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Lakeville North Trap Team 2017 Informational Meeting

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1 Lakeville North Trap Team 2017 Informational Meeting

2 CORE Team Head Coach  Brad Charchenko
Assistant Coach  Jeff Kellington Assistant Coach  Gregg Boeke Team Manager  Rick Crippen Communications Director  Jason Barron Squad Coach  Jay Edwards Squad Coach  Shayne Johnson Squad Coach  Roger Anderson Treasurer  Kim Sather Equipment Manager  Jimmy Walker Fundraising Coordinator  Tami Wenzel

3 Trapshooting 101 Trapshooting is a specific form of clay target shooting. Trapshooting is a game of movement, action and split-second timing. It requires consistency, accuracy and skill to repeatedly point, fire and break the 4 1/4 inch disc 36 to 40 yards away which are hurled through the air at a speed of 42 mph.

4 Trapshooting 101

5 Trapshooting 101 Singles trapshooting.
The shooter stands 16 yards away from the center of the trap house and shoots at random targets that fly at various angles in front of the shooter. Shooters are grouped into squads of five shooters. There are five positions that each shooter shoots 5 single targets from, for a total of 25 shots or one round.

6 Trapshooting 101 Score Sheet # First Name Last Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Total Kent Brockman X Nelson Muntz Moe Szylak Maude Flanders Monty Burns

7 MSHSCTL Minnesota State High School Clay Target League
The Minnesota State High School Clay Target League is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation and the independent provider of shooting sports as an extra curricular coed activity to students in grades six through twelve who have their Firearms Safety Certification. Fastest growing high school sport in the NATION!

8 MSHSCTL Numbers Year 2008 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Athletes 30 1715
4200 6100 8600 10,100 Teams 3 57 1145 185 268 292 Gun Clubs 1 32 58 106 130 160 Coaches 200 832 1800 2500 2750 Championship Athletes 5 932 1869 3948 5000 6400 Targets and Shells 800,000 1,600,000 3,000,000 5,000,000 8,000,000

9 2017 Spring Season MSHSCTL Numbers Over 12,000 Athletes 300 Teams
Over 8000 Athletes participating at the 2017 Championship with 25,000 attendees Trapshooting Championship expanded to 9 days

10 Gun Free School Violations
MSHSCTL Numbers Concussions Reported Injuries Gun Free School Violations

11 LN Trap Team We are an Independent Provider Extra Curricular Activity for School District 194. Our club is open to ALL 7th through 12th grade students that attend a school or are home schooled in the District 194 school boundary. We do NOT hold tryouts, although we may need to limit participation due to range availability and resource limitations. During the past four years, ALL that have registered have participated.

12 LN Trap Team Numbers Year 2013 2014 2015 2016 Grade 7 3 9 12 Grade 8 6
18 19 25 Grade 10 11 24 17 Grade 11 13 23 Grade 12 4 TOTAL 54 78 100 97 Male 41 63 84 81 Female 15 16

13 are anticipated to participate
LN Trap Team Numbers 2017 Spring Season Over 100 Athletes are anticipated to participate

14 Monday, January 30 Monday, February 27 Registration Dates
Registration Begins Monday, January 30 Registration Ends Monday, February 27

15 To receive the latest updates
Team Text Alerts To receive the latest updates Text LNTRAP to

16 Team Dues & Fees 2017 Spring Season Required Dues & Fees - $300
$105 Range Fees (Rounds: 12 competition + 4 practice) $130 LN Trap Team Dues $30 District 194 Fee $35 MSHSCTL Fee 2017 Estimated Equipment and Apparel Costs $55 - $100 a case of 10 boxes/250 shells $6.00 per Practice Round $$$ - Clothing


18 ZERO Tolerance NO Alcohol NO Tobacco NO Illegal Drugs


20 All LNHS academic guidelines will be followed and strictly enforced.
Academic Eligibility All LNHS academic guidelines will be followed and strictly enforced.

