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Enabling Learning Objective
Action: Define and analyze insurgency and counterinsurgency. Conditions: In a general classroom environment. Standards: The student will be able to define and analyze insurgency and counterinsurgency. Upon completion of the training module, the student will be evaluated and must successfully complete the module examination with 70% accuracy
Safety, Risk, Environment
Requirements “…you know” Risk Assessment LOW Environmental Considerations RECYCLE
Learning Step: Causes of Insurgency
Counterinsurgency (COIN)
Counterinsurgency = against insurgency So what is insurgency?... Security Gap--protecting against internal and external threats, and preserving sovereignty over territory Capacity Gap—infrastructure, services, health care, education, Legitimacy Gap--protect the basic rights and freedoms of its people, enforce the rule of law, and allow broad-based participation in the political process. An organized movement aimed at the overthrow of a constituted government through the use of subversion and armed conflict (JP 1-02).
COIN in Afghanistan Who are our opponents? What is their goal? How do they fight us? How do we fight them? What is our goal?
Who are Insurgents? Osama Bin Laden Ho Chi Minh Fidel Castro T.E.
Lawrence Vladimir Lenin Mao Tse Tung Who are Insurgents? William Wallace George Washington Simon Bolivar Menachem Begin Robespierre
How Do We Fix This?
What Causes Insurgency?
3 GAPS: Security Capacity Legitimacy Can we defeat an insurgency by simply destroying the insurgents? Or must we also address the causes?
Security Gap THE PEOPLE ARE THE CENTER OF GRAVITY You look down at the children and see the hope and trust and anticipation in their eyes. It puts a little more fire in your belly to do something that really matters. -MAJ Jim Gant, “One Tribe at a Time”
Security Gap
Legitimacy Gap Rights Freedoms Justice Rule of Law
The natural governance of Afghanistan is tribal. Through its councils, jirgas and shuras, tribal members have been dispensing justice and providing the means of conflict resolution for centuries. -MAJ Jim Gant, U.S. Special Forces “One Tribe at a Time” Justice Rule of Law
Capacity Gap Healthcare Education Infrastructure
How Do We Fix The Leaks? Insurgency Weak/Failing State SECURITY GAP
CAPACITY GAP Weak/Failing State LEGITIMACY GAP Insurgency
Counterinsurgency (COIN)
Successful Practices: Emphasize intelligence Focus on the population, its needs, and its security Establish and expand secure areas Isolate insurgents from the populace Conduct effective, pervasive, and continuous information operations Provide amnesty and rehabilitation for those willing to support the new government Place host-nation police in the lead with military support as soon as the security situation permits Train military forces to conduct counterinsurgency operations Embed quality advisors and special forces with host-nation forces According to FM 3-24 Counterinsurgency, Dec 2006
Counterinsurgency (COIN)
Unsuccessful Practices: Overemphasize killing and capturing the enemy rather than securing and engaging the populace Conduct large-scale operations as the norm Concentrate military forces in large bases for protection Focus special forces primarily on raiding Place low priority on assigning quality advisors to host-nation forces Build and train host-nation security forces in the U.S. military’s image Ignore peacetime government processes, including legal procedures Allow open borders, airspace, and coastlines Victory Base Complex (VBC), Iraq According to FM 3-24 Counterinsurgency, Dec 2006
4th Generation of War (4GW)
How do we defeat an insurgent enemy? Sometimes you don’t have to defeat anyone to WIN! Conflict transformation is the process of reducing the means and motivations for violent conflict while developing more viable, peaceful alternatives for the competitive pursuit of political and socioeconomic aspirations. (PLUG THE GAPS)
Check on Learning Describe the 3 Gaps that encourage insurgency.
Security Legitimacy Capacity
Learning Step: Role of Learning in Counterinsurgency
Role of Learning in COIN
The key to effective COIN is the ability to adjust better and faster than the insurgents. A cycle of adaptation usually develops between insurgents and counterinsurgents; both sides continually adapt to neutralize existing adversary advantages and develop new (usually short-lived) advantages of their own. Victory is gained through a tempo or rhythm of adaptation that is beyond the other side’s ability to achieve or sustain. Therefore, counterinsurgents should seek to gain and sustain advantages over insurgents by emphasizing learning and adaptation. Get inside your opponents decision cycle!
Fast Transient = to quickly change from one action to another; Agility
O-O-D-A Loop COL John Boyd, USAF, argued war fighters facing a tactical challenge execute a cycle of Observe-Orient-Decide-Act (OODA). Boyd argued that the speed of the cycle is critical - the more opportunities the team has to make decisions and adapt plans, the more likely they are to achieve their objectives. But what is most critical is that you must get "inside" the OODA loop cycle of the enemy - you must Observe-Orient-Decide-Act before your enemy does and stay within that cycle to maintain the tactical advantage. Fast Transient = to quickly change from one action to another; Agility
Is enhanced by Communication Decide What the Counter-move is to the Enemy’s move Orient Is Putting Your Observations Into Perspective With your Own Capabilities, Limitations, &Assumptions Act Put your decision into motion. Execution is Enhanced By Training & Rehearsals
O-O-D-A Loop Observation: I’m up to bat, count is 2-0, and I see the pitcher doesn’t raise his knee as high as he does when throwing a fast ball. Last pitch was inside. I saw his thumb on the release Orientation: Last pitch inside, this one probably outside. Visible thumb means CURVE BALL. I’ve got my heavier bat and I like them low. Decision: If its not low, let it go by. Low, Outside & Slow = Keep my Head Down & Swing Away Action: Swing Away
IDEAS!!! So we understand the Decision Cycle “OODA” Loop
And we understand that the cycles must be executed rapidly in order to gain an advantage… What is it that we need to decide? And execute rapidly? IDEAS!!!
Summary Insurgency & Counterinsurgency Gaps Conflict Transformation
Learning Rapid Decision Cycles Analysis & Synthesis
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