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a Collaborative Environment for the Astrophysics Community

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Presentation on theme: "a Collaborative Environment for the Astrophysics Community"— Presentation transcript:

1 a Collaborative Environment for the Astrophysics Community
Science Gateway: a Collaborative Environment for the Astrophysics Community Eva Sciacca National Institute for Astrophysics, Catania Astrophysical Observatory M. Bandieramonte, U. Becciani , A. Costa , M. Krokos, P. Massimino , C. Petta, C. Pistagna , S. Riggi and F. Vitello SCI-BUS is supported by the FP7 Capacities Programme under contract nr RI

2 Motivations DCIs access Science Gateway Workflow-driven application
Large astronomical data volumes pose significant challenges in terms of data analysis, storage and access. To understand, interpret and verify their intrinsic characteristics visualization plays a key role. DCIs access Users want to focus on the actual applications instead of learning and managing the required infrastructures and a collaborative environment to share visualization experiences. Science Gateway The reproduction of specific results is a challenging task as selecting suitable parameters may not be a straightforward process. Workflow-driven application

3 Outline VisIVO Science Gateway and VisIVO Mobile
Visualization and Analysis Tools Portlets and workflows Supporting Communities Muon Portal LasMOG FRANEC Work in Progress and Conclusions

4 VisIVO Science Gateway
E. Sciacca, et al. VisIVO Workflow-Oriented Science Gateway for Astrophysical Visualization. Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Processing (PDP), st Euromicro International Conference on. IEEE, 2013.

5 VisIVO Science Gateway
The VisIVO Science Gateway is designed as a workflow enabled portal that is wrapped around WS-PGRADE/gUSE providing visualization and data management services to the astrophysics community. Standard User uses Workflow developed by a “workflow developer” through an ASM. Advanced User, can develop and configure workflow. All gUse functionalities are available. P. Kacsuk et al. Ws-pgrade/guse generic dci gateway framework for a large variety of user communities, Journal of Grid Computing, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 601–630, 2012

6 VisIVO Tools
U. Becciani et al. Visivo–integrated tools and services for large-scale astrophysical visualization Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, vol. 122, no. 887, pp. 119–130, 2010

7 Visualization Navigation -- Zoom -- Palette -- Algorithms -- Data selection -- Picker op.

8 Portlets…

9 Portlets…

10 … and workflows

11 VisIVO Mobile

12 VisIVO Mobile Navigate through the data produced on the VisIVO Science Gateway: view produced images and scientific movies; Interactive 3D view of the dataset; Submit existing workflows;

13 VisIVO Mobile Navigate through the data produced on the VisIVO Science Gateway: view produced images and scientific movies; Interactive 3D view of the dataset; Submit existing workflows; Create new workflows using the graph editor

14 Architecture

15 Supporting Communities
Building large workflows from scratch to address scientific communities can be time-consuming, as it is inherently a multi-disciplinary process. Astrophysicists are less interested in the technical details for developing workflows, this is a task that is naturally associated with the developers (typically computer scientists). facilitate sharing and exchanging of workflows.

16 Muon Portal Prototype  muon track deviation
The Project: Exploring the container content searching for nuclear material (uranium, plutonium) Compute: coordinates and deviation angle that the muon track has when high-Z material element is in the path. S. Riggi et al., A large area cosmic ray detector for the inspection of hidden high-z materials inside containers in Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 409, no. 1. IOP Publishing, 2013

17 (Threshold filtering)
Dataset Processing Input Dataset Filtered Dataset (Threshold filtering) POCA Un-Filtered Dataset

18 Muon Portal Portlet

19 Muon Portal

20 LaSMoG The acceleration of the Universe is one of the most challenging problems in cosmology. In the framework of general relativity (GR), the acceleration originates from dark energy. Recently efforts have been made to construct models for modified gravity (i.e. without introducing dark energy). Large Simulation for Modified Gravity consortium G.-B. Zhao, B. Li, and K. Koyama N-body simulations for f (r) gravity using a self-adaptive particle-mesh code Physical Review D, vol. 83, no. 4, p , 2011.

21 Dataset Processing DM Model Processing DS Model Processing VΔ
Input Dataset DS Model Processing Computation Processing

22 LaSMoG Portlet

23 Dataset Processing

24 LaSMoG Results X Y Z deltaDensity 2 1 112 3 310 5 160 6 385 23 102

25 Stellar Evolution The availability of large sets of stellar evolution models spanning a wide range of stellar masses and initial chemical compositions is a necessary prerequisite for any investigation aimed at interpreting observations of stellar populations. FRANEC (Fraseati Raphson Newton Evolutionary Code) is a state- of-the-art numerical code for stellar astrophysics computing evolutions of stars on the basis of a number of different physical inputs and parameters. For a given chemical composition it is necessary to execute a large number of simulations varying the initial mass of the stellar models. A. Pietrinferni, S. Cassisi, M. Salaris, and F. Castelli A large stellar evolution database for population synthesis studies. i. scaled solar models and isochrones The Astrophysical Journal, vol. 612, no. 1, p. 168, 2008.

26 Stellar Evolution Portlet

27 Data Processing EOS Computation Opacity Computation FRANEC Simulation
Output Post-Processing

28 Stellar Evolution

29 Work In Progress Creating an Astro-Gateway Federation establishing a network of Science Gateways to benefit astrophysical specialized communities sharing tools and services for: Authentication Storage Workflow Repositories Computing Infrastructures Identity Provider Service Provider Liferay AAI

30 Work In Progress STARnet Gateway Federation

31 Conclusions Modular web applications for dataset analysis and visual discovery making effective usage of modern e- infrastructures can be instrumental in reaching out astrophysical communities and aiding them in new scientific discoveries. A workflow-oriented gateway allows scientists to share their analysis workflows and identify best practices for investigating their datasets. We envisage building a specialized repository of astrophysics workflows core modules to share them among communities using the SHIWA framework.

32 Thank you for your attention!

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