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Presentation on theme: "DAYAL HOSPITAL."— Presentation transcript:


2 To be a total quality care provider through men and material enrichment, dedication and motivation

3 The mission of Dayal Hospital is to provide highest quality total eye care to the people at an affordable cost.

4 LASIK (Laser Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis) REFRACTIVE SURGERY
Refractive surgery refers to a procedure that is done on a patient eye(s) to help manage or completely eliminate the need for glasses and contact lenses.

5 Types of Refractive surgery
Although there are many different types of refractive surgery, the one we will be focusing on is LASIK (Laser assisted in-situ keratomileusis) LASIK is different from most other refractive surgeries because a flap is made on the outer layer of the cornea

6 Who Qualifies for LASIK ?
LASIK procedure is a very basic form of laser eye surgery, and it is meant to treat /correct Nearsightedness ,Farsightedness and also Astigmatism So basically this means that if you have a normal vision loss without other damages (i.e. cataract) you can book an appointment with your regular optometrist to discuss LASIK

7 Myopia / Nearsightedness
Nearby objects can be seen perfectly while objects at distance appear blurry Light rays occur in front of retina The eye is too long and/or the cornea is too steep Image focuses in front of the retina Image is blurred

8 Hyperopia / Farsightedness
Can see distant object more clearly than nearby objects Light rays focus behind retina The eye is too short and/or the cornea is too flat Image focuses behind retina Image is blurred

9 Astigmatism People who suffer myopia and hyperopia can suffer astigmatism also Object both far and near appear blurry Light entering the eyeball focuses on multiple areas rather than on retina The cornea is uneven Multiple images Multiple focal points Images blurred

10 Pre –op assessment Once you’ve chosen your clinic (after research of course) you will meet with your surgeon to discuss exactly what will take place with your procedure, and a chance to ask any question you may have

11 Presenting The Most Versatile and Fastest Excimer Laser System
WaveLight Eye Q 400 ” Smooth treatment High level of comfort Excellent accuracy Proven safety WaveLight Lasik Topolyzer VARIO

12 Procedure of LASIK Surgery
AT our Centre we have a combination of all the best elements to avail the better visual outcomes for your eyes. Surgeon Skill Modern Microkeratome Laser Console WaveLight™ Germany

13 Benefits Improved vision Long lasting results No more glasses
No contacts lens Quick result Quick vision recovery

14 Post Operative Care After returning home, sleep or rest for some time
Patient can return to normal everyday activities the day after the operation Avoid touching / rubbing/ washing the operated eye/s for 2 weeks Avoid swimming for 2-4 weeks Avoid exposure to strong light or over use for long hours, wear dark glasses if you experience sensitivity to bright lights Avoid activities which may cause trauma to the eyes.

15 Post Operative Care Driving may be difficult in evenings due to fluctuations in Visual acuity. Report pain or marked blurred vision to doctor immediately. Do not use eye makeup for at least 1 week. Use prescribed eye drops to prevent infection & reduce any swelling or irritation Use prescribed lubricant eye drops to keep your eye moist & comfortable

16 Contact us for affordable Lasik procedure with Advanced Technology and Surgeon
Call us at :

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