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Greatness STEMs from Hands-On Learning

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1 Greatness STEMs from Hands-On Learning
Title slide option 2 Greatness STEMs from Hands-On Learning With help from the Iowa Governor’s STEM Advisory Council

2 What is STEM? Science Technology Engineering Mathematics
A focus on making sure Iowa students are competitive across four vital disciplines: Science Technology Engineering Mathematics STEM brings Iowans opportunity and fuels Iowa’s economy!

3 Why does STEM matter? STEM will:
Be a vital economic development advantage for quality job growth in our state Prime the STEM career pipeline with more interested and able Iowa students Prepare students for 72,000 STEM jobs in Iowa by 2018 Provide four-times the employment opportunities available in other fields STEM graduates will be highly sought after!

4 Why the Iowa Governor’s STEM Advisory Council?
Executive Order Seventy-Four began the Iowa Governor’s STEM Advisory Council. The Council began with the following objectives: Engage the public and private sectors in STEM education; Increase students interest and achievement in STEM; Recruit and prepare teachers to teach STEM; Map STEM education to economic development; Develop and implement a statewide STEM plan.

5 Who is leading STEM efforts in Iowa?
Governor Branstad created the Iowa Governor’s STEM Advisory Council in 2011 as a partnership of educators, businesses, students and families 46 Council Members 90 Regional Board members Over 250 contributors statewide Co-Chairs Lieutenant Governor Kim Reynolds Vermeer Corp. President & CEO Mary Andringa

6 Regional network of six hubs

7 Regional STEM Managers
North Central Region Paul Gibbins Northwest Region Molly Faber Northeast Region Jeff Beneke South Central Region Sarah Derry Southwest Region Deb Frazee Southeast Region Kristine Bullock

8 Key STEM Programs Scale-Up Programs Real World Teacher Externships
Iowa STEM Businesses Engaging Students and Teachers (BEST) STEM Festivals

9 What are Scale-Up Programs?
Top-notch kits and curriculum distributed to educators across Iowa Selected by an expert review panel who recommend and approve programs based on demonstrated success Each Scale-Up program has the flexibility to be implemented in any size community Additional Information:

10 Scale-Up Programs

11 Scale-Up of Exemplary STEM Programs
3,106 classrooms and clubs engaged >100,000 Iowa Youth Involved in All 9 Scale-Up programs in had a positive effect on student interest in STEM topics and careers About 75% of Past Scale-Up Educators Sustained Programs After Seed Funding

12 What are Real World Externships ?
Provide educators with the experience to expose students to STEM careers Teachers works side-by-side with local businesses and organizations in or near the communities they serve Business hosts are able to provide teachers with inspiring, meaningful projects, working with mentors, enjoying a strong return investment

13 Real World Teacher Externships
Percentage of Teachers Agree 88% - Externships Were Relevant to the Courses They Taught 87% - Externships Impacted Their Understanding of 21st Century Skills 93% - Externships Were More Valuable then ANY Other Professional Development

14 What is STEM BEST? Businesses Engaging Student and Teachers
Innovative high school program model built on the partnerships of businesses, 9-12 and higher educational institutions Students solve real-world problems using industry standards and mentored by employers Business and education partner to produce personalized learning experiences that prepare students for a knowledge-based economy

15 STEM BEST Partners Tamara Chelf, School to Work Coordinator
Chris Like, STEAM Specialist Iowa BIG: Cedar Rapids/College Community Trace Pickering, Associate Superintendent Northeast Alicia Christansen, Principle Rocket Manufacturing: Rock Valley Chad Janzen, Superintendent STEM Innovator Kirkwood, University of Iowa, Clear Creek Amana, College Community, Iowa City, Regina, Solon, Tipton, West Branch Leslie Flynn, Professor

16 Why STEM Festivals? Regional managers engage a broad range of partners throughout their region Raise awareness and interest in STEM-related curriculum and opportunities for students at all grade levels Business Partners can support STEM Festivals by exhibiting, displaying, investing or serving on a planning committee Contact your regional manager for more information

17 Funding of Iowa STEM $5.2 million – Annual Legislative Appropriation
$3.55 million - Cost-Share Savings 2014 Scale-up Providers, Regional Hub Institutions, STEM Classroom Partners, Strategic America $1.008 million – Grants FY 2015 Three NSF grants and Carver Charitable Trust $462,500 – Private Sector Investment,

18 How you can help Iowa Governor’s STEM Advisory Council @IowaSTEM
Learn more – start by visiting Connect to STEM in your area Encourage youth to pursue STEM Encourage businesses to partner with STEM education in their communities Spread the word Iowa Governor’s STEM Advisory Council @IowaSTEM Greatness STEMs from inspiring imagination!

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