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Genetics & Heredity Sections VIII - end.

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Presentation on theme: "Genetics & Heredity Sections VIII - end."— Presentation transcript:

1 Genetics & Heredity Sections VIII - end

2 Human Genome Project In 2003, the mapping of the human genome was considered completed at 99% given the current technology of the times Increased processes continue to develop easier sequencing and identification methods Example: 23 and me - Your personal genetic report

3 See Information in notes and the following Examples and Problems
Human Inheritance See Information in notes and the following Examples and Problems

4 Dominant/Recessive Polydactyly: Dominant PKU: Recessive
Cystic Fibrosis: Recessive

5 Some Examples of human traits on link & following slides
10 Human traits exhibiting complete dominance Some Examples of human traits on link & following slides

6 Attached Lobe Unattached Lobe
                                                        Unattached Earlobe—dominant—chromosome 21

7 Cheek Dimples                                                     Cheek Dimples Dominant---Chromosome 5

8 Widow's Peak                                                                    Widow’s peak --- dominant---chromosome 4

9 Straight Thumb is dominant---chromosome 17
Hitchhiker's Thumb Regular Thumb                          Straight Thumb is dominant---chromosome 17

10 Mid-digital Hair is dominant. Carried on chromosome 10

11 Freckles –dominant Carried on chromosome 9

12 Long Second Toe Dominant---Chromosome 20 TT or Tt
Short Second Toe Long Second Toe                                                                    Long Second Toe Dominant---Chromosome TT or Tt

13 Tongue Rolling                                                            Dominant---on chromosome RR, Rr

14 Cleft Chin                                                                  Dominant—on chromosome 16 CC, Cc

15 Incomplete Dominance Blending: Red and White flowers R=Red W=White

16 Codominance Sickle Cell Anemia AA=Normal SS=Sickle Cell disease
SA= Sickle Cell Trait (Resist Malaria)

17 Multiple Alleles Blood Type: Type A=AA, AO Type B=BB, BO Type O=OO
Type AB=AB

18 Polygenic Produced by interaction of several genes
Show wide ranges of phenotypes Example: human skin and hair color and other complex traits



21 Sex linked inheritance

22 Sex Linked Sex Chromosomes X & Y Female=XX Male=XY
Colorblindness: X linked recessive Hemophilia: Duchenne M.D. Male Baldness

23 Barr Body Barr body – inactivated X chromosome in females
Prevents cell from being “overloaded” on proteins made by X chromosome

24 Genes Genes alone do not determine phenotype. They only determine our maximum genetic potential. Environmental factors also affect appearance: nutrition, exercise, healthy practices

25 Pedigrees Notes information in your booklet

26 Karyotypes

27 Normal Karyotypes arrangement of chromosomes in pairs by size starting with the longest pair and ending with the sex chromosomes Can be used to detect genetic disorders caused by non-disjunction of chromosomes during meiosis

28 Non-disjunction

29 Normal Karyotypes

30 Karyotypes - Anomalies

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