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MUH Music History I Vocal Music,

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1 MUH 3211 - Music History I Vocal Music, 1600-1650
9/15/2018 Chapter Eight Vocal Music, DAY 27 (6 Nov 17)

2 Claudio Monteverdi (1567-1643)
Leading figure of the era Master of two styles (prima & seconda prattica) Mantua : Secular works - madrigals & opera (!) - genre concitato Venice : Sacred music - m.d.c. of St. Mark’s - also operas (public) - numerous commissions Text, p (bio)

3 “Cruda Amarilli” (Anth I/71)
Composed by Monteverdi, c. 1600 Criticized by G. M. Artusi (1600) - L’Artusi, or the Imperfection of Modern Music Problems w/ dissonances (unprepared/harsh) Published in Fifth Book of Madrigals (1605) - prefatory letter from C. M. - “…the second practice…” (seconda prattica) - defense by Giulio Cesare Monteverdi (brother) “Cruda Amarilli” : Score & Recording

4 Concertato style Madrigals
Madrigals w/ basso continuo support “T’amo mi vita” - Anth I/72 - Monteverdi, 5th Book of Madrigals (1605) - cf. Luzasschi setting (Anth I/52) “Zefiro torna e di soave accenti” - Anth I/73 - Monteverdi, c Ground Bass, Ostinato, Ciaccona - Alternate performance (HIP instruments) “Lasciatemi qui solo” - Anth I/74 - Francesa Caccini (1618)

5 Opera Sung drama (Recitative & Aria) ….
w/ acting, dancing, costumes, scenery, etc. Origins in 16th C dramas w/ music Madrigal Comedies “First” opera? (pick one – text, p. 216) - Dafne (Florence,1598) – Peri & Rinuccini - Rappresentazione… (Rome, 1600) – Cavalieri - Euridice (Florence, 1600) – Peri & Rinuccini - Euridice (Florence, 1602) – Caccini & Rinuccini Orfeo (Mantua, 1607) – Monteverdi & Striggio

6 Monteverdi, Orfeo Mantua, 1607 Orpheus/Euridice myth
still in repertoire (!) Monody (recitative), aria, chorus, instrumental, etc. Orfeo (complete) - Act I (opening) - Act II (excerpt) – 25:45 (Anth I/77)

7 Sacred Music (early 17th C)
Prima prattica (old) - Palestrina & Zarlino - remains in use Seconda prattica (new) - Monteverdi, et al. Vespro della Beata Vergine (1610) Mixed settings of sacred texts Giovanni Gabrieli ( ), organist St. Mark’s (San Marco) “In Ecclesiis” (1590s?) Polychoral settings - multiple groups - physically separated Canzon Primi Toni (1612) Sonata pian e forte

8 San Marco (Venice) - interior

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