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Aim: How does our body come under attack?.

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Presentation on theme: "Aim: How does our body come under attack?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aim: How does our body come under attack?

2 A condition that causes the body to be unable to maintain homeostasis.
What is wrong? Disease: A condition that causes the body to be unable to maintain homeostasis. Show movie Outbreak

3 Foreign organisms that invade the body are called…..
What can cause disease? Foreign organisms that invade the body are called….. PATHOGENS Pathogen: any disease causing organism

4 Four main types of Pathogens:
Bacteria Viruses Fungi Parasites

5 Bacteria: Characteristics
Prokaryotes Unicellular organisms Lack most ORGANELLES, no true nucleus.

6 Examples” Antibiotics Strep throat Salmonella Syphilis
What will the doctor give you to kill the bacteria? Antibiotics

Made of DNA or RNA + Protein Coat Very small, smaller then a CELL. They can only reproduce INSIDE a cell. (PARASITE) A virus works by injecting its DNA into a cell, turning the cell into a virus producing factory.

8 Can you take antibiotics?
Examples: HIV Chicken Pox Influenza Can you take antibiotics? NO!

9 Antibiotics will not work on a virus- they are specific for bacteria.

10 heterotrophic organisms Examples:
Fungus: heterotrophic organisms Examples: Athlete’s foot Ring worm What can the doctor Prescribe? Fungicides

11 Organisms that feed off of other organisms.
Parasites: Organisms that feed off of other organisms. Examples: tapeworm, heartworm, ringworm, ticks To lose weight, pills that had tapeworms

12 A vector could be living or nonliving.
Host: The organisms that the pathogen is living/feeding off of Vector: What is transmitting the pathogen. A vector could be living or nonliving. Examples: other animals, insects, water, sufaces (desk)

13 How are pathogens transmitted?
Blood Sex Food Air Animal

14 What does it mean to be diagnosed?

15 Diagnosing – determine the disease you have.
Diagnosis: based on symptoms, examination and testing.

16 Prevention vs. Treatment
Prevention – ways to avoid getting the disease. Treatment – ways to help people with a disease to get better.

17 Besides pathogens, what else can cause disease?
Toxic Substances Inherited Disorder Organ Malfunction Risky Personal Behavior Poor Nutrition

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