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1Kyung Hee University, Korea 2Mercu Buana university

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1 1Kyung Hee University, Korea 2Mercu Buana university
Research Publication Dianta Ginting1,2 1Kyung Hee University, Korea 2Mercu Buana university February 19, 2018 Mercu Buana University

2 Research Publication




6 How to get published in high impact
Factor journal?

7 How to get published in high impact
Factor journal?





12 why Ideally : To share research finding and discoveries with the hope of improving knowledge base Practically To get funding To get promoted To get recognition For knowledge sharing and achievement

13 Good university High paper High citation Academic reputation

14 Writing research paper




18 Getting a paper published
Competition for space in journals is intense:  Cost of publication is high. Rejection rates vary:  Journal X = 50%  Journal Y= 65%  Science, Nature = 90%

19 TIPS 1. Know the journal, its editors, and submit the paper
2. Pay close attention to, spelling grammar, and punctuation 3. Make sure references are comprehensive and accurate 4. Avoid careless mistakes 5. Read and conform to “Instructions for Authors”

20 What constitutes good science?
Novel – new and not resembling something formerly known or used (can be novel but not important) Mechanistic – testing a hypothesis - determining the fundamental processes involved in or responsible for an action, reaction, or other natural phenomenon Descriptive – describes how things are but does not test how things work – hypotheses are not tested.



23 Things to consider before writing
1. Time to write the paper? - has a significant advancement been made? - is the hypothesis straightforward? - did the experiments test the hypothesis? - are the controls appropriate and sufficient? - can you describe the study in 1 or 2 minutes? - can the key message be written in 1 or 2 sentences? “Those who have the most to say usually say it with the fewest words”

24 Things to consider before writing
2. Tables and figures - must be clear and concise - should be self-explanatory 3. Read references - will help in choosing journal better insight into possible reviewers 4. Choose journal - study “instructions to authors” - think about possible reviewers - quality of journal “impact factor” 5. Tentative title and summary 6. Has considerable work been done to warrant a publication ? 7. Aim and scope of the journal. Does it go with your definition?

25 The hardest part is getting started ! Kick Start !
Writing the manuscript The hardest part is getting started ! Kick Start !

26 Types of journal Letters to the editor/Commentary
• Science and technology articles • Short communication • Technical note/case study • Original paper/research paper ! • Review Opinion, Brief notes. • paper , Book Reviews. • Monographs and Books. • STP papers, Theme papers in special issues ! • Online journal paper articles

27 Parts of an original research paper
Title Abstract and keywords Introduction Methods Results Discussion Acknowledgements References

28 Write in what order?

29 Theoretical Considerations
Sometimes you need this section ! • Build a theory or buy a theory • Give relevant formulae • Give relevant equations with symbols defined • Number them all in sequence • Discuss parameters to be evaluated • Justify your choices • This should precede your experimental details or methods section !

30 TE properties of n-type (PbTe0.93-xSe0.07Clx)(PbS)0.07
𝜎= 𝑒 2 𝑚 𝑐 ∗ 𝑚 𝑐 ∗ 𝑘 𝑏 𝑇 𝑎 𝜋 2 ℏ 3 𝜏 𝑧 𝑆= 𝑘 𝐵 𝑒 𝜏 𝑧 𝑧− 𝑧 𝑓 𝜏 𝑧 𝜅 𝑒𝑙 =𝜎𝑇 𝑘 𝐵 2 𝑒 𝜏 𝑧 𝑧 2 𝜏 𝑧 − 𝜏 𝑧 𝑧 𝜏 𝑧 2 1 𝜏 𝑏𝑢𝑙𝑘 𝑧 = 1 𝜏 𝑃𝑂 𝑧 𝜏 𝑎 𝑧 𝜏 𝑜 𝑧 𝜏 𝑣 𝑧 𝜅 𝑝ℎ = 𝑘 𝐵 2 𝜋 2 𝑣 𝑠 ℏ 𝑘 𝐵 𝑇 𝐷 𝜏 𝑝ℎ ℏ𝜔 2 𝑑 ℏ𝜔 𝜏 𝑝ℎ −1 = 𝜏 𝑈 −1 + 𝜏 𝐷 −1 𝜏 𝑈 −1 =𝑐𝑇 𝜔 2 𝜏 𝐷 −1 = 𝑛 𝑖 𝑣 𝑠 2𝜋 𝑅 2 = 3𝑥 2𝑅 𝑣 𝑠 Dianta Ginting and Jong-Soo Rhyee et al. J. Mater. Chem. A (5) (2017)

31 Materials and methods Best to begin writing when experiments lead somewhere.  Should be detailed enough so results can be reproduced by others.  Reference published methods where appropriate.  Include regulated use approval information ( like toxic substances).  Use descriptive subheadings:  Starting materials  Synthesis  Materials characterization

