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Business Education Hampshire High School.

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1 Business Education Hampshire High School

2 *** Articulated credit
Class Offerings Mr. Anderson Web Design*** Multimedia 1&2 Computer Applications*** Marketing *** Mr. Piazza Intro to Business*** Computer Design*** Business Law*** Sales & Advertising*** Mr. Beringer Keyboarding*** Personal Financial Concepts Accounting 1*** Accounting 2 Mrs. Lutes Co-op Intro to Business*** *** Articulated credit

3 Personal Finance WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE?!?!
This class covers all aspects of personal finance with the ultimate goal of becoming a millionaire by retirement Units covered include: Career exploration Budgeting Investments Stocks, bonds, mutual funds, etc… Real estate renting & buying Car buying Credit 1 semester

4 Co-op Leave halfway through school Test out a career path
If homework is work, shouldn’t you be paid? Join Co-op! Leave halfway through school Test out a career path Get paid for going to school 2 semesters

5 Introduction to business
Introduce yourself to the every day life skills needed in the business world Covers the basics in Economics, Career skills, Entrepreneurship, Finance, and Marketing 2 semesters

6 Marketing Students will learn: Develop their own marketing plan
Develop and promote their own product or service Develop critical thinking skills through analyzing marketing concepts, solving problems, making decisions, and evaluating results Use marketing concepts to become a well-educated consumer 1 semester

7 Business Law Interested in a law or business career? You will greatly benefit from this class Learn the basic laws that apply to every day life Topics include Civil and Criminal Law, Contracts, Employment Law Participate in Case Study Simulations and a Mock Trial Home 2 semesters

8 Accounting Ever thought of starting your own business?
This class will introduce students to all financial aspects of a business. Students will learn the entire accounting cycle for a sole proprietorship and a corporation. The course is wrapped up in a month long simulation project to get a real feel of the Accounting world. 2 semesters

9 Keyboarding This is a great introductory class to computers. Students will improve their speed and accuracy on the keyboard. They will also learn advanced formatting techniques in Microsoft Word and Google Docs. Students will also learn how to format documents like Business Letters, Personal Letters, MLA Reports, and memos. Home 1 semester

10 Computer Applications
Gain valuable technology skills to help you success in the REAL WORLD. Students will learn: Document formatting Microsoft Word/Google Docs Designing presentations Microsoft PowerPoint/Google Slides Spreadsheets Microsoft Excel/Google Sheets Creating databases Microsoft Access 2 semesters

11 Computer design Create, format, design, and edit a variety of letters, business cards, brochures, newsletters, and much more. Master your skills in Microsoft Office, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, and Photoshop 1 semester

12 Web Development Gain skills that can lead to a career in web development Students will learn: How to create, manage, and update websites HTML The “language” of websites Adobe Dreamweaver Create websites to use across multiple targets including browsers, devices, and tablets Adobe Flash Apply animation and movies to websites 2 semesters

13 Multimedia I Multimedia II 1 semester 1 semester Students will learn:
Adobe Photoshop Image manipulation Animation Tech4Learning Share Guided tour/Haunted house Interactive presentations Frames Digital Storytelling/Animation Audacity MP3 Recording/Editing Students will learn the following software: Audacity Create your own podcast Adobe Premiere Pro Edit, manipulate, and export your own video YoYo Games GameMaker Create and design your own game 1 semester 1 semester

14 Articulated Credit for ECC
Accounting 1 Intro to Business Business Law Web Site Construction Marketing Sales & Advertising Keyboarding Computer Concepts Computer Design College Credit @ ECC Must receive an A or B in the class to transfer

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