 704 MHz) DTL CCL SCL 3 MeV 90 MeV 200 MeV 40 m 60 m Normalized transverse emittances estimated to grow from 0.2 pi mm mrad (ion source) to less than 0.5 pi mm mrad (end of warm linac).

4 RFQ OUTPUT ENERGY The power loss at energies above the neutron production threshold in Cu (~2.6 MeV) is very low (ESS Bilbao RFQ design).

5 The superconducting Linac
Two kinds of cavities depending on the beam energy b = 0.6 cavities up to 400 MeV b = 0.9 cavities for energy up to 1 GeV Construction of about 10 medium beta cryomodules and 15 high beta cryomodules Use of 15 bars He system for the 70K thermal shield -> no need of LN2 = only one coolant (helium) Saclay design of a 5-cells high beta 704 MHz cavity Medium beta Saclay cavity withits helium tank and tuning system

6 Storage ring Beam rigidity: Arc section 1 GeV 8 GeV Magnetic field
Radius Circumference B = T →  = m → Circ. = 57.6 m Only dipoles! We need more space for other elements. Arc section: 90 m, Straight section: 90 m, Total circumference: 180 m Arc section Cells: 12 → Cell length: 7.5 m, Dipoles/cell: 2 → Total dipoles: 24 angle = 360/24 = 15° → dipole length = 2.4 m sector dipole Arc section - 3 FODO cells

7 FODO FODO/Doublet

8 kD = m-2 kF = m-2 FODO bx (max) = 12 m by (max) = 11 m D (max) = 3.6 m D (rms) = 1.4 m Qx = 5.29 Qy = 5.21 gtr = 3.2 g1GeV = 2.1 FODO/Doublet kD = m-2 kF = m-2 bx (max) = 45 m by (max) = 25 m D (max) = 3.4 m D (rms) = 2.7 m Qx = 3.29 Qy = 3.17 gtr = 3.3 g1GeV = 2.1

9 Parameters of the storage ring at SNS:
kD = m-2 kF = m-2 FODO/Doublet bx (max) = 24 m by (max) = 17 m D (max) = 3.8 m D (rms) = 1.4 m Qx = 6.29 Qy = 5.22 gtr = 5.1 g1GeV = 2.1 Parameters of the storage ring at SNS: bx (max) = 16 m by (max) = 28 m D (max) = 4 m Qx = 6.23 Qy = 6.20 gtr = 5.23

10 Many materials can be used: lead, tantalum, tungsten
But mercury was chosen: not damaged by radiation high atomic number, making a source of numerous neutrons liquid at room temperature -> dissipate the temperature rise better than a solid Proton beam 1 GeV: 35 Neutrons/Proton 8 GeV: 207 Neutrons/Proton

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