21 Firearms Safety OR ALL athletes must have obtained a
League Approved Firearms Safety Certificate NO LATER than Sunday, April 16, 2017 2 Certification Options MN DNR Hunter Safety Certificate OR Student Athlete Firearm Education (SAFE) Certificate

22 Firearms Safety MN DNR Hunter Safety Certificate
Designed by the MN DNR Online Course $25 Certificate $7.50 Coursework – Online or Classroom – 12 to 15 Hours Field Day – 4 Hours In-depth firearm safety HUNTING training program DNR Firearms Certification is required of anyone born after December 31, 1979 to purchase a hunting license in Minnesota

23 Firearms Safety Student Athlete Firearm Education (SAFE) Certificate
Designed by the MSHSCTL SAFE Certificate $25 Online Coursework – 6 Hours Range Certification - 2 Hours In-depth firearm safety CLAY TARGET training program SAFE Certificate is valid only for League participation and cannot be used for obtaining a hunting license.

24 Team Conduct SAFETY at ALL times! NO EXCEPTIONS!
NO firearms on school property NO ammunition on school property Spent shells NO mobile devices on the range NO foul language or rude gestures Pay attention Listen Learn Ask questions Have fun

25 Lettering Guidelines Season Average 17 or Higher 25 Straight
Team Captain 3 Years of Team Participation Top 10 in All Time Top 10 Performances (100) MSHSL Team Member or Alternate MSHSL Individual Qualifier

26 Lettering Guidelines Season Average 17 or Higher
5 Weeks of Competition (+1 Reserve Week) Athletes must hit 170 out of 250 targets to letter. Reserve week does not count as a week, unless it is used by the entire team.

27 Captains All Junior and Senior athletes that have participated at least 1 season are eligible to be a team captain. Applications open: Monday, February 6 Applications close: Monday, February 27 Captain Interviews start: Monday, March 6 Captain Interviews end: Friday, March 10 Captains Announced: Saturday, March 18

28 Equipment Shotguns Gauge: 12 or 20 Action: O/U, Semi Auto, Pump
Choke: Modified Club Guns Available for use FREE of Charge Shotshells Shotshells are to be purchased by the athlete. Light Load and Extra Light Loads Minimum of 3 cases – 30 boxes of shells for the season. 5 to 6 cases if you plan on practicing.

29 Equipment Required Optional Shotgun Shells Eye Protection
Ear Protection LNHS Team Jersey LNHS Team Shooting Vest or LNHS Shell Bag Optional LNHS Team Hat

30 Team Apparel Several NEW items available. LOWER prices on ALL items.
Sample sizes are available to try on. All clothing orders are submitted on our website. 2017 Spring clothing orders need to be completed by February 27, 2017

31 Volunteers Weekly Volunteers Seasonal Volunteers Squad Puller
Squad Scorer Seasonal Volunteers Banquet Coordinator Banquet Assistants Championship Coordinator Championship Assistants

32 2017 Fundraising Weekend fundraiser at Apple Valley Von Hanson’s.
Volunteer parents and athletes are needed each day to cook and serve.

33 2017 Season Schedule 6 Weeks of Competition
Minnesota Horse and Hunt Club MANDATORY Team/Safety Meeting Shoot 50 targets at each weekly competition Shoot the same time you are scheduled all season On time attendance is expected Arrive at least 15 minutes prior to shooting

34 2017 Season Schedule Makeup Round Policy
Competition rounds will only be scored on Sunday competition days during your designated time. ALL makeup requests MUST be submitted to the Head Coach and Team Manager before the final schedule is released. (First week in April) Please note that makeups request may not be granted due to resource and range availability. Practice rounds cannot not be used for competition. If you miss a competition week, you simply will receive a score of 0.

