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Presented for: District Managers & PE Category Reps.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented for: District Managers & PE Category Reps."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented for: District Managers & PE Category Reps.

2 Objectives S hare PEP particulars P resent customer profile
A llocate time for Q and A R eview SPARK PEP collateral K eys to Successful Sales Calls

3 Part 1: PEP Overview What is PEP? PEP background
PE -- and now Nutrition too Who applies, who’s the customer? Applicant requirements What they can spend their $$ on Funding restrictions

4 What is PEP? Federal grants to initiate, expand, and improve physical education programs for K–12 students to help them meet state standards for physical education.

5 PEP Background Carol M. White championed the bill
Started in 2001 with 18 winners and $5M Used to be known as Physical Education for Progress Program (Bill) Administered by Department of Education, Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools (OSDFS)

6 PEP was K-12 & PE specific

7 Now more emphasis on obesity
Calories out via physical activity Calories in via food choices

8 Nutrition and Healthy Eating
Expanded to include instruction in healthy eating habits and good nutrition. Prep work requires assessment of current nutrition policy & programs.

9 Who Can Apply? Local Education Agencies (LEA)
Community based organizations (CBO) These can be: School Districts Boys & Girls Clubs YMCA’s Faith-based organizations 17

10 Application Requirements
LEA/CBOs will need money to pay for at least: 10% in the 1st year 25% in year 2 and year 3 Applicants must agree to match these funds in order to apply

11 Recipients Can Use Funds for PE…
Purchase educational resources like SPARK curriculum sets #1 and 2. Host teacher training designed improve MVPA and align programs to state PE standards. Ensure students have equipment to participate actively. 17

12 Recipients Can Use Funds for Nutrition…
Purchase educational materials that support healthy eating and/or nutrition education. Host training designed improve their district/campus programs. Purchase materials to support their nutrition/food policies & programs.

13 Funding Restrictions Funds may not be used for construction or extracurricular activities, i.e., team sports, ROTC, playgrounds No more than 5% of grant funds in any fiscal year may be used for administrative expenses

14 SPARK and PEP SPARK programs for PEP Program components More Nutrition
Part 2: SPARK and PEP SPARK programs for PEP Program components More Nutrition 5 Reasons SPARK is best PEP pitch!

15 SPARK Programs for PEP Elementary, Middle & High School Physical Education After School physical activity Both programs provide Nutrition on (no extra cost) G.Y.M. section has “Bon-a-PE” SPARKfit has nutrition mini-lessons

16 Program Components SPARK curriculum is aligned with PECAT – a requirement of PEP SPARK workshops show how to teach to standards and increase MVPA SPARK equipment is content-matched – a requirement of PEP

17 More Nutrition? Healthy Kids Challenge
Aligned with HECAT – a requirement Registered Dieticians have developed: Nutrition education materials and resources Lead training and on-site consultation Provide distance assistance and support Have materials/tools that teachers need

18 5 Reasons SPARK is for Pep!
Standards Aligned – see Evidence-based = WORKS and LASTS Increases MVPA – a requirement Only program to earn “Gold” for both elementary and middle school PE Experience with more than 125 PEP’s!

19 Making the Call Customer contact Tools to use Web tools to use
Part 3: Making the Call Customer contact Tools to use Web tools to use SPARK resources Fall back position

20 Customer Contact Learn their project plan
Make a match – their plan and a SPARK program(s) Don’t give up if match is not obvious at first – ask us!

21 SPARK Tools to Use PEP flyer for talking points Free resources cards:
10-day free access to Info on e-newsletter, webinars, more Brochure open to their program SPARK DVD 17

22 SPARK Web Tools to Use for: for:
Standards alignment PECAT and HECAT analysis Free lesson plans Videos: SPARK Story and Component Details on each program for: Videos of SPARK activities with students Assessment tools, bilingual skill & task cards

23 SPARK Resources Get SPARK engaged asap!
Phone call with SPARK content-expert Webinar on any program(s) “Taste of SPARK” in person presentation (ready, willing and able) Get SPARK engaged asap! 17

24 Fall Back Position They cannot or will not use anything SPARK
Sell the equipment – and anything else they may need -- separately

25 Part 4: Next Steps Try for face to face – see attachment for assignment asap 2. Before meeting, speak with Ellen or Ryan to learn what’s been said/done with prospect

26 Next Steps Cont. 3. Coordinate follow up with Ryan or Ellen who will work with inside team 4. Need anything – call or ! 5. Other?

27 What questions do you have?

28 28

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