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Ch. 4 Tissue: The Living Fabric

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1 Ch. 4 Tissue: The Living Fabric

2 Items Students Need To Look Up Prior To Class
Definition of Cells and Tissues What the 4 types of human tissues are Epithelial Tissues: general location, Cell Density, difference between apical and basal surface of cells, what avascular means, how often they do mitosis, how they are classified by number of layers and cell shape Basic Functions of Simple Epithelial Tissues: Simple Squamous, Simple Cuboidal, Simple Columnar, and Psuedostratified Ciliated Columnar Basic Functions of Stratified Epithelium– keratinized and non-keratinized, and transitional epithelium

3 I. Introduction *A. Cells = *B. Tissues =

4 Stained Tissues for Microscopy
*C. Four primary types: Stained Tissues for Microscopy Fixed Cut Stained Artifacts

5 II. Epithelial Tissues B. Characteristics Boundaries: Glands Matrix
*A. General Locations Boundaries: Glands B. Characteristics *1. Cell Density Matrix *2. Cell Polarity: Apical surface Basal surface 3. Basal Lamina & Basement membrane: 4. Connective Tissue Below Apical Surfaces Basal Surface Lab Clue: no spaces between cells

6 Stratified cell shape of top layer
B. Characteristics … *5. Avascular *6. Mitosis *C. Classification of Epithelium Layers Simple: Stratified: 2. Shape of Cells Squamous Cuboidal Columnar Stratified cell shape of top layer Figure 3.17a

7 Classification of Epithelia … Simple or Stratified?

8 D. SPECIFIC TYPES 1. Simple Squamous Epithelia –. - Locations
D. SPECIFIC TYPES Simple Squamous Epithelia – - Locations *- Functions Alveoli of Lungs SPECIAL TYPES Endothelium – inner covering of heart, lymph, and blood vessels Mesothelium – epithelium of serous membranes Figure 3.18a

9 Simple Squamous Epithelium in the Kidney Glomeruli
Glomeruli of Kidneys

10 Kidney Tubules- no microvilli
2. Simple Cuboidal Epithelia - Locations *- Functions - Special Structures - microvilli Central nucleus Microvilli

11 Sweat Gland– made of cuboid /columnar epithelia

12 3. Simple Columnar Epithelia – - Locations: -
3. Simple Columnar Epithelia – - Locations: - *Functions: - Special Structures - Goblet cells, Microvilli, and Cilia Microvilli

13 Simple Columnar in Small Intestine Lining (showing Microvilli & Goblet Cell)
Goblet Cell w/ mucus

14 4. Pseudostratified Columnar Epithelia – - Locations - Structure
4. Pseudostratified Columnar Epithelia – - Locations - Structure *- Functions - Special Structures: cilia & goblet cells

15 Pseudostratified ciliated columnar inside trachea
Goblet Cells

16 5. Stratified Squamous Epithelia - Types: keratinized and non-keratinized - Location *- Function - Basal Cells - Top cells Non-keratinized (Non-keratinized)

17 Keratinized Stratified Squamous Epithelium

18 6. Transitional Epithelia - Structure - Cell Shape - Locations
6. Transitional Epithelia - Structure - Cell Shape - Locations *- Functions

19 7. Stratified cuboidal and columnar epithelia
RARE Stratified cuboidal Stratified columnar

20 E. Glandular Epithelium: gland =
1. Major Type of Gland Endocrine gland Exocrine gland

21 E. Glandular Epithelium …
2. Exocrine Gland Classification: # cells a) Number of Cells Unicellular Goblet Cells & Mucus Cells Multicellular Goblet Cell Multicellular Gland

22 E. Glandular Epithelium …
b) Multicellular by complexity Simple Compound: c) Complexity of Secretory Portion d) Classification by what is secreted: Mucous Sweat, Oil Salivary glands E. Glandular Epithelium …

23 e) Modes of Secretion Merocrine Mechanism: Types/Locations Apocrine Mechanism Holocrine

24 END

25 Review Question 4. Epithelium tissue with multiple layers of flat cells are known as __________________________ . If the cells attached to the basal membrane are cuboidal but the cells on the apical surface are flat, the tissue is called _________________________ .

26 Review Questions 5a. List 2 functions of simple squamous epithelium. 5b. List 1 function of stratified squamous epithelium.

27 Review Questions 1a.What are the 6 major functions of epithelial tissues? Do all epithelial tissues carry out all of these functions? 1b.What type of ET is shown here?

28 Review Question 2. Fully describe the gland below: endocrine or exocrine? Simple or compound? Merocrine or Holocrine?

29 F. Embryonic Origin of Tissues
Ectoderm Mesoderm Endoderm

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