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Pune Police "Safety" will not come on its own ! We all need to Fetch it?? Mission “Safe” Kothrud Police Station Pune City, Pune Police.

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Presentation on theme: "Pune Police "Safety" will not come on its own ! We all need to Fetch it?? Mission “Safe” Kothrud Police Station Pune City, Pune Police."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pune Police "Safety" will not come on its own ! We all need to Fetch it?? Mission “Safe” Kothrud Police Station Pune City, Pune Police

2 "Safety" will not come on its own ! We all need to Fetch it?? What is Safety? What is Safety? Safety is Everyone’s responsibility Safety is Everyone’s responsibility Safety is self-discipline Safety is self-discipline Safety is preventive action Safety is preventive action Safety starts from me Safety starts from me Safety can not be taught practically Safety can not be taught practically

3 "Safety" will not come on its own ! We all need to Fetch it?? Police: Role: To keep the “Law and Order” in place Responsibility: To prevent the Crime To take corrective action on Crime To create awareness on Safety Intelligence Other..Administrative work etc., Authority: To take all required actions to prevent the crime To take all required actions with criminals

4 "Safety" will not come on its own ! We all need to Fetch it?? What is Mission “Safe”… What is Mission “Safe”… Why it is Must.. Why it is Must.. Who will make it successful.. Who will make it successful.. Where it will be implemented… Where it will be implemented… When it is to be done…. When it is to be done….

5 "Safety" will not come on its own ! We all need to Fetch it?? What is Mission “Safe”? What is Mission “Safe”? To inculcate our social responsibility; it is our prime obligation to endeavor towards safe environment. To inculcate our social responsibility; it is our prime obligation to endeavor towards safe environment. In the interest of our own society and looking towards safety of our society – Mission “Safe” In the interest of our own society and looking towards safety of our society – Mission “Safe” This will require a sense of responsibility which will be coupled with authority. This will require a sense of responsibility which will be coupled with authority. “Pune Police” and we all members of Mission Safe can definitely make wonder and keep our environment safe, healthy and free from various unwanted hassles. “Pune Police” and we all members of Mission Safe can definitely make wonder and keep our environment safe, healthy and free from various unwanted hassles.

6 "Safety" will not come on its own ! We all need to Fetch it?? This will surely enhance our commitment towards society; gain confidence with Police This will surely enhance our commitment towards society; gain confidence with Police The dedicated focus efforts will require to roll out The dedicated focus efforts will require to roll out towards successful implantation of “Mission Safe”. towards successful implantation of “Mission Safe”. We do not want to compare, demonstrate our efforts We do not want to compare, demonstrate our efforts The basic objective is to collate our strengths and The basic objective is to collate our strengths and convert these strengths into positive strength to convert these strengths into positive strength to combat over negative strength combat over negative strength

7 "Safety" will not come on its own ! We all need to Fetch it?? Why it is Must? Why it is Must? It is now really time of era to bring uniform and It is now really time of era to bring uniform and collective efforts to work towards everyone’s collective efforts to work towards everyone’s safety. safety. It is must as our country is now getting under the It is must as our country is now getting under the shadow of various untoward incidences shadow of various untoward incidences To create safe, enthusiastic, friendly environment To create safe, enthusiastic, friendly environment It is must to know others that “We all are bonded It is must to know others that “We all are bonded with one single objective”. with one single objective”.

8 "Safety" will not come on its own ! We all need to Fetch it?? It is must to resolve several criminal issues in It is must to resolve several criminal issues in coordination with Police and to create a productive coordination with Police and to create a productive relations with Police. relations with Police. It is must as a detrimental tool It is must as a detrimental tool It is must to strengthen Intelligence It is must to strengthen Intelligence

9 "Safety" will not come on its own ! We all need to Fetch it?? Who will make it successful? Who will make it successful? Pune Police along with all of us will make it. Pune Police along with all of us will make it. Accountability will be with Pune Police. Accountability will be with Pune Police. Special Efforts Special Efforts Joint efforts of all us will make huge difference in Joint efforts of all us will make huge difference in the effectiveness and quality of our safety the effectiveness and quality of our safety

10 "Safety" will not come on its own ! We all need to Fetch it?? Pune Police Kothrud Members of “Mission Safe” Special Efforts + Other Resources - Safety - Awareness Program - Good relations with society -Security Audit, - Mock Drills - Confidence with our stakeholders - Sharing of best practices -Collective Development

11 "Safety" will not come on its own ! We all need to Fetch it?? Roadmap (Proposed): Roadmap (Proposed): Awareness Program in Society Awareness Program in Society Role, Responsibility of “People” Role, Responsibility of “People” Security Audits Security Audits Recommendations Recommendations We at present will take it over with our defined areas. We at present will take it over with our defined areas. Owns need to be taken by respective members. Owns need to be taken by respective members. To facilitate this; we will form committees To facilitate this; we will form committees

12 "Safety" will not come on its own ! We all need to Fetch it?? How to Implement? (Second Phase) How to Implement? (Second Phase) Each society need to furnish one security guard for patrolling. (Specified areas) Each society need to furnish one security guard for patrolling. (Specified areas) These guards will make patrolling along with police staff. These guards will make patrolling along with police staff. This patrolling will be 24x7 This patrolling will be 24x7 All suspicious movements will be caught and monitor by this team. All suspicious movements will be caught and monitor by this team. Proper log of this patrolling will be done at main gate of each society Proper log of this patrolling will be done at main gate of each society For special events (in defined areas) we can use this force for security purpose For special events (in defined areas) we can use this force for security purpose Awareness program on security issues can be carried out: Awareness program on security issues can be carried out: -In case of threat call -In case of bomb threat -In case of riot -Cyber Crime -To enhance vigilance of security in society -Communication

13 "Safety" will not come on its own ! We all need to Fetch it?? When it is to be done? When it is to be done? Once these committees are formalized, we will start this drive Once these committees are formalized, we will start this drive We will jointly and voluntarily contribute for security guards We will jointly and voluntarily contribute for security guards We will be carrying out this in the guidance / direction Kothrud Sr.PI. We will be carrying out this in the guidance / direction Kothrud Sr.PI. A proper route – Scale of force, authority of force will be defined by Pune Police A proper route – Scale of force, authority of force will be defined by Pune Police A separate E-Mail id, Cell Numbers for catering the need of society A separate E-Mail id, Cell Numbers for catering the need of society Let us think over it and make this mission SAFE as successful ROLE MODEL to make it sustainable !!!! to make it sustainable !!!! * * * * * * * * *

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