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Limited Submissions at Harvard

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1 Limited Submissions at Harvard

2 What are they? Opportunities that restrict number of applications an institution can submit. They are internally coordinated to ensure we do not send more applications than permitted.

3 Eligibility and nomination rules vary widely.
How do I know it is an LSO? Eligibility and nomination rules vary widely. “Limited to one application per review cycle ….” (NIH example) If in doubt contact ORA

4 What is the process? Sponsor issues an opportunity
PI finds it and identifies is as an item of interest Chats with department admins Department admins reach out to …. me I coordinate with various staff and offices

5 What is a LSO Category Limited by University
Harvard University as one institution OVPR administers the internal application and selection process All applicants (University area, SPH and HMS) will apply through the HUFP Limited by University with HMS pre-selection All applicants except HMS will apply through the HUFP. HMS selection facilitated by FF HMS nominees move to the wider competition organized by OVPR Limited by DUNS Each DUNS administers its own internal selection process and consequent nomination to the sponsor

6 What is the process? Continued
Coordinate with various offices Communicate with the PI and department PI prepares and submits LSO application Applications reviewed; nominees selected & notified Nominee PI prepares full proposal to the sponsor

7 Before they are submitted to the sponsor, final application will always be approved by our office
If in doubt, ask first

8 HMS Foundation Funds Limited Submission Opportunities for Faculty and Fellows
Clare Lamont, Program Coordinator, HMS Foundation Funds Office for Academic and Clinical Affairs

9 HMS Foundation Funds Limited Submission Opportunities or LSOs: Funding opportunities from private foundations for which HMS or HU is the nominating institution. Who is eligible: Most awards are aimed at junior faculty. A few awards allow associate professors and full professors to apply. Number of awards: 25 total awards available for 2018, offered either in the fall or spring cycles. HMS and affiliates can nominate over 40 faculty. Available funding: Funding ranges from $15,000 –$1,625,000 per award. Over 6 million in funding is available for Length of funding: One to 7 years

10 Program Intent INFORMATIONAL To ensure that the community is made aware of funding opportunities through private foundations SELECTION To select the candidates most competitive for specific awards MENTORSHIP To guide potential applicants through application process and aid in preparation of a successful application. SUPPORT Support nominees throughout the application process and award period.

11 Current Timeline March 19, 2018: Application deadline for the spring cycle April – June, 2018: Subcommittee review meetings May – July, 2018: Applicants notified June – August, 2018: Nominees submit applications to the Office for the Vice Provost for Research or directly to the foundation

12 Success Rate What are the chances of receiving a nomination?
Varies for each award. For some of the more competitive awards, chances could be 1 in 30. However, some awards have very few applicants and therefore the chances of receiving a nomination for those awards are much greater. If nominated, what are the chances of receiving an award? From year to year, HMS nominees have had a success rate that has varied between 20-50%

13 LSO funding available through the Foundation Funds
2018 total available funding: $6,895,000 LSO funding Available Funding: $7,055,000 Foundation Funds nominees awarded: $2,615,000 Foundation Funds nominees success rate: 38% NOTE---MOST HAVE MINIMAL IDC ASSOCIATED (0% - 15%)

14 LSO nomination process – depends on the category
Limited by University HMS pre-selection Limited by School HMS nomination Limited by DUNS HMS nomination Limited by University Harvard University as a single institution. OVPR Administers the internal application and selection process. All applicants apply directly to the OVPR through HUFP

15 LSO nomination process – depends on the category
Limited by University HMS pre-selection Limited by School HMS nomination Limited by DUNS HMS nomination Limited by University Harvard University as a single institution. OVPR Administers the internal application and selection process but HMS preselects nominees to compete for the university nomination. This is why our deadlines are often well in advance of the deadline of the foundation.

16 LSO nomination process – depends on the category
Limited by University HMS pre-selection Limited by School HMS nomination Limited by DUNS HMS nomination Limited by University Harvard Medical School is a nominating institution. Depending on the foundation’s guidelines eligible nominees may include only quad faculty or quad faculty plus HMS faculty at the affiliated hospitals. Also, depending on the foundation, the submission may go through HMS SPA or the research administration at the nominees institution/hospital.

17 LSO nomination process – depends on the category
Limited by University HMS pre-selection Limited by School HMS nomination Limited by DUNS HMS nomination Limited by University Harvard Medical School is a nominating institution. All applications go through HSM SPA

18 How to apply for limited submission opportunities
HMS Foundation Funds: OR Harvard University Funding Portal (HUFP)

19 Search for LSOs through the Foundation Funds

20 Are you eligible?

21 Is your research project eligible?

22 If you and your research are eligible: Apply through HUFP

23 If you and your research are eligible: Apply through HUFP

24 HUFP Award Description

25 HUFP Login Page Must have Harvard Key to apply SINGLE PDF UPLAOD

26 Search for LSOs through HUFP

27 Thank You Questions?
Please contact: Clare lAMONT / Program Coordinator Harvard Medical School / Office for Academic and Clinical Affairs 25 Shattuck Street, Gordon Hall 203 / Boston, MA   office:      Ivona Jukic / Sr. Manager Office of Research Administration office:     

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