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Campus, City & State Regulations
Student Centers Administration coordinates the process for obtaining the proper city and state permits for special events held on the University of Hartford campus, in consultation with the Department of Facilities and Public Safety. SCA also reviews and alerts Facilities and Public Safety to need of any inspections or regulatory concerns from special event activity on campus. The need / request for most permits and inspections need to take place at least 40 days in advance of the event. We also work with various municipal and state agencies, along with the aforementioned University departments on mandated inspections as well
Regulating Municipal Agencies
City of Hartford, Fire Marshall City of Hartford, Licenses & Inspection Division City of Hartford, Department of Health & Human Services (860) 260 Constitution Plaza, Hartford, CT 06103 Permits & Inspections of Buildings, Generators & Temporary Structures (860) 131 Coventry Street, Hartford, CT Permits & Inspections of Temporary Food Service Licenses (800) 253 High Street, Hartford, CT 06103 Regulation & Permit of Outdoor Events Related to Emergency, Fire Protection, Booth placement & Hazardous Conditions department-divisions/fire-marshal-s- office to arrange an inspection
Municipal Fire Marshal’s Special Event Requirements
Pursuant to the Connecticut State Fire Safety and Fire Prevention Codes and locally adopted ordinances, the following requirements shall be adhered to for all special events within the City of Hartford: The Fire Marshal shall regulate all outdoor events such as carnivals and fairs as it pertains to access for emergency vehicles; access to fire protection equipment; placement of stands, concession booths, and exhibits; and the control of hazardous conditions dangerous to life and property. Payment of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for a Special Events Permit Fee must be made directly to the Fire Marshal’s Office (Public Safety Complex – 253 High Street) prior to approval The Sponsoring Organization is responsible for submitting detailed site drawings no later than thirty (30) days prior to the event. Plans shall include placement of all tents, fencing or other barriers, food vendors, cooking areas, generators, and any other fueled equipment. Unobstructed access paths for fire and emergency vehicles shall be maintained on roads or other paved surfaces to a clear width of twenty feet (20’), and vertical clearance not less than thirteen feet, six inches (13’ 6”) Where necessary for public safety, the Fire Marshal may order a life safety evaluation and/or standby fire personnel to be paid for by the Sponsoring Organization Pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes Section (b) (1), a compliance check shall be completed by the local Fire Marshal when special events involve, fireworks or special effects.
Regulating State Agencies
Connecticut State Police, Fire & Explosion Investigation Unit State of Connecticut, Office of Consumer Protection (860) 269 Maxim Road, Hartford, CT 06114 Permissions for Fireworks & Pyrotechnics esppNav_GID=2078 (800) 450 Columbus Blvd, Hartford, CT 06103 Permits & Inspections for Carnivals, Circuses, Amusement Rides or Devices State of Connecticut, Department of Emergency Services & Public Protection State of Connecticut, Office of the State Fire Marshall 1111 Country Club Road, Middletown, CT Attn. Special Licensing Unit Licensing & Permits for Explosives, Fireworks, Sky Lanterns & Special Effects (860) 450 Columbus Blvd., Hartford, CT 06103 Permits & Inspections of Stages, Tents & Generator Inspection 9&q=530894&dcsNav=|
Amusement All amusement rides and devices in the state shall be inspected at least once in each calendar year, and as often as the Commissioner of Consumer Protection directs. The commissioner shall approve one or more qualified inspectors or civil engineers familiar with the construction and use of gravity and other amusement rides and devices to conduct such inspections. Such inspectors shall be certified to perform such inspections by a nationally recognized professional or trade association of amusement ride safety officials approved by the commissioner A reasonable fee for such inspection, to be determined by the commissioner, shall be paid to such inspector or engineer by the owner, lessee or operator of such ride or device No amusement ride or device used for the carrying of passengers shall be operated in the state unless the same has been inspected by such an inspector or engineer and the inspector or engineer has certified to the commissioner that, in such inspector’s or engineer’s judgment, the same is reasonably safe for public use Any person aggrieved by the refusal of such inspector or engineer to grant such certificate of safety shall have the right of appeal to the commissioner, who may, after due hearing, if he is of the opinion that such ride or device is safe for public use, issue a license therefor. Upon receipt of such certificate, if the applicant has complied with the provisions of sections to a, inclusive, a license shall be issued by the commissioner, and the commissioner may issue temporary licenses to operate such rides or devices pending inspection or final hearing upon the application when, in the commissioner’s judgment, fairness and equity require it
Applications For Amusement Park Ride Licenses
Checks or money orders $ for each ride or applicable renewal notice must accompany an application payable to “Treasurer, State of Connecticut.” All licenses expire annually on December 31st Include the completed Proof of Financial Responsibility Form from the Department of Insurance Return completed application(s) along with the Proof of Financial Responsibility Form(s) and the applicable fee(s) to the above address the Department of Consumer Protection at least ten (10) days prior to the opening of your rides for the current year All Park/Ride Inspections will be conducted by the Department of Emergency Services & Public Protection
Applications For Carnivals & Circuses
A fee of $ for each application must be made payable to “Treasurer, State of Connecticut.” A completed Proof of Financial Responsibility Form from the Department of Insurance must be included with this application: All licenses expire annually on December 31st Include the completed Proof of Financial Responsibility Form from the Department of Insurance Submit a “per Event” or “Seasonal” form to the State of Connecticut, Department of Insurance If the amusement has submitted a Proof of Financial Responsibility form within a year of the event within the city of Hartford, as long as the proof is still on file, this step may be skipped If the circus uses a big top / tent, attach the tent’s certificate of flame resistance to your materials Completed applications must be submitted to the Department of Consumer Protection at least ten (10) days prior to the event. All inspections will be conducted by the Department of Emergency Services & Public Protection (DESPP).
