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Presentation on theme: "FUNDAMENTALS OF JAVA."— Presentation transcript:


2 Compilation Unit The entire file or .java file is called Compilation Unit In Compilation Unit , we can have multiple classes. Every Java application has at least one class. At least one class has to be public.

3 Main() method There is a common signature in every Java program which is an entry point called main() method. This is where the Java program starts. This is called Starting point for a java class.

4 Class & Object Classes are the basis of objects.
Every java application has at least one class. In other words, a class can be defined as a template/blue print that describes the behaviors/states that object of its type support. Example of class: blueprint of building a car, a template or model of a building, floor.

5 Class & Object A class is can also be considered as a container which holds or stores within it self. An object can be defined as an instance of a class. Objects have states and behaviors. States are the properties or attributes in the world of Java. Behaviors are the methods or functions in the world of Java.

6 Class & Object Example : Object : Car State: color, make, model
Behavior: Drive Object :Human Beings State :name, address -- Properties/Attributes Behavior : Move, dance, work, run, shout -- Methods/Functions

7 Naming a class Name of the class is it has to start with _ (underscore), letter, $(dollar) sign . Always give some meaningful name which tells you about what your class is saying.

8 Access Modifiers public is accessed by any number of classes.
private is accessible within the class. protected is accessible within the class and all the classes within the packages.

9 More about Java Programming
Java is --Case Sensitive --Does not really care about white space. That means does not really requires indentation. --Statements always ends with semi-colon(;)

10 Comments Comments are notes or documents or keypoints about your program. Compiler ignores everything that is writen in between the slashes. Categorized as two types: Single line comments Eg: // displaying the output Multiple line comments Eg: /******************* These are my comments *********** */

11 Keywords Keywords are always constant and we can never change them.
public static void System For If …………etc

12 Java Data Types Java Data Types are of two types:
Primitive Data Types : System build datatypes which cannot be broken down. User Defined Types : Users define the data types.

13 Java Data Types Primitive Data Types are of 8 types: byte -- 8bits
short bits int – 32 bits long – 64bits float– 32 bits double – 64 bits char– 8bits boolean - 8 bits

14 Examples long ssn = L; float pi = F; int var = 123; char letter =‘a’; boolean one =true; double =1244.5;

15 Examples


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