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T6 Higher Education Evening

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1 T6 Higher Education Evening
Nicky Meston Director of Sixth Form 22 March 2016

2 Pathway Options UCAS Apprenticeships – Industries

3 Predicted Grades AS grades are the platform for A2 year
Predicted grades for UCAS will be based very closely to AS results Within 6 UMS of the next grade boundary teaching staff may predict higher Example: AS grades C, C, D UCAS C, C, D If within 6 UMS B, B, C / C, C, C / B, C, D

4 UCAS Timeline / Process
Applications ideally sent by October half term or just after, based on how ready the statement is. Oxbridge / Russell Group by second week in October: Tutor statement Student statement being the best quality it can be The process starts in April 2016

5 UCAS Timeline / Process
Tutor Statement: Comprises of 3 subject statements which the tutor has the responsibility of blending together and making an opening an ending paragraph and adding a small personal insight Student Statement: Written by the students focussing on the subject matter of what they wish to follow at university and why. It must demonstrate wider reading and link the skills they have acquired within their subjects. One third should be dedicated to them as a person and what else they have done for example WEX, volunteering, personal interests or community work.

6 UCAS Timeline / Process
Checking Process: Tutors Sixth Form Leadership Team SLT Feedback on both statement will be given and students are advised to act on the feedback. Year 12s will write their statement over the summer term. The final deadline for statement to be submitted is Monday 4 July. Even if students are unsure about University they will all write a statement.

7 Apprenticeships – Industries
Alternative Pathway: High quality A levels Increase in apprenticeships opportunities nationally Paid opportunities Some can facilitate a degree at the same time and give confidence of a potential job / career

8 Unifrog Invested in Unifrog as a solution to support: UCAS
Statement for student and tutor will be on the Unifrog solution Apprenticeships Live data base to research national apprenticeships

9 Year 13 Criteria Three D criteria at AS to move into Year 13
Repeating the year is not an option Students need to seek alternative pathways at either a college or apprenticeship

10 Easter Revision / Time Easter Programme
An opportunity as a ‘bolt on’ for students revision. They should already have a programme planned and see Easter as time to really put in the time to make vital gains in their knowledge and practice exam questions Please Mrs Carroll if you would like to sign up. Information has already been sent via Parentmail

11 Success so far 76% applied for university
100% have had 1 or more offers 58% have had an offer from Russell Group Universities 1 offer from Cambridge 1 offer from Oxford Those who have not applied are being supported for their alternative pathways

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