Application For Fireworks Permit
Fireworks may only be handled on-campus by trained pyrotechnic technicians for use of approved special event activity ONLY "Fireworks" means and includes any combustible or explosive composition, or any substance or combination of substances or article prepared for the purpose of producing a visible or an audible effect by combustion, explosion, deflagration or detonation, and includes blank cartridges, toy pistols, toy cannons, toy canes or toy guns in which explosives are used, the type of balloons which require fire underneath to propel the same, firecrackers, torpedoes, skyrockets, Roman candles, Daygobombs, and any fireworks containing any explosive or flammable compound, or any tablets or other device containing any explosive substance, except that the term "fireworks" shall not include sparklers and fountains and toy pistols, toy canes, toy guns or other devices in which paper caps manufactured in accordance with the regulations of the United States Interstate Commerce Commission or its successor agency for packing and shipping of toy paper caps are used and toy pistol paper caps manufactured as provided therein Application (designating the use of fireworks or special effects) and Proof of Financial Responsibility Form, DPS-884-C, must be completed and submitted to the Special Licensing and Firearms Unit (SLFU), at least fifteen (15) days prior to the date of the display For Fireworks displays, please submit a diagram of the display site indicating the discharge site, location of the spectator viewing area(s), buildings, highways, nearby utilities, trees and any overhead obstructions, compass heading indicating north, the date the diagram was produced and who produced the diagram The fee of $ is payable to the “Treasurer, State of Connecticut”, via the Special Licensing & Firearms Unit
Application For Special Effects Permits
For the purpose of the Special Events Operations Plan, Special Effects are considered with Fireworks Special Effects means any article containing pyrotechnic composition manufactured and assembled, designed, or discharged in connection with television, theater, or motion picture productions, which may or may not be presented before live audiences. The definition of special effects may also encompass other articles containing any pyrotechnic used for education, recreation or entertainment purposes, which may or may not be presented before live audiences, indoors or outdoors. Application (designating the use of fireworks or special effects) and Proof of Financial Responsibility Form, DPS-884-C, must be completed and submitted to the Special Licensing and Firearms Unit (SLFU), at least fifteen (15) days prior to the date of the display. For SPECIAL EFFECTS displays, please submit a diagram of the display site indicating the location and type of devices to be used, location of the audience, a list of all special effects and type of detonation mechanism(s) to be used. Also, include distances and measurements of the display area including audience location as well as between the effects and equipment/fixtures used. The fee of $ is payable to the “Treasurer, State of Connecticut”, via the Special Licensing & Firearms Unit
Application For Food (Temporary) Permits
A “temporary “food service permit is needed for any operation that offers food to the public at a fixed location for no more than 14 consecutive days, such as a carnival, public exhibition, festival, celebration, fair, and a transitory gathering The Sponsoring Organization must submit a Temporary Food Service Event Coordinator's Application 30 days prior to the opening of the event to the City of Hartford’s Health & Human Services Department Environmental Health Division. The application should also include: A map/diagram of the event A list of food vendors The Event Coordinator or his/her designee will then be held responsible for collecting from each food vendor, a TFE Food Permit Application and a payment of $75.00 (non-profit $25) submitted no less than 15 days prior to the opening of the event to H.H.S.D.E.H.D. Applications received between days prior to the event will be charged $125. Applications received less than 5 days prior to the day of the event will be levied $150. An EHS sanitarian will review the TFE Food Permit Application with the vendor over the phone or in the office before approval of the application. An inspection of your food booth by E.H.S. may be required
Building & Temporary Structures
For Portable , Pre-Fabricated, Temporary or Sitebuilt Structures such as large staging, bleachers, platforms, pedestrian bridges, structures, etc. Tents will be covered in another portion of this guide The local Fire Marshal’s office and the Office of Licenses & Inspections may require an inspection of staging based on the height, overall size, and anticipated weight to be put on the stage As a part of the building permit process, issues such as structural safety due to vertical or lateral earthquake/wind loads, as well as requirements for accessibility by disabled persons will be reviewed for compliance with the State of Connecticut’s Building Code. Your event cannot occupy regulated structures without a final inspection of construction approved under a building permit. Architectural plans may be required to show the layout of various uses and the construction of building elements such as stairways, ramps, wheelchair lifts, guards, doors, etc. as well as proposed uses for each regulated structure. Structural plans will be required to show how the proposed uses will be supported above ground and how elevated structures will resist lateral wind and earthquake forces. Structural calculations will be required to demonstrate the structural adequacy of proposed construction. When a Building Permit is required for temporary construction, a registered design professional to prepare plans showing compliance with building standards in with the State of Connecticut’s Building Code. Structural plans and structural calculations shall bear the stamp and signature of a registered design professional such as Connecticut licensed architect, or a Connecticut registered civil engineer or registered structural engineer. The permit process from the point of initial submittal to the point of permit issuance and approval to construct can take from 4 to 8 weeks for special events.
