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Reporting on the 2017 Calendar year

2 Benefits of participation
Participation is without cost or obligation You do not need to be a Pride in Sport member to participate Participation can be completely anonymous The index provides you with the ability to gauge progress against a shifting Australian sporting benchmark annually … along with the ability to remain current and aware of emerging trends … and the opportunity, for the first time, to participate in an optional employee survey balancing the assessment of policies, processes and practice with an understanding of the impact of your LGBTI inclusion initiatives on your people, your officials, volunteers, players and participants. You will receive: Transcript of results (traffic light report) indicating where you have achieved full points, partial points or none at all Benchmarking data sheet for any benchmarking tables that your scores (anonymously) have been incorporated within Baseline PowerPoint presentation allowing you to present your results back to your executive quickly Member or PSI participant discount to the annual PSI awards luncheon (without obligation to attend) Hard copy of the PSI benchmarking publication and inaugural survey results once published Full high level analysis of your employee survey results if you participated in the optional survey. Benefits of participation

3 Tip 1: START NOW The PSI is a benchmarking instrument, not an awards submission and as a result, it will take time to complete. While we encourage sporting organisations to download the PSI submission documents as soon as they are available (enabling you to document work as you go and plan for that which you wish to achieve); our experience has been that the majority tend to leave the submission to the last minute. If you haven’t already started your submission, please start now. You will need ample time to collect your information, review your submission and get it approved before sending it to us. Please do not ask us for an extension. We hate saying no and while we would love to help, for equity reasons, we cannot accept any late submissions or grant any extensions.

While participating in the Pride in Sport Index will provide you with invaluable benchmarking data, it does not provide a voice for your people, volunteers, officials, players, athletes or participants, or any feedback on the impact of your work in LGBTI inclusion more generally. Participation in the optional survey will not only provide your people with an opportunity to have their say, but it will also provide you with a high level analysis of responses. All results are confidential. You do need to register to participate. Contact Stephanie Mellor at for your unique URL and a sample of communications that you can edit in regard to your participation. Survey closes at the same time as the index.

5 Tip 3: KNOW YOUR RULES Start early!
Please ensure that you answer all questions within the first three pages : Participation Details. This will often get sent back incomplete. We need all details to be complete please. Understand that you can only get points for a particular piece of work once. If points have been allocated for this elsewhere, they won’t be allocated again. Ensure that your evidence is allocated to the most appropriate question and remove any superfluous information that make it hard to locate what we are looking for or that is more relevant to another question. Do not include any work started or completed within the early months of This will need to go into next years submission. Points will not be allocated for 2018 work. If you are not sure about something, please ask, we are here to help you.

Respond to all information articulated in the evidence required column … only partial points will be allocated if only partial responses are given. Enter your responses in the evidence provided column. Critical: If you are attaching files, indicate this here. Filenames must start with the Question number and the row (letter). We cannot take responsibility for missing evidence files that have not been named accordingly, have been mistyped or clearly identified within this column. What we are looking for (and what will get you points) is clearly identified within the Evidence Required Column. If this is not clear, please us or call us on (02) (alternatively ) OVERALL: Keep your responses, short, succinct and to the point. Do not include additional or superfluous information. The information we are looking for may get lost in the volume of data provided.

This section appears at the end of the submission. Tip 5: UTILISE THE ADDITIONAL LGBTI RELATED ACTIVITIES SECTION Have you gone “over and above” in any area of the index or completed additional work that has not been claimed elsewhere or covered within the index? Use the additional LGBTI related activities section at the end of each document to claim additional points.

The most common reasons for not obtaining points that you were expecting to obtain are: The person completing the index was not aware of all the work that had been done, and therefore failed to document it The index submission was started at the last minute and therefore you did not have time to respond to all questions or submit the required evidence Responses were too long, contained a lot of extraneous information and did not directly address the question, so what we were looking for was missed The evidence required column was ignored – evidence provided was not relevant, or incomplete Failure to acknowledge that a file had been attached in response to a question within the evidence provided column Attached files were not named by question and row number(letter) or the filenames were mistyped and therefore missed. Please check and double-check your submission to ensure that all has been captured and that evidence requested has been addressed.

9 TIP 7: BEAT THE DEADLINE The deadline for Pride in Sport receipt of your PSI submission is: No later than 5pm, Friday 16th March 2018 for hand-delivered, couriered or mailed submissions (hard copies, USB’s etc). via a drop-box or similar secure file distribution service: Deadline: midnight Saturday 17th March (note: evidence file attachments will not be accepted within s). Our experience shows us that: Submissions get lost / delayed Servers can bounce back files (either end) Couriers can be late Please try to beat the deadline by getting your submission in ahead of time If it’s ready now – send it in! Evidence file attachments within s will no longer be accepted. The only way to your submission with additional file attachments is via the use of a drop-box or secure file distribution service.

Any organisation or individual can submit for individual PSI Awards. You do not need to be a Pride in Sport member or be participating in the full PSI benchmarking instrument. Here is a great opportunity to acknowledge LGBTI allies, community sports, coaches, out role models, LGBTI inclusion initiatives and regional or rural clubs. Review the awards for 2018 at: Nominations close at the same time as the PSI benchmarking submission and restrictions on file attachments apply. Note: Reward categories will vary annually.

All communications in regard to the PSI, tips for completion, reminders and press releases will be sent via the PSI mailing list. To ensure that you are kept up to date and receive all of the critical information you need, please follow these steps to sign up to the mailing list. Go to psi/ Scroll down until you find the Keep Up to Date and sign up to the Pride in Sport Index newsletter. Or click here

Your submission results will provide you with some valuable data and feedback. Utilise your results to plan the key areas of activity for next year, and why not make a commitment to download next years submission documents as soon as they are available so that you can start to collect your data and document your work early. Use the PSI as a tool throughout the year rather than just a submission. Should you have any questions, please contact us or your Pride in Sport Relationship Manager: Casey Conway (02) or on

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