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EOSChub / OpenAIRE-Advance

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1 EOSChub / OpenAIRE-Advance
Architecture and Common Use Cases

2 Areas of collaboration
Governance and sustainability Outreach, Support and Training Services: integrated service provision Identify low hanging fruit for fast results Plan for first half of the projects and realign Caution to resource re-allocation 3 task forces formed to identify gaps and overlaps, and to develop synergies towards a concrete collaboration agreement (deadline: March 2018)

3 Architecture and Common Use Cases Team C

4 Scope collaboration Enlarge support for publishing research products on their own beyond the scientific article (research data, research software, experiments, research objects, etc.) in a FAIR way so as to Foster and facilitate sharing and reuse of all products of science Support reproducibility and evaluation of the scientific process Enable fully-fledged scientific reward mechanisms Enlarge the interoperability by Adopting common guidelines and APIs Integrating services To lower the barriers, to make research products more findable and accessible to enlarge the usage and re-usage with a higher scientific impact Pay special attention to and the promotion and use of data management plans

5 Areas of collaboration
Fostering best practices in support of EOSC Sharing and accessing scientific products in EOSC Towards an Open Science-oriented scientific Impact Enabling services in support of EOSC

6 1. Fostering best practices in support of EOSC
Align citation, re-use, and interlinking practices of scientific products Foster, promote, co-author existing guidelines (e.g. OpenAIRE) within EOSC-hub, Research Communities and to Thematic repositories for data and software Establish metadata formats for specific kinds of providers (publication repositories, data repositories, software repositories, and CRIS systems) Recommend exchange protocols for accessing metadata (OAI-PMH, ResourceSync, ...) Making scientific products discoverable by adopting common guidelines for metadata Make the EGI DataHub, EGI AppDB, B2SAFE compliant to guidelines Foster the adoption of machine-consumable Data Management Plan Tools EUDAT-OpenAIRE DMP tool

7 2. Sharing and Accessing Scientific Products in EOSC (1/2)
Support research communities with OS publishing tools integrated with RI services OpenAIRE Research Community Dashboard (community view over OpenAIRE catalogue) Integrate with EGI DataHub, EUDAT B2FIND, EGI AppDB, EOSC-hub Service Catalogue Improve quality of annotations via existing ontologies via the integration of B2NOTE with OpenAIRE and EOSC-hub services Promote EUDAT B2FIND as OpenAIRE Metadata Catalogue for Research Data from communities Synchronise community definitions across EOSC-hub services and OpenAIRE Promote EGI AppDB as OpenAIRE Metadata Catalogue for Software and Virtual Appliances Define a common metadata standard for describing Software and Virtual Appliances Provide seamless access from EGI compute clouds to datasets stored in data repositories (e.g. OpenAIRE Zenodo, EUDAT B2SHARE, EGI DataHub, ...)

8 2. Sharing and Accessing Scientific Products in EOSC (2/2)
Use Brokering services for scholarly communication Services in scope: OpenAIRE Brokering Services and integration with EGI DataHub, EGI AppDB, EUDAT B2FIND, B2SHARE and B2SAFE Repositories for (long tail of science) communities which are missing thematic repositories OpenAIRE Zenodo as Catch-All Repository for individual researchers EUDAT B2SHARE and EGI DataHub for community based thematic repositories

9 3. Towards an OS-oriented Scientific Impact
Standardize usage statistics to enable assessment of research impact Standardize usage statistic metrics across OpenAIRE and EOSC-hub Collaborate with RDA (e.g. Make Data Count BoF working group) Promote common guidelines to and across communities Take EC rules and GDPR regulations into account Enable the collection/aggregation of usage stats from content providers Adopt OpenAIRE and EOSC-hub services for collecting user statistics, services in scope: EGI: Accounting System, AppDB EUDAT: DPMT, B2SHARE, B2FIND, B2SAFE Adopt OpenAIRE Usage Stats Services to collect user stats for all products of science e.g. literature, datasets, software, research objects Integrating with EOSC-hub services for usage statistics/metrics This activity is crucial to enable definition of new citation/quality indexes for science and come up with Open Science-flavoured research impact.

10 3. Enabling Services in support of EOSC
Enable single sign-on across scientific services Integration of OpenAIRE and EOSC-hub AAI to provide seamless access to scientific services. Work with Geant/AARC Generation of PIDs for long-tail of science sources of scientific products Integrate EUDAT B2HANDLE service with OpenAIRE aggregation service for automatic PID generation on data sources and services without registered PIDs Sensitive Data Services Pilot OpenAIRE Amnesia Service (service for data anonymization) with EOSC- hub Sensitive Data Services

11 Outreach, engagement and support Team B

12 Scope collaboration Identify overlaps and complementarities to support Open Science in EOSC - Stronger value for OS in EOSC Plan collaboration activities and promote respective services Approach common stakeholders for support and engagement to identified stakeholders - A common language

13 Areas for collaboration
Joint events Common support and training Common communication channels Stakeholder engagement

14 1. Joint Events A common calendar
Joint events: DI4R, RDA, Project Events Templates, planning, feedback Milestone: Synergise Outreach activities Deliverables: Open Science Outreach Calendar; Common workflow for event organisation

15 2. Common Support and Training
Identify common topics and support mechanisms Helpdesk, training, workshop: RDM, Open Science, Legal Issues Internal training programme Training ‘toolkit’ Framework for ‚target groups‘ Milestone: Joint training schedule, min of 3 events in first year Deliverables: Training toolkit; External events schedule Challenge: Resourcing from running WPs, maintaining training efforts

16 3. Common Communication channels
Newsletter; Social media Press releases Website collaboration and feeds Dissemination material White papers Milestone: Establish joint communication channels Deliverables: Coordinated online presence: Website section, ‘guest box’ in newsletters, social media channels; Harmonised messages with eInfraCentral; White paper: ‘Towards EOSC, a common communication channel for infrastructures’, Challenge: Joint Branding

17 4. Stakeholder Engagement
Identify Common Stakeholders Service Promotion across Infrastructures Work jointly on Stakeholder feedback tasks (WPs) Create a Stakeholder ‘knowledge base’ Joint use cases Milestone: Common stakeholder Engagement programme Deliverables: Consultation workshop with RIs, Identify user communities Challenge: Synergy on common message for users

18 Governance Team A

19 Scope collaboration Identify common strategic goals
Look for feasibility of a future common management structure

20 Collaboration of existing management
Executive Office/ Activity Management Board Synchronize activities based on Team C & B collaborations. Ensure that key operations are aligned and transferred to respective project bodies and activities Advisory Boards Assign one or two common members (e.g. RI or funder representatives)

21 Cross-Project Common Strategic Board
Form a common, joint strategy for the participation of e-Infras in EOSC Liaise with RIs to get feedback on proposed plan Work with the EOSCpilot project (and prospective projects as they develop from WP18-19) to see how the proposed EOSC governance  structure fits the common vision Find ways on how this strategy can be applied at national level (liaise with e-IRG and other initiatives, e.g., GO-FAIR) Chart a path for the possibility and feasibility of a joint ERIC, which is comprised of different pillars that address the different/respective research phases Steer and approve joint activities as proposed from Task Forces B (Communication, engagement, training) and C (Services)

22 Joint OpenAIRE-Advance PSC and EOSC-hub PMB meetings
Joint OpenAIRE-Advance PSC and EOSC-hub PMB meeting, every 6 months, starting at PM8, on topics that are of common interest to both projects Meetings: PM8, PM14, PM20, PM26, PM32

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