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Презентация по теме «Олимпийские игры: история, символы и не только…» Авторы: Соломаха Т.Г. и Сержантова Ж.В. учителя английского языка МБОУ.

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Presentation on theme: "Презентация по теме «Олимпийские игры: история, символы и не только…» Авторы: Соломаха Т.Г. и Сержантова Ж.В. учителя английского языка МБОУ."— Presentation transcript:

1 Презентация по теме «Олимпийские игры: история, символы и не только…» Авторы: Соломаха Т.Г. и Сержантова Ж.В. учителя английского языка МБОУ « Средняя общеобразовательная школа №4» г. Сергиев Посад

2 Деловая игра Цель: Обучение коллективной мыслительной деятельности и практической работе, формирование умений и навыков социального взаимодействия и общения, навыков индивидуального и совместного принятия решений Задачи: обеспечить овладение лексико-грамматическим минимумом для понимания профессионально-ориентированных текстов; развивать умения практического владения языка в различных видах речевой деятельности и формах речи (письменной, устной: диалогической и монологической, в аудировании и чтении); развивать культуру речи и сформировать навыки корректного отстаивания своих интересов и убеждений на английском языке.

3 The theme: The Olympic Games: history, symbols and not only…

4 The objective: to give the students the basic information about the Olympic Games, to signify the importance of Olympic Games as the symbol of peace and friendship in the world.

5 The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle. The essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well. Every sportsmen must not compete for money, but for glory and for the honor of their country.


7 The History of Olympic Games


9 The Olympic games are known as the worlds greatest international sports games. The Olympic idea means friendship and cooperation among the people of the world. The Olympic Games have a very long history. They began in 776 BC in Greece.

10 The original Olympic Games began in ancient Greece in 776 B. C
The original Olympic Games began in ancient Greece in 776 B.C. These games were part of a festival held every fourth year in honour of God Zeus at the place called Olympia. It was a great athletic festival, including competitions in wrestling, foot racing and chariot racing, rowing and others. The games were for men only. Greek women were forbidden not only to participate but also to watch the Olympics.

11 By about 650 BC, the Games were held over five days
By about 650 BC, the Games were held over five days. Sportsmen came to the Valley of Olympia from every corner of the Greek world. Sportsmen competed in running, wrestling and the pentathlon. This pentathlon, a five-event match consisted of running, wrestling, jumping, throwing the discus and throwing the javelin.

12 The games were for men only
The games were for men only. Greek women were forbidden even to attend the Olympics.

13 These games were part of a festival held every fourth year in honor of the God Zeus , at the place called Mount Olympus.

14 Greece. The Valley of Olympia

15 Olympia is located in the northwestern part of the Peloponnese peninsula. Olympic sanctuary remained the focus of Greek art up to IV BC.

16 The victors of these early games were awarded with wreaths from an olive tree that was planted by Hercules(Heracles), founder of the games.

17 At the beginning of the Games people honored their Gods by lighting the fire.

18 Under Roman rule, the Olympic Games continued to be held, but relations between the Romans and the Greeks became so bad that Emperor Theodosius abolished the Olympic Games in AD 394.

19 In 1896 the modern Olympic games were renewed
In 1896 the modern Olympic games were renewed. They took place in Greece to symbolize the continuation of the centuries-old tradition.

20 Тhe Modern Olympic Games

21 At the end of the nineteenth century a Frenchman called Baron Pierre de Coubertin decided to try to revive the Olympic Games. At that time, Europe was divided by wars. Coubertin thought that the Olympic Games could help to bring peace. He thought highly of sport. He described the Olympic spirit in the following words: "The important thing is not winning but taking part." These words are still remembered today. Coubertin believed very strongly that sportsmen must not compete for money, but for glory and for the honor of their country.

22 On the 23rd of June 1894 the International Congress of amateur sportsmen made an important decision: to revive the Olympic Games and to establish the International Olympic Committee which would be responsible for the administration of the modern Olympic Games. The first Committee consisted of 12 members. Now 82 members of the International Olympic Committee control the affairs of all member countries, which joined the Olympic movement.

23 The largest delegation was from Greece
The largest delegation was from Greece. They won 10 gold medals and set records. Since then the games are held every four years

24 The first Modern Olympic Games took place in Greece in 1896
The first Modern Olympic Games took place in Greece in Almost 300 athletes from 13 countries participated in 9different sports. The largest delegation was from Greece. They won 10 gold medals and set Olympic records. At the Moscow Games more than 5000 athletes from 80 countries competed in 21 different sports. The latest XXVII Olympic Games also took place in Greece in Athletes from 202 countries competed in 28 different sports some of which, for example, the track events in athletics are very old, while others have been added to the programme of the Games recently. For instance, taekwondo and triathlon were included into the programme of the Olympic Games in 2000 in Sydney.

25 The Olympics have changed with the times
The Olympics have changed with the times. The first events for women were held in 1900. In 2000 in Sydney, for the first time, women competed in the same number of team sports as men. Many sports have been added.