32 Synthesis Mixing Annealing Sintered
Pb(99.9%), Te (99.9%), Se(99.9%), S(99.9%) and Na mixing in vacuum sealed quartz Annealing Heated to 1100C for 10 hours, water quenched, ingots ware annealed at 500 C for 72 h Sintered Hand ground and hot press sintering machine under a uniaxial pressure at 40 Mpa for 1 h at 500 C under vacuum

33 Results  Images and equations with continuity can be effective
( representative descriptions)  Tables and figures must be straight forward and concise  Present main findings referring to tables/figures.  Do not repeat results in the paper but they must be repeatable (by you) and reproducible ( by others). Error bars, statistical details

34 Deformation potential at the interface
𝜀 0 4𝜋𝑒 𝑟 𝑑 2 𝑑𝑟 2 𝑟𝑉 𝑟 =𝑛 𝐸 𝐹 −𝑛 𝐸 𝐹 −𝑉 𝑟 𝜏 −1 = 𝜏 𝑏𝑢𝑙𝑘 −1 + 𝜏 𝑖 −1 𝜏 𝑖 −1 = 𝑛 𝑖 𝑣 𝜎 𝑡 𝑛 𝑖 = 3𝑥 4𝜋 𝑅 3 𝑣= 𝛿 𝑝 𝐸 𝑝 Dianta Ginting and Jong-Soo Rhyee et al. J. Mater. Chem. A (5) (2017)

35 Introduction Build case for why study is important/necessary
 Provide brief background  State hypothesis / central question or theme  Give a paragraph about what the investigation proposes to do

36 Introduction

37 Introduction

38 Discussion  First answer questions posed in introduction
 Discuss the possible mechanisms  Discuss weaknesses and discrepancies  Explain what is new without exaggerating  Do not repeat discussion or speculate too much

39 Conclusions/Summary  Conclusions  Summary  Perspectives
 Implications  Suggestions for future work

40 Conclusions/Summary

41 References  Relevant references  Be selective based on credibility
 Read the references before referring  Do not misquote  Use correct style and format for journal  Cite patents carefully, don’t misquote (IP rights)

42 Abstract  State main objective  Summarize most important results
 Critical part of the paper  State main objective  Summarize most important results  State major conclusions and significance  Avoid acronyms  Write and rewrite until flawless  Provide the right keywords for indexing

43 Abstract

44 Title  Will determine whether paper gets read
 Avoid long titles (see journal rules)  Avoid abbreviations  Title format: “The effects of heat on ice” “Heat melts ice” “The role of heat in melting ice”

45 Acknowledgements Grant funding.
People who read the paper orcontributed to discussion and/or ideas. People who gave tools e.g. Probes Technical and secretarial assistance

46 Avoid long passive voices in technical writing!
WHATEVER TENSE IS USED, BE CONSISTENT AND DON’T SWITCH BACK AND FORTH IN THE SAME PARAGRAPH !!! What you did can be in past tense but what you found out ( eternal truths ) must be in present tense ! Avoid long passive voices in technical writing!



49 REVIEWER REPORT(S): Referee: 1
Comments to the Author Recently, topological crystalline insulators (TCI) have attracted much attention due to their unique properties. In general metallic surface states of topological insulator's (TI) are protected by time-reversal symmetry, while surface states of TCI are protected by crystal mirror symmetry. Thus, crystal symmetry breaking can tune the electronic structure of TCI. Besides the physical perturbations, a chemical perturbation has been recently reported which also be able to break the local crystal mirror symmetry and improve TE performance of TCI significantly. Present works show that the weak disordering in the topological crystalline state can enhance thermoelectric performance significantly due to highly dispersive and high band degeneracy which guarantees high electrical mobility and high Seebeck coefficient, respectively. Se doping in TCI, Pb0.5Sn0.5Te perturb the mirror symmetry and opens up a bulk electronic band gap. The authors showed a high zT of 1.9 in Se doped Pb0.5Sn0.5Te. Present work demonstrates that chemistry has an important role in order to tune the electronic structure and thermoelectric properties of TCIs. This work shows the chemistry perspective of TCI and the experimental results are impressive. In view of the novelty and importance of this paper, I recommend it to be published it in JMC A. However, before the publication, minor revision is needed. The detailed comments/suggestions are as follows:

50 REVIEWER REPORT(S): Referee: 1
1. Author should plot Vegard’s Law for the confirmation of the solid solution behavior of Se doped Pb0.5Sn0.5Te samples. 2. What is the reason for superstructure formation in Se doped sample? 3. To get actual value of lattice thermal conductivity, author should extract bipolar contribution. Then it may be possible to claim the violation of Wiedemann-Franz law for small Se-doped compound. Provide more evidence for this claim. At this moment, temperature dependent lattice thermal conductivity data is wrong as the "Zero" lattice thermal conductivity is not possible. 4. Why the mobility of Se doped Pb0.5Sn0.5Te samples increases with Se concentration where as opposite trend is observed in Se doped PbTe samples? 5. Author may cite the relevant references related to this paper (Appl. Phys. Lett., 2016,  2016, 108, and J. Mater. Chem. C, 2017, 5, 5737

