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Introduction: Naturally when there is a rainfall, water is pure. It means tasteless,colourless and odourless.But when it comes in contact of environment,different.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction: Naturally when there is a rainfall, water is pure. It means tasteless,colourless and odourless.But when it comes in contact of environment,different."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction: Naturally when there is a rainfall, water is pure. It means tasteless,colourless and odourless.But when it comes in contact of environment,different gases mix with it & pollution starts. When such water comes in contact of earth surface, different pollutants are added & rate of pollution increases.

2 Water is a national wealth:
Although water covers about 70% earth surface, 97% water is salty or saline water. It means non potable water. This water can not be used for even agricultural purpose also. Again 2% water is available as solid water ( non potable) & only 1% is a fresh water. Out of that .98% is ground water & .02% is surface water in the form of lakes, dams & rivers. So it has much imortance.

3 Pollutant & Pollution:
Chemical composition of water is only H & O. But our water consist of no. of non metals & non metals ( Na, K, Ca, Fe, Cu, C, Cl, F etc.) These all required by animals as well as plants in limited quantity. But when its proportion increased or decreased, acts as pollutants & phenomenon is known as pollution.

4 Drinking water Standards:
WQOs WHO ICMR BIS pH TDS 500 TH 100 300 Cl 200 250 K - 12 SO4 TA EC Na -- Fe 0.3 DO 2-5 5.0 4.0 Ca 75 Mg 30 50

5 What we have to do ? i) Recycling and reuse :
Each and every person must to start to control all type of pollution from his or her house, then and then pollution may be controlled or stopped. From house waste, degradable and non-degradable solid material must be separated. Degradable material is used as bio-compost. Non-degradable material is recycled and used which avoid economical loss and pollution.

6 ii) Municipal parties Government and different Municipal parties banned on use of polythene bags but educated peoples also force for such bags while buying fruits and dry fruits etc. Sewage water consist of excess nitrogen and phosphorous. It can be removed by effective treatment plants and used as fertilizers. Its source in sewage water is different detergents. So phosphate free detergents must be developed for domestic use. Use of phosphate in soaps by different companies must be controlled.

7 iii) Role of Farmers : Farmers in India are using excess fertilizers in the competition of extra yield. Different pesticides and herbicides also cause water pollution. This must be overcome by arranging camps and giving knowledge about use of these.

8 iv)Biomedical waste Many big hospitals in metropolitan cities are dumping their solid waste on government land which is hazardous to environment. Biomedical waste originates from hospitals, clinics, research and testing laboratories and drug companies. These include pathological and surgical wastes, experimental animals, discarded bandage, disposal of syringes, needles and surgical instruments, chemotherapy materials. Such waste must be burned by hospitals regularly. But this is not happening. Such type of systems are not in hospitals. These must be banned if not controlling pollution or permission of practice must be cancelled.

9 V) Industries Solid-liquid waste produced by industries should be collected and investigated regularly to check the pollution. At industrial sites separate treatment plant must be developed. If such treatment plant is not possible, waste material must be collected and transported to approved site. Today what is happening, pollution controlling officers are not doing their job. They are collecting money and providing to politicians. Industrial waste pollution is also reduced by separating solids and liquids before safe disposal by centrifugation or filtration or floatation. Organic substances may be removed by adsorption

10 vi) Education and training
About pollution much things are added in syllabus but it becomes only book knowdge. So training workshops must be organized by government. Vii) Grants and funding : To control the pollution a special grant must be sanctioned to particular industry, municipal parties etc. Only government is not responsible for pollution, so private funds must be collected and used for pollution control.

11 vii) Laws and regulation
Pollution control board must be strictly implement laws and regulation of pollution. Because of lose implementation of these laws, river Ganga became polluted and government of India spending thousands of corers to give the natural look to Ganga. Recently Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi visited Japan in the sense of to control the pollution of Ganga river by taking technological assistance because Japan is a developed country. Viii) Awareness and seriousness: From last few decades Supreme court of India asked to central govt., what are you doing for Ganga river pollution control ? Not much efforts made by past government but Modi government is like serious about this. Every Indian is aware about pollution but no one is serious about pollution. So every Indian must kept their needs minimum which are directly relater to all type of pollution.

12 ix) Non-Government Organizations
These agencies are working on different issues in India with government funds. So these agencies must be diverted to control the pollution with special funding. X) Engineer and pollution : Engineers working hardly to give best and chief life to human. These are the wheels of India but they must develop such machineries which cause minimum pollution to environment.

13 Conclusion Water and solid waste pollution control must be started from our home. Different municipal parties, engineers, Doctors, social workers, teachers ,farmers, industrialist may control pollution and finally law and order. Thanks

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