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EC Mar 24, 2014: Agenda Postdoc call [JJ]

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Presentation on theme: "EC Mar 24, 2014: Agenda Postdoc call [JJ]"— Presentation transcript:

1 EC Mar 24, 2014: Agenda Postdoc call [JJ]
ACCESS-Ericsson project contract [KHJ] Seed project evaluations [SB] High-risk seed evaluations [KHJ] Industry seed [KHJ] Mobility grant application [KHJ] ACCESS operation and beyond [KHJ] Next meetings and faculty lunch [KHJ] AOB

2 1. Postdoc call [JJ]

3 2. ACCESS-Ericsson project contract [KHJ]

4 3. Seed Project Evaluation [SB]

5 Old Seed Projects ( ) Final funding chunk depending on project performance. Timeline: Call for self-evaluation out March 31 Deadline for self-evaluations Aug 31 Discussion at EC September Board decision Oct 13

6 Old Seed Projects (2012-2014) List of projects:
Cross-Layer Security (Project leader: Henrik Sandberg) Optimal Multimedia Sensing, Storage and Transmission in Wireless Networks (Project leader: Carlo Fischione)        NetCV - Networked Computer Vision (Project leader: Viktória Fodor)        Sparsity in Signal Processing and System Identification (Project leader: Christian Rojas)        Distributed Detection in Wireless Networks (Project leader: Tobias Oechtering)

7 Self-Evaluation Deliverables promised/delivered
Publications made, submitted Goals reached, not reached Collaboration added that would not have happened anyway Progress achieved Synergies of competencies found What is the single most important contribution that came out of the project? What is the single most exciting idea from the project that the group would like to pursue together in the future? What is the single most important thing learned from the project that ACCESS should not try to pursue in the future (could be research problems, ways of collaborating etc.)?

8 4. High-risk seed evaluations [KHJ]
One-year evaluation of the projects Shaping up networked systems through controlling their statistical moments, Dimos Dimarogonas and Xiaoming Hu An information theory beyond bits, Tobias Oechtering Suggest which project to continue a second year

9 5. Industry seed [KHJ] Insurance industry cooperation seed project, Peter Händel Big linked data analytics, Sarunas Girdzijauskas Evaluation? New call 2014 with possible extensions?

10 6. Mobility grant application [KHJ]
Application by Supriya Krishnamurthy Financial request: 100 KSEK (from Krishnamurthy’s ACCESS project) This is regarding a visit in May (dates around 1st-31st May) by Professor David Eric Smith (Santa Fe Institute NM and George Mason University, Washington D.C) Professor Eric Smith will be visiting for a month and working with Supriya Krishnamurthy at Fysikum, on Large-deviations of Non-equilibrium Stochastic processes. A brief description of this topic follows: Large deviation theory may be roughly defined as a theory which studies rare events whose probability decays exponentially. This form of the probability distribution is also common in equilibrium statistical mechanics where the rate function is simply (the negative of) the entropy. Recently, it has been possible to explicitly calculate a 'large deviation functional' for some non-equilibrium systems. This functional has information on steady states as well as fluctuations (including rare fluctuations) about this steady state. Recently (along with Eric), we have tried to take a look at these results using a different formalism, which has several advantages over those commonly used. In this visit, we intend to follow up on some of our preliminary results. One contribution to Access could be a seminar by Professor Smith in which he can talk about some of our results in the context of simple models of evolutionary games. A title and abstract are included below.

11 Seminar Symmetry, and consequences of collective fluctuations in evolutionary-game dynamics Professor Eric Smith Symmetry has been used for decades to classify the universal behaviors of evolutionary models of population-dependent fitness at the level of population-mean behavior. The same symmetry ideas can be equally useful to classify fluctuation effects, and some surprising and (at least mathematically) important new phenomena arise. The proper use of symmetry in evolutionary dynamics overlaps with areas of non-equilibrium statistical mechanics that have received major advances within the last fifteen years. In this talk I will mostly review qualitative classes of symmetry-related behaviors, with emphasis on their importance for robust modeling. I will also give a short sketch of how these ideas embed in larger treatments of non-equilibrium statistical mechanics, and will be happy to follow up with listeners who are interested in more technical detail.

12 7. ACCESS operation 2014-2016 and beyond [KHJ]
Need to define a sustainable ACCESS operation Inputs (income), outputs (activities), organization ExCom to lead development and implement plan Engage ACCESS faculty through meetings and workshops Actions: Form workgroup to briefly present at Board meeting Extra faculty lunch in Jun Plan for Sep workshop (replace Jun workshop) Inputs to 2015 budget Benchmark with other centers

13 8. Next Meetings [KHJ] ExCom Fall 2013 12:00-14:00 Mon 13 Jan
12:00-14:00 Mon 17 Feb 12:00-14:00 Mon 24 Mar 12:00-14:00 Mon 28 Apr 12:00-14:00 Mon 19 May 12:00-14:00 Mon 16 Jun Board meetings 2014: 13:00-14:30 Mon 3 Feb 13:00-14:30 Mon 26 May 13:00-14:30 Mon 13 Oct Faculty lunches 12:00-14:00 Wed Feb 12: Theme: ACCESS Workshop & Undergrad Summer Program 12:00-14:00 Wed May 7: Theme: University ranking

14 9. AOB

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