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Instructions To use this PowerPoint resource please follow these steps: The following slides can be used as a template for your presentation at ARI Day.

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Presentation on theme: "Instructions To use this PowerPoint resource please follow these steps: The following slides can be used as a template for your presentation at ARI Day."— Presentation transcript:

1 Instructions To use this PowerPoint resource please follow these steps: The following slides can be used as a template for your presentation at ARI Day Please feel free to use the slide design and content suggestions precisely, or to change them completely – the choice is yours It is recommended that you use 4 to 8 slides, but be sure to cover Problem/Opportunity, Solution, Benefits of the project, Benefits to you for participating, and Acknowledgements There are other RRC templates to choose from: they can be found here: Note that 16:9 is the optimal dimension to use Note that these slides are meant to be instructional only. The slides were developed with all types of projects in mind – if some points don’t apply to your type of project, then please ignore or adapt them to suit your needs Important notes: Please search online resources for tips on how to design and deliver an effective PowerPoint presentation. Here are some basic tips: Limit text – aim for max 6 bullets per slide and 6 words per bullet Use images, but not too many and make sure that whatever you are saying in your talk, matches with the images/text in your PPT Double and triple check for spelling errors and typos – it’s distracting and unprofessional to have errors in your presentation Avoid Jargon and acronyms and explain any technical terms so that anyone could understand Understand your audience. It will be diverse, from academic researchers and instructors, to business owners/managers and government representatives Avoid video, unless it is very short and to the point. Video takes up precious time and often fails. So if you do use video, don’t rely on it. Have fun!

2 Feel free to use a different slide layout – this is just a sample
Title slide: State your: Project name Your name and the names of any teammates Program/school name (if applicable) The Date: April 6, 2017 Consider: an image from the project, partner logo (s) and or names – i.e. who the work was done for/with, but be sure not to clutter this slide – keep it clean and simple Feel free to use a different slide layout – this is just a sample

3 Problem slide Explain the problem you were/are trying to solve, or the opportunity that your research/project addresses, i.e. what was the goal of your work? If permitted, mention the client’s name here (if you worked with a client/partner) Make sure the problem/opportunity is clearly defined, but remember you don’t have much time Present as if the audience will have no understanding of your subject matter, so keep it simple and avoid jargon and overly technical language That said, don’t spend time explaining things that the majority of the audience is very likely to understand

4 Solution slide Explain how you addressed (or are currently addressing) the problem or opportunity Share insights into project planning, execution and management Highlight the most interesting (novel) aspects of the work Share how you worked with/interacted with the client (if applicable) and dealt with any issues This is where you can get a bit technical, but be sure to explain anything that the audience may not understand

5 Benefits/Results slide
Explain how your solution benefits its stakeholders: client/partner, community, fellow students, the world at large, you, etc. Why should anyone care? If possible, demonstrate the benefit with a quote from your client/partner, your instructor, etc. If possible demonstrate the benefits with hard data

6 What you learned or how you benefitted
Explain what you learned from your project If possible, tie your lessons learned to your career/professional aspirations Were you able to apply lessons learned from the classroom in your project work? Were you exposed to a potential employer? Were you maybe even hired?

7 Acknowledgements (Thank you) slide
Thank whomever helped you do the project (if anyone) Thank the client/partner for their support (if applicable) Thank any funding organizations Use logos, where possible for the above two points This could end on this slide, in which case, you may not need to actually present it, especially if you are short on time – just leave it up while the judges ask their questions

8 Back-up slides If you have charts, graphs, images, etc. that you weren’t able to include in your presentation due to lack of time, you could build in additional slides in case the judges ask for particulars This is not at all expected, but may be helpful at your booth, and should you get selected to present to the lunch audience

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