35 2017 Season Schedule Wednesday, January 25: Informational Meeting #1 ​Thursday, January 26: Informational Meeting #2 Monday, January 30, 2017: Spring Registration STARTS Monday, February 27, 2017: Spring Registration ENDS Saturday, March 18:  Noon to 2 PM: Team Classroom ​Saturday, March 18: 2 PM to 4 PM: New Athlete Safety Training Sunday, April 2: Team Practice - Squad Scheduled ​Sunday, April 9: Team Practice - Squad Scheduled Sunday, April 16: Competition Reserve Week ​Sunday, April 23: Competition Week 1 ​Sunday, April 30: Competition Week 2 ​Sunday, May 7: Competition Week 3 ​Sunday, May 14: Competition Week 4 ​Sunday, May 21: Competition Week 5 - TEAM BBQ Wednesday, May :00 PM: Team Banquet - HHC Saturday, June 3: Pre-State Warm Up - Prior Lake ​Sunday, June 4: Pre-State Warm Up - Prior Lake Tuesday, June 20: MSHSCTL Championship - Alexandria Saturday, June 24: MSHSL State Tournament - Prior Lake

36 2017 Practice Schedule Optional Practice Sessions
Wednesday’s at Horse and Hunt Club Athletes are responsible for paying for all of their practice rounds. Buy the round process Coaches will be in attendance most sessions, but are not guaranteed to be available. Please check the team website for the latest information on optional practice sessions.

37 Range Schedule Field #1 Field #2 Squad Sunday 1 2 3 4 5 9:30 10:15
Barron Lothrop Charchenko Crippen 11:00 Olberding Laursen Winfeldt Anderson Zimmel 11:45 Fisher Werdin McKernon Weber Luetzow 12:30 Cromer Krueger Carlson Hawkinson McLeod 1:15 Spanovich Boeke Pacheco Young 6 2:00 Fitzner Edwards Leum Walker 7 2:45 Getchman Truman Meyer Flen Arvidson 9 3:30 4:15 Wenzel Utz Hinson Field #2 Squad Sunday 1 2 3 4 5 9:30 10:15 Barron Lothrop Charchenko Crippen 11:00 Olberding Laursen Winfeldt Anderson Zimmel 11:45 Fisher Werdin McKernon Weber Luetzow 12:30 Cromer Krueger Carlson Hawkinson McLeod 1:15 Spanovich Boeke Pacheco Young 6 2:00 Fitzner Edwards Leum Walker 7 2:45 Getchman Truman Meyer Flen Arvidson 9 3:30 4:15 Wenzel Utz Hinson

38 2017 Spring Banquet Date: Wednesday, May 31, 2017 Time: 6 PM to 9 PM
Location: Minnesota Horse and Hunt Club Join your teammates and family for a night of recognition and relaxation. Letters and “Top Gun” awards Door prizes and special drawings

39 2017 Tournaments Pre-state Tournament Tune-Up June 3 and June 4, 2017
Minneapolis Gun Club Prior Lake, MN

40 2017 Tournaments The WORLD’S LARGEST shooting event!!!
MSHSCTL Championship Tournament June , 2017 Alexandria Shooting Park Alexandria, MN The WORLD’S LARGEST shooting event!!! ALL athletes are eligible and strongly encouraged to participate True team scoring system

41 2017 Tournaments MSHSCTL Championship Tournament
Tuesday, June 20, 2017 Alexandria Shooting Park Alexandria, MN Championship Tournament Classifications Level Low Avg. High Avg. Targets Varsity 19 25 100 Junior Varsity 15 18.99 Novice 14.99 75

42 2017 Tournaments MSHSL State Tournament Saturday, June 24, 2017
Minneapolis Gun Club Prior Lake, MN FIRST state high school athletic association to sanction a tournament!!! Individual Competition Top 100 athletes and ties of regular season Team Competition Top 5 athletes, plus 2 alternates Determined at Championship Tournament

43 Questions Thank you for attending. Coaches will be available to answer any questions that you may have.

44 Lakeville North Trap Team 2017 Informational Meeting

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