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Presentation on theme: "Dilemmas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dilemmas

2 How would you deal with the following situations?

3 You are given too much change in a shop

4 You see a copy of tomorrow’s maths test on the teachers desk and you are the only one in the classroom.

5 You see your friend cheating in a maths test

6 You break one of your mum’s special ornaments at home

7 You’ve been invited to two friend’s parties on the same night

8 You find £10 on the pavement

9 You lose a special present your mum or dad has given you for your birthday

10 Someone is saying unkind things about your friend behind their back

11 Your mum has left a cupboard door open and you see the bag with your birthday presents inside. They haven’t been wrapped yet

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