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IPWEAQ is an assessment entity

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1 IPWEAQ is an assessment entity
RPEQ Assessment IPWEAQ is an assessment entity for registered professional engineers on behalf of the Board of Professional Engineers of Queensland (BPEQ)

2 RPEQ Assessment IPWEAQ provides assessments for RPEQs in the area of ‘Civil Engineering - Public Works’ $400 plus GST (IPWEAQ members) $700 plus GST (non-members) 8 weeks turnaround Online application and interview

3 RPEQ Assessment Apply online at with the following information: Details of all qualifications held relevant to the discipline for which accreditation is sought. A current, detailed CV. Three referee statements from RPEQs qualified to comment on your work (template provided). A statement of competency (template provided). Details of CPD undertaken in the immediate three years prior to application.

4 RPEQ Assessment Application Criteria
A minimum four year Bachelor of Engineering degree from an Australian university or degree covered by the Washington Accord. If neither there is an optional qualifications assessment to determine equivalency ($200 plus GST) A minimum of five years delivering engineering services under the supervision of an RPEQ or equivalent. Technical Officers having completed MEPR may also apply subject to having had a minimum of five years supervised experience. Have completed 150 hours of CPD over three years. If you don’t have a four year engineering degree from an Australian university or for overseas qualifications not covered by the Washington Accord, the Assessment Board can conduct an additional assessment to determine equivalency – there is an additional fee for this.

5 RPEQ Assessment Approval
All assessments are reviewed by the IPWEAQ RPEQ Assessment Board If successful a letter of assessment is provided by IPWEAQ as evidence for the Board of Professional Engineers BPEQ application fee BPEQ annual registration fee and ‘fit to practice’ test RPEQs must undertake 150 hours of CPD over three years Random CPD audits

6 RPEQ Assessment Learnings
Talk to your referees – do you have at least five years’ experience providing professional engineering services to apply and be successful? If formal education requirements are not met the Assessment Board will not substitute qualifications for experience. Talk to USQ about ‘topping up’ your qualifications – MEPR with possible public works pathway Use the CPD logbook to track your CPD at:

7 QUDM 4th Edition Now two documents Severe Storm Impact Statements
Modified the Lawful Point of Discharge Test Stormwater management, hydrology and detention/retention systems have been added. Method for the ‘initial’ sizing of detention basins. Overview of the rules and recommendations for the setting of minimum floor levels. Method for improving child safety around field inlets. In response to feedback requesting a simpler document, this 4th edition has been developed as two documents – the Manual itself and a companion Background document. This was done to focus the contents of the Manual contents on material regularly used by planners and designs, whilst retaining explanatory material on the science of stormwater management, and the theory of stormwater hydrology and detention/retention systems in the Background document. In particular, this edition of QUDM includes a significant new concept of a Severe Storm Impact Statements which should assist in improving community resilience in more severe events that exceed normal design standards. The lawful point of discharge test has been modified to recognise the lawful condition associated with minor changes in stormwater runoff that do not result in an actionable nuisance. Significant more discussion on the science of stormwater management, and the theory of stormwater hydrology and detention/retention systems has been introduced to the Background Notes. A new method is presented for the ‘initial’ sizing of detention basins. A new section has been introduced into Chapter 7 that provides an overview of the rules and recommendations for the setting of minimum floor levels. Introduction of a new method for improving child safety around field (drop) inlets.

8 QUDM 4th Edition Greater recognition of the differences between the design recommendations for local roads and those for state-­controlled roads. Introduction of Level ‘0’ allotment drainage to improve the potential for the integration of Water Sensitive Urban Design principles into allotment drainage. Update to the Level III allotment drainage tables for allotment & roof surface areas for (2016) conditions. Update on the integration of fish passage investigations into open channel design. Greater recognition is given to the differences between the design recommendations for local roads and those for state-­controlled roads. The introduction of Level ‘0’ allotment drainage that improves the potential for the integration of Water Sensitive Urban Design principles into allotment drainage. An update of the Level III allotment drainage tables for allotment and roof surface areas consistent with current (2016) conditions. Update on the integration of fish passage investigations into open channel design.

9 QUDM 4th Edition The ‘Stream Velocity Method’ for estimating the Rational Method’s time of concentration for urban waterways has been modified based on an analysis of flood model data in Brisbane. More information on the application of detention and retention systems for the protection of urban waterways and aquatic ecosystems.  The ‘Stream Velocity Method’ for estimating the Rational Method’s time of concentration for urban waterways has been modified based on an analysis of flood model data in Brisbane. Significant more information has been supplied on the application of detention and retention systems for the protection of urban waterways and aquatic ecosystems.

10 Contact us IPWEAQ RPEQ Ph: 3632 6803 QUDM

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