26 The Symbols of the Olympic Games
The Olympic Creed The Olympic motto The Olympic flag The Olympic mascot The Olympic flame

27 There were no official symbols of the Olympic games in ancient times, but the modern Olympics have got different symbols:

28 Olympic symbols: The Olympic flag:

29 Five interlocked rings of blue, black, red, yellow and green colours symbolize the five continents united into the Olympic movement. The blue ring symbolizes Europe, the black ring – Africa, the red ring – America, the yellow ring – Asia, the green ring – Australia.

The symbol of the Olympic Games are 5 rings, which were invented by Pierre de Coubertin. ЦВЕТА ОЛИМПИЙСКИХ КОЛЕЦ Europe Africa America Asia Australia

31 The parade of the participants has been organized since the x Olympiad at Amsterdam in All delegations parade in alphabetical order. However, Greece is always the first and the last is the host country.



34 The Olympic Hymn The Olympic Hymn, played when the Olympic Flag is raised, was composed by Spyros Samaras and the words added by Kostis Palamas. The Olympic Hymn was first played at the Olympic Games in Athens.

35 The Olympic Flame

36 the Olympic Flame The most visible symbol of the Olympic Games competition is the Olympic Flame. During the ancient Games, in Olympia, a sacred flame burned continually on the altar of the goddess Hera. The flame first appeared in the modern Olympics at the Olympic Games in Amsterdam. The flame itself represents a number of things, including purity and the endeavor for perfection.

37 The Olympic Torch In 1936, the chairman of the organizing committee for the 1936 Olympic Games, Carl Diem, suggested what is now the modern Olympic Torch relay. The Olympic flame is lit at the ancient site of Olympia by women wearing ancient-style robes and using a curved mirror and the sun. The Olympic Torch is then passed from runner to runner from the ancient site of Olympia to the Olympic stadium in the hosting city. The flame is then kept alight until the Games have concluded. The Olympic Torch relay represents a continuation from the ancient Olympic Games to the modern Olympics.

38 The Olympic Oath The Olympic Oath was written by Pierre de Coubertin for the athletes to recite at each Olympic Games. During the opening ceremony, one athlete recites the oath on behalf of all the athletes. The Oath states, "In the name of all competitors, I promise that we shall take part in these Olympic Games, respecting and abiding by the rules that govern them, in the true spirit of sportsmanship, for the glory of sport and the honor of our teams."

39 The Olympic Creed The Olympic Creed reads: "The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle. The essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well."Pierre de Coubertin got the idea for this phrase from a speech given by Bishop Ethelbert Talbot at a service for Olympic champions during the 1908 Olympic Games held in London.


41 The Olympic medals The Olympic medals are designed especially for each individual Olympic Games by the host city's organizing committee. Each medal must be at least three millimeters thick and 60 millimeters in diameter. Gold, silver and bronze medals weren't given out until the third modern Olympics in The 1912 Olympics was the last time that gold medals were solid gold.  Ever since, they've been silver with gold plating. The "gold" medals must be gilded with at least six grams of pure gold. Medals carry the name of the sport contested, the year and the number of Olympiad. 

42 mascot Every Olympic Games have a mascot, which is an animal or toy.The official mascots for the Winter Olympic Games are the Polar Bear, the Hare, the Leopard. These animals are the most popular with the Russians that’s why they have been chosen as the Olympic mascots.


44 First, mascot appeared at the 1972 Munich Olympic games
First, mascot appeared at the Munich Olympic games. It was waldi, dachshund. Mascot shows the geographical features, history and culture of the host city.

45 The raccoon-Rony is the mascot of the winter games in Lake Placid, USA, 1980
The tiger-Hodory is the mascot of the winter games in Seoul, Korea, 1988

46 The opening and the closing of the Games are very spectacular ceremonies.

47 The motto of the Olympic Games is " Citius, Altius, Fortius" that means "Faster, Higher, Stronger."

48 The Olympic Games in Russia





53 Every independent country has its own flag
Every independent country has its own flag. The national flag symbolizes the country's history , its power and value.

54 The national flag is a symbol of freedom and independence of the state
The national flag is a symbol of freedom and independence of the state. The flag of our country has three stripes. White color means purity of conscience and peace. Blue color means sky, loyalty and truth. Red color means bravery, courage and heroism.



57 In 1896, the first modern day Olympics were held in Athens, Greece.
When and where were the First Modern Day Olympics? In 1896, the first modern day Olympics were held in Athens, Greece.

58 How often are the Olympic Games held?

59 Who is this man? Pierre de Coubertin

60 What are the Olympic symbols?

61 What does every ring symbolize?

The symbol of the Olympic Games are 5 rings, which were invented by Pierre de Coubertin. ЦВЕТА ОЛИМПИЙСКИХ КОЛЕЦ Europe Africa America Asia Australia

63 When was the International Olympic Committee set up?

64 What does the motto Citius, altius, forties mean?

65 When did the Olympic Creed appear ?

66 When did the Olympic Flame appear ?

67 Should our team of athletes go to the winter Olympics in Korea under a neutral flag or not?

68 Thank you for your attention

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