Generators The City of Hartford’s Fire Marshal’s office and the Office of Licenses & Inspections may require an inspection of generators when they are utilized. Student Centers Administration in cooperation with the Electrician’s shop of the Department of Facilities will make this determination Generators shall be isolated from contact with the public by a physical enclosure Generators shall be separated a minimum of five (5) ft. from any tent or membrane structure No refueling of the generator shall be conducted when it is in use Storage of additional fuel on-site is not permitted A minimum of one (1) portable fire extinguisher with a rating of not less than 2.5 lb ABC shall be provided The installation and distribution of all electrical power used to support your special event should be completed by one of the University’s licensed electricians. The use of a generator may require a University electrician to be on-site throughout your special event A generator provided by a vendor for an event must be inspected by a University electrician to ensure there are no safety hazards An electrical permit may be required for certain events, which will be indicated by the Facilities Department. The Fire Marshal may inspect power distribution safety at your special event and may require onsite modifications.
Tents Tents in excess of 200 ft.
Require a permit from the City of Hartford’s Fire Marshal’s inspection issued from a successful inspection Fees: $25.00 for the first tent & $5.00 for each additional tent (check only) made payable to the Fire Marshal’s office, prior to the event Tents & pop up canopy style tents 10’x10’ & above These tents require a permit from the City of Hartford’s Office of Licenses & Inspection $25.26 fee per $1,000 construction cost (via check or credit/debit card) $25 for the first tent & $5.00 for each additional tent (check only) Tents used for cooking Must be flame resistant, with a affixed label meeting NFPA 701 or CPAI 84 With fuel burning equipment designed to be vented shall be vented to the outside air & equipped with spark arresters where required. Vents or flues shall be separated from the tent or any membrane structure by not less than 12 inches / 1 ft. With LP-gas containers (propane tanks) shall be separated from any tent by not less than ten’ (10 feet; safety release valves shall be pointed away from the tent) and must also be secured. Heating and/or cooking equipment shall be listed and installed as specified in the International Mechanical Code and the International Fuel Gas Code, and shall be separated by not less than ten (10) feet from exits or combustible materials Shall be separated from non-cooking tents by a minimum of twenty (20) feet. Combustible vegetation shall be removed within thirty (30) feet of any tent. All Tents Tents must have clearly marked, unobstructed exits Must be “No Smoking” (“No Smoking signs must be posted in all tents erected for public occupancy ) Tents must be weighted down at all four corners and cannot be staked. Water Barrels are preferred
Food Truck & Picnic Equipment Considerations
Use of any cooking equipment used within University outdoor locations is subject to the inspection and approval of University Departments of Facilities & Public Safety Propane tanks shall be limited to one (1) cylinder per appliance and one (1) spare cylinder per appliance Cylinders shall be secured in the upright position and protected from damage. Equipment shall be listed and installed per manufacturer’s instructions and as specified in the International Mechanical Code and the International Fuel Gas Code. Charcoal cooking is permissible, provided site approval is granted by University of Hartford Public Safety following an inspection and where these provisions are met: Metal container with lid to place ashes and coals in for removal from site 5 gallon bucket of water or 2 ½ gallon pressurized water extinguisher
Food Truck & Picnic Equipment Considerations
A minimum of one portable fire extinguisher with a rating of not less than 2- A:10-B:C must be provided. One Class K portable fire extinguisher must be provided near any deep fat frying operation. Outdoor cooking that produces sparks or grease-laden vapors (including, but not limited to deep fat frying and the cooking of raw meat) shall not be performed within twenty (20) feet of any tent. Hibachis, grills, and other similar devices used for cooking must be separated by a minimum of twenty (20) feet from any tent, and ten (10) feet from any building or other structure; separation of three (3) feet from the public must be achieved by a physical barrier in all areas subject to foot traffic.
Contact Us With Questions
Student Centers Leadership Team Charles Amerson Director of Student Centers Gengras Student Union, Room 205 Phone: Fallon Roberson-Roby Business and Scheduling Services Administrator Gengras Student Union, Room 205 Phone: Matthew Matarese Coordinator Gengras Student Union, Room 205 Phone: Marissa Theriault Coordinator Gengras Student Union, Room 205 Phone:
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