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Social Impact Bond Switzerland (Caton of Berne) Marc Baumann Lawyer, Notary, MBA, EMBA CEO Invethos Ltd.

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Presentation on theme: "Social Impact Bond Switzerland (Caton of Berne) Marc Baumann Lawyer, Notary, MBA, EMBA CEO Invethos Ltd."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Impact Bond Switzerland (Caton of Berne) Marc Baumann Lawyer, Notary, MBA, EMBA CEO Invethos Ltd.

2 Basic Structure and Transaction

3 Target group and goals Target group and the social problem to be solved The target groups of the SIB are temporarily admitted immigrants and refugees in the canton of Berne. The employment rates of theses groups are between 10% and 20%. Goals Sustainable, long term integration into the labor market, triggering social inclusion of immigrants in the Canton of Berne. Criteria for measurement were defined as follows: Minimum number of participants in the program Employment on a permanent basis (with and without training surcharge) at a level of 50% Rate of termination of employment contracts Completion of training/degree Service provider The NGO Caritas has been mandated within the framework of a service level agreement to conduct a project on professional integration for five years. Caritas can draw on the funds of the SIB for the realization of the project.

4 Implementation of a “bond model”….
State Target Group 4 3 Goal- measurement The government or another social organization takes a loan. The repayment of the loan and the interest depend on the degree a social problem could be solved. Typically the loan is guaranteed or has a floor. On the other hand the returns are capped. 2 3 finances 5 Performance contract Solves social problem 1 Interest Premium if targets are met Investor Social Institution Loss limited Malus when goals are not reached 5

5 …..instead of an “equity model”
State Target Group 3 3 Goal- measurement The government or another social organization offers a premium for solving a social problem. The premium is calculated on the basis of savings if the social problem is solved. The premium depends on the degree the targets are met. This means that potentially the whole premium can be lost. Premium when social problem is solved 2 4 Solves social problem Gain Investor (Fund) Social Institution Loss un-limited Financing 1 Malus when goals are not reached 4

6 Structure of the SIB of the Canton of Berne
Private Investors more intuitive solution, but not possible in the current setting 1 Loan Loan Performance - related State Social Impact Bond Ltd. 1 Service level agreement with financial bonus and malus Social Institution Target Group Evaluation Reporting Evaluation Reporting Reporting & Support Reporting Scientific Advisory Board Evaluation Board

7 Characteristics of the SIB Switzerland
Bond Model The SIB is a loan where the repayment and the interest depend on the question how a specific social problem could be solved. Benchmark The target achievement is measured against a predefined benchmark. Bonus – Malus – System A bonus and malus – system is implemented for the investor and for the social institution. In the case of success the investors and the social institution will get a bonus. In the case of missing the goals the investors will loose a part of their money and the social institution has to pay back part of the money received by the state. One reason to implement a bonus – malus system also for the social institution was the reversion of incentives in the social sector. Pre-financing state activities Another effect is the pre-financing by the private sector (not very actual due to negative interest rates).

8 Characteristics of the SIB Switzerland
Performance measurement Higher priority to goal achievement than to process fulfillment Create a data basis Creating a data basis that makes goal achievement possible. Make comparability possible Make social institutions more comparable as far as their ability of goal achievement is concerned. Reverse financial incentives and challenge thinking patterns The financial pattern challenges social institution to think differently. Public statement The bonus and malus components are a public statement for a provident handling of public money. Public Private Partnership The SIB is a way of cooperation that includes private and public stakeholders to solve a specific social problem.

9 Goal Measurement and Challenges

10 Goals and measurement of target achievement
Relative goals Absolute goals Low employability Medium employability High employability Secondary school education Lower target scores for: permanent employ-ment (>50% - < 50%) termination training surcharge/perma-nent employment Higher target scores for: permanent employ-ment (>50% - < 50%) termination training surcharge/perma-nent employment Number of trainings/degrees x compensation Benchmark-related goal achievement Success rate

11 Financial Structure Payout service provider Payout investor
Relative goals Effective labor market inclusion vs Benchmark External steering inputs Reduction of target values in case of deviation from target values Unemployment (macro criterion) Absolute goals Education 100% = 0.25% p.a. 0.50%/degree Success rate Payout service provider Payout investor CAP CAP 101.50% 105.00% FLOOR 98.50% 95.10% FLOOR Rate of target achievement Rate of target achievement

12 Challenges on the way to the first SIB in Switzerland
Idea and approach The idea was to solve a social problem by creating some sort of public private partnership structure. The initiative started in the private sector and the project was launched by Invethos AG and Focus Berne - an association of entrepreneurs in the Canton of Berne. The first idea was to have a different target group and a different structure, but the political discussion dominated the agenda and the choice of the final target group. Obstacles Benchmark data are scarce or fragmented The proposed equity – premium model was not well perceived The introduction of target success rates were perceived as criticism by the social institutions The idea of measurement was perceived as “introducing capitalism” into the social world Finding investors was not easy Compromises As a consequence a lot of compromises had to be made, for example on the target group, the levels of possible gains, the levels of bonusses and maluses of the social institution and the comparison group.

13 What is needed to make it sustainable and scalable

14 Gaps in the social system
Learnings – how the SIB is perceived as new instrument for solving social problems Social Institution Politics Govt. / Adm. Private Sector PPP Inclusion of private partners into social problem solving Investment Investment with possible gains and losses Trial & Error Try out new methods of problem solving Gaps in the social system Are there gaps in the social security system to be closed by SIB’s?

15 What it takes to make SIB’s more sustainable and scalable
Benchmark Longer term benchmark data are needed, the data need to be more standardized or at least made comparable. Ideally the costs of a social case / non inclusion could be quantified. Equity Model The equity model is easier to implement, is more problem solving driven and has a higher incentive for investors and the government / NGO. If the costs of a social case / non inclusion is quantified, the government could (publicly) offer a premium for problem solving. Inclusion PPPN The inclusion of private investors, private entrepreneurs and the public sector / NGO is important for a success. Pooling Projects and assets could be pooled to reach the critical size in projects and or assets. A certain standardization is required.

16 Contact Marc Baumann Lawyer, Notary, MBA, EMBA Invethos AG
Schwanengasse 11 PO Box 428 3000 Bern 7 Switzerland

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