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Tbit/s Optical Data Transmission

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1 Tbit/s Optical Data Transmission
Marc Schneider

2 Optical Data Transmission
Dr.-Ing. Marc Schneider - Tb/s Optical Data Transmission

3 OpSIS pn-Modulators RF-characteristics: 18 GHz 3dB cut-off frequency
Dr.-Ing. Marc Schneider - Tb/s Optical Data Transmission

4 OpSIS pn-Modulators Characterization of pn-modulators for T = 230…350 K Temperature shift induces constant phase offset Modulation characteristic is not affected Dr.-Ing. Marc Schneider - Tb/s Optical Data Transmission

5 Echelle Gratings Poster at TWEPP 2015 in Lisbon, Portugal
(already shown here) 45 channel Echelle grating 24 channels in measurement range Good channel separation Low loss Poster at TWEPP 2015 in Lisbon, Portugal proceedings in JINST Dr.-Ing. Marc Schneider - Tb/s Optical Data Transmission

6 SOH-Modulators Combination of silicon waveguides with electro-optic organic cladding materials Large bandwidth, high efficiency and low energy consumption Low yield: several steps necessary to produce a working modulator R. Palmer et al., IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 25, 1226 (2013) 10 GHz Dr.-Ing. Marc Schneider - Tb/s Optical Data Transmission

7 SOH-Modulators Modulators with 160 nm slots work nice and uniform …
Dr.-Ing. Marc Schneider - Tb/s Optical Data Transmission

8 SOH-Modulators Echelle gratings ok
1529 nm 1536 nm 1543 nm Echelle gratings ok But: absolute wavelengths of the channels shifted -24 nm from design For a demonstrator suitable laser diodes required (≈3500€) or other expensive components (tunable filters, splitters/combiners, …) Dr.-Ing. Marc Schneider - Tb/s Optical Data Transmission

9 Fiber-chip coupling Vertical coupling with planar alignment is achieved by polishing the fiber end facet Angle is chosen to provide for total internal reflection at fiber facet B. Snyder et al., IEEE Trans. Compon. Packag. Manuf. Technol. 3, 954 (2013) Fiber ground and polished on a grinding machine at IPE (KIT) Dr.-Ing. Marc Schneider - Tb/s Optical Data Transmission

10 Demonstrators Currently working towards 4 channel and 16 channel demonstrators Open questions (two of many): Which standards required? Which standards to test against? Dr.-Ing. Marc Schneider - Tb/s Optical Data Transmission

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