51 Answer Referee: 1


53 Referee: 2 Comments to the Author This paper presents the work on Pb0
Referee: 2 Comments to the Author This paper presents the work on Pb0.5Sn0.5Te1-xSex (x=0,0.05,0.1,0.2). Substitution of Se can break mirror symmetry and weaken TCI state. Electronic states are also changed by the substitution along with the change of TCI state. In details, a change of lattice parameter can be observed and this proves the formation of solid solution. HR-TEM further proves the structure and also shows nano-inclusions, which has been observed in similar systems. XAS spectra shows that the break of TCI state happens between Se=0.1 and Se=0.2. Thermoelectric properties of these compounds were also measured and Se=0.05 sample shows a very high zT=1.9 at 800K. Please consider the questions below before making the final decision.

54 Referee: 2 1. XAS spectra shows a transition between Se=0.1 and Se=0.2 while Se=0.05 has the best thermoelectric properties. Also carrier concentration shows a transition between Se=0.05 and Se=0.1. Are these consistent considering the electronic band structure change? 2. Se=0.05 has a totally different thermal conductivity from the rest samples. What is the reason? The authors list density measured by Archimedes method and heat capacity calculated by Dulong-Petit law. Can the authors also measure the density by volumetric method after hot press? If the pellet is dense, the densities by volumetric method and Archimedes method are consistent. If the pellet is not dense, Archimedes method tends to give a much higher density. Also measured heat capacity is usually higher than Dulong-Petit law at high temperatures. 3. The Lorenz number calculated from Seebeck coefficient for Se=0.1 and 0.2 samples are already very low, while calculated lattice thermal conductivity indicates this should be even lower. What is the reason? 4. The authors emphasizes that they reproduce the thermoelectric properties on the samples from the same batch. I would suggest they synthesize another batch of Se=0.05 sample and measure thermoelectric properties again to prove that it is reproducible from batch to batch. 5. Some references are missing. In the paper Reference 57 can be seen but the references ends at 52.





59 Reviewer: 1 Recommendation: Major revisions needed as noted. Comments:
In this manuscript, the authors report on enhancement of thermoelectric properties in Na-doped Pb0.6Sn0.4Te0.95-xSexS0.05. The authors synthesized and investigated Na-doped Pb0.6Sn0.4Te0.95-xSexS0.05 polycrystalline bulks using the two step melting and hot pressing. And, they found that the multiple elements doping (Na, S, and Se) is effective in enhanced thermoelectric properties of Pb0.6Sn0.4Te compounds. The authors claim that multiple elements doping, band convergence, and a nano precipitation contributed to the enhanced power factor and reduced lattice thermal conductivity. In my opinion, this manuscript should appeal to the broad readership of ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, including researchers in the field of thermoelectrics and thermal technologies. However, some issues given below should be answered and commented prior to publication. In more detail: Firstly, the authors reported that the meso-scale grains can strongly block the low-frequency phonons as well as the mid-frequency phonons having the mean free path of a few hundreds of nanometer. Therefore, it is necessary to observe the grain size of Na-doped Pb0.6Sn0.4Te0.95-xSexS0.05. Furthermore, the authors observed nano-precipitation in the matrix using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). It is a requirement to analyze the nano-precipitation in more detail and increase the quality of the TEM images. Secondly, the authors showed the carrier concentration and mobility with the Se content in Figure 7. Carrier concentration and mobility show unusual behavior at x = In order to confirm the optimized thermoelectric properties according to the Se content, it is necessary to explain the carrier concentration reduction and mobility increasing behavior at x = 0.05 composition.

60 Thirdly, the authors investigated the temperature-dependent thermal conductivity, and obtained extremely low lattice thermal conductivity. However, the manuscript lacks a thorough explanation for the temperature dependence of the lattice thermal conductivity. Hence, it is recommended to elaborate on the details of the lattice thermal conductivity. Moreover, they estimated the κlat values subtracting the electronic contribution κele (= LσT, where L is the Lorenz number) from κtot. Since the bipolar contribution exist in the high temperature region, it is necessary to predict the change in behavior of the lattice thermal conductivity considering the exclusion of the bipolar contribution from the total thermal conductivity, Finally, it is a requirement to precisely express/state the composition of the sample. An improved version of the paper is required for publication.

61 Additional Questions:
Is this paper in the top 20% of manuscripts in the field?: Yes If this paper is not in the top 20% of manuscripts in the field: It could be improved to be in the top 20% with appropriate revisions. Is it appealing to a broad audience?: Yes Does the manuscript give a complete description of the procedures that could be reproduced by others in the field?: Yes Are the literature references appropriate and up to date?: Yes Provides significant insight into or the development of an important application: Fair Work is original and significant: Fair Conclusions adequately supported by data: Fair Clarity of presentation: Good Potential for impact in materials science and engineering: Fair

62 Process of a Research Paper !


64 Conclusion

65 Conclusion



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