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Presentation on theme: "MINERALISATION BEYOND INFERRED RESOURCES"— Presentation transcript:

ROGER DIXON South African Representative Committee for Mineral Reserves International Reporting Standards I chose the topic as I think it demonstrates the synergies between UNFC 2009 and the Crirsco International Reporting Template It demonstrates how mineralised Inventory can be managed by use of UNFC.

South African Representative, CRIRSCO

3 UNFC 2009 Generic classification system applicable to Fossil Energy and Mineral Resources and Nuclear fuels Provides a single framework on which to build international energy and mineral studies Allows for non-economic mineralisation Soon to be applicable to renewable energy Important tool for harmonized generic terminology at a level suitable for global communication Solar, wind Bio energy Hydro

4 UNFC – 2009 Generic, Principle based 3 Axis Economic, Social
Feasibility, Project status Geological Numerical code Commercial Projects Potentially commercial projects Non commercial projects Exploration projects Additional quantities in place Other quantities in place Extracted quantities Applied directly or as harmonizing tool

5 CRIRSCO - Principle Objective
To promote best practice in the international public reporting of Mineral Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves. CRIRSCO is an international advisory body without legal authority, relying on its constituent members to ensure regulatory and disciplinary oversight at a national level. It recognises the truly global nature of the minerals industry and the agreed need for international consensus on reporting standards. Public Reporting Reporting standards Beijing to Bogota

6 10 CRIRSCO Members Australasia: JORC Brazil: CBRR Guide Canada: CIM Chile: COMISIÓN MINERA DE CHILE Europe : PERC Kazakhstan KAZRC Mongolia MRC Russia NAEN South Africa: SAMREC United States: SME Guide 10 members Ongoing dialogue with China, Turkey, Indonesia, India, Phillipines and Columbia

7 CRIRSCO Engagement United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) -1999 Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) -2004 International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Member of EGRC The Bureau The TAG

8 Mineral Resource A Mineral Resource is a concentration or occurrence of solid material of economic interest in or on the Earth’s crust in such form, grade or quality and quantity that there are reasonable prospects for eventual economic extraction. The location, quantity, grade or quality, continuity and other geological characteristics of a Mineral Resource are known, estimated or interpreted from specific geological evidence and knowledge, including sampling. So even a the stage of declaring a resource the competent Person has to make a preliminary assessment of the technical and economic factors to ascertain whether there are reasonable prospects for eventual economic extraction

9 Mineralised Inventory
Strategic planning at country or global level Corporate mineral inventory management - exploration target definition - development options - purchase price accounting - capital allocation World bank or International Energy agency Planning infrastructure Setting minerals and fiscal policy Valuation of mineral properties.

10 Figure 1(a) General Relationship between Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves as Represented in the CRIRSCO Template

11 Figure 1(b) Re-Oriented Figure Showing the CRIRSCO Categories (Shaded) and Additional Categories in Other Systems

12 Figure 2 Comparison of the Petroleum Resource Management System (PRMS) and the CRIRSCO Template
Using the previous slide we now compare The Template with PRMS PRMS has Proved Probable and Possible Reserves Contingent Resources equivalent to Mineral Resources Sub marginal Contingent resources which has no equivalent in the Template It the has Prospective resources which are undiscovered and equivalent to Exploration Results

13 Figure 3 High Level Comparison Between UNFC (2009) and the CRIRSCO Template
Now compare with UNFC2009 Remember 3 axis EFG Total commodity initially in place Future recovery by commercial development projects Potential future recover by contingent development project or mining operation Shaded boxes in the Template; others in UNFC for managing inventory

14 Discovered not Economic
Feasibility/Technical Geological Confidence UNFC 2009; 321, 322, 323 Potential future recover by contingent development project or mining operation

15 Discovered Unrecoverable
Economic Feasibility/Technical Geological UNFC 2009; or 343 It is also possible to have mineralisation that is discovered but unrecoverable. The geology may be fine but Feasibility and economics are not. Reasons for it being unrecoverable could be remote location, safety reasons or extreme depth or that technology is currently not available to extract the mineral economically.

16 Exploration Results Include data and information generated by mineral exploration programmes Examples - discovery outcrops, single drill hole intercepts or the results of geophysical surveys Inappropriate to use such information for deriving estimates of tonnage and grade: UNFC 2009; 334

17 Exploration Target A statement or estimate of the exploration potential Quoted as a range of tonnes and grade or quality Insufficient exploration to estimate Mineral Resources Referred to in the Temaplate Since it introduction has been abused in promoting share prices. Using high end figures for tonnes and grade Not in the Fundamental framework Not in UNFC 2009

18 Undiscovered Unrecoverable
Statistical probability of extension to known resources Statistical probability on a regional basis UNFC 2009; 344 More applicable to oil and gas industry Technology and economics may change sometime in the distant future

19 Figure 4 Categories of Mineralisation Beyond Inferred

20 Conclusion Need for management of inventory - Company level
- Country level - Global level Definitions must be consistent Understand definition of Reserves and Resources and whether they are quoted inclusive or exclusive so that we do not get double accounting by aggregating the two

21 Acknowledgements ALL SLIDES


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