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2 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter
A LIVING HOPE... ...A SURE SALVATION Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter

3 Lesson 1 – General Introduction
Outline Of 1st Peter SALVATION: Attainment Of Believers 1:1 – 2:10 SUBMISSION: Appeal To Believers 2:11 – 3:12 SUFFERING: Attitude & Actions Of Believers :13 – 5:14 4

4 Believers’ Suffering 3:13 – 5:14
“Sharing The Sufferings Of Christ” 4:12-19 Suffering God doesn’t approve v (and for which we shouldn’t “rejoice”) Previously taught 2:20a Suffering for murder or theft Suffering for doing evil (criminal behavior) 2:12, Jn 18:30

5 Believers’ Suffering 3:13 – 5:14
“Sharing The Sufferings Of Christ” 4:12-19 Suffering God doesn’t approve v (and for which we shouldn’t “rejoice”) Suffering as a “busy-body” (meddler) Behavior we don’t usually deem as serious as the other 3 listed Obviously, God thinks differently

6 Believers’ Suffering 3:13 – 5:14
“Sharing The Sufferings Of Christ” 4:12-19 Suffering God does approve v (and for which we should “rejoice”) Previously taught 2:20b, 21-25 Suffering “as a Christian” unashamedly We “…glorify God in that name”

7 Believers’ Suffering 3:13 – 5:14
“Sharing The Sufferings Of Christ” 4:12-19 Such sufferings = “judgment” v. 17a In that it proves our character 1:6-7 It “begins with the house of God” v. 17b What of those who “don’t obey the gospel?” vv. 17b Prov 11:31 cp. 1:22-25

8 Believers’ Suffering 3:13 – 5:14
“Sharing The Sufferings Of Christ” 4:12-19 We must “commit our souls to a faithful Creator” v. 19 It is the only way to endure sufferings It is the example Jesus left behind for us to follow 2:21-23

9 Believers’ Suffering 3:13 – 5:14
“Submission In Suffering” 5:1-11 Topic previously discussed 2:11 – 3:12 Connection to context… When saints suffer, they will naturally look to leadership for help, guidance, & comfort Such leaders are addressed in vv. 1-4 Elders “submit” to the pattern re: leadership

10 Believers’ Suffering 3:13 – 5:14
“Submission In Suffering” 5:1-11 Peter’s perspective in exhorting local church elders… v. 1b He was a “fellow elder” He was a “witness of Christ’s sufferings” He was a “partaker of the glory to be revealed”

11 Believers’ Suffering 3:13 – 5:14
“Submission In Suffering” 5:1-11 Peter’s exhortation to elders vv. 2-4 “Feed the flock of God among you…” “Exercise oversight, not under compulsion, but voluntarily” 1 Tim 3:1 “Not for sordid gain, but with eagerness” 1 Tim 3:3 Titus 1:7

12 Believers’ Suffering 3:13 – 5:14
“Submission In Suffering” 5:1-11 Peter’s exhortation to elders vv. 2-4 “Not lording it over those entrusted to your charge, but proving to be examples” Reward Ù “When the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive an unfading crown”

13 Believers’ Suffering 3:13 – 5:14
“Submission In Suffering” 5:1-11 Peter’s exhortation to elders also helps identify the pattern for local church work under the oversight of an eldership Oversight = “…among you” v. 2 Protects & defends local church autonomy A pattern abused, disobeyed by some

14 The “Sponsoring Church” And 1 Pet 5:2
church of Christ X Desires to do a work it deems “necessary” Needs money to accomplish this Determines their own treasury is insufficient Decides to “sponsor” this work

15 The “Sponsoring Church” And 1 Pet 5:2
church of Christ X Not just “theory” or “academic example” Herald Of Truth (1952) Highland church of Christ Abilene, TX 4 One Nation Under God (1991) Sycamore church of Christ Cookeville, TN 4

16 The “Sponsoring Church” And 1 Pet 5:2
church of Christ A church of Christ X (Sponsoring Church) church of Christ B church of Christ C

17 The “Sponsoring Church” And 1 Pet 5:2
church of Christ X (Sponsoring Church) When church X depends on & receives funds from other local churches to do its work, elders extend their oversight beyond the “among you” limitation. Elders of church X now decide how the money from church A, church B, church C is spent. NOT THE PATTERN IN THE N.T.

18 The “Sponsoring Church” And 1 Pet 5:2
church of Christ A When churches A, B, C send money to another local church for that church’s work, and allows it to make decisions re: spending, local church autonomy is forfeited. Now, church X is dependent upon churches A, B, C. church of Christ B church of Christ C NOT THE PATTERN IN THE N.T.

19 Believers’ Suffering 3:13 – 5:14
“Submission In Suffering” 5:1-11 Peter’s exhortations to others vv. 5-11 The younger submit (yield to) the older… recognizing their wisdom, experience v. 5a All saints submit to each other…serving each others’ needs in humility v. 5b God accepts humility…rejects pride

20 Believers’ Suffering 3:13 – 5:14
“Submission In Suffering” 5:1-11 Peter’s exhortations to others vv. 5-11 “Humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God that He may exalt you” v. 6 God does the exalting, not us Lk 18:14 “Cast all your cares on Him, for He cares for you” v Phil 4:6 Mt 6:25, 31, 34

21 Believers’ Suffering 3:13 – 5:14
“Submission In Suffering” 5:1-11 Peter’s exhortations to others vv. 5-11 “Be sober, vigilant…the adversary (devil) prowls about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour” v. 8 “Resist him, firm in your faith…other brethren like you are suffering” v. 9

22 Believers’ Suffering 3:13 – 5:14
“Submission In Suffering” 5:1-11 Peter’s exhortations to others vv. 5-11 “After you have suffered for a little while, God will perfect, confirm, strengthen, and establish you” v. 10 Praise to this God…our only hope of overcoming such tribulations !! v. 11

23 Believers’ Suffering 3:13 – 5:14
Closing Admonitions 5:12-14 Mentions Silvanus…through him the letter was written v. 12 Greetings from those in “Babylon” v. 13a Literal Babylon or Figurative Rome Refer to comments on pp. 2-3

24 Believers’ Suffering 3:13 – 5:14
Closing Admonitions 5:12-14 Greetings also from Mark v. 13b A request that brethren continue to show love & concern for each other v. 14

25 Lesson 1 – General Introduction
Outline Of 1st Peter SALVATION: Attainment Of Believers 1:1 – 2:10 SUBMISSION: Appeal To Believers 2:11 – 3:12 SUFFERING: Attitude & Actions Of Believers :13 – 5:14

26 Peter’s Second Letter 1st letter focuses on hope of salvation in God and our responsibilities (submission, faithfulness during suffering) 2nd letter emphasizes knowledge of truth Source Ù eyewitness testimony, prophecy Necessity Ù false teachers, scoffers exist

27 Peter’s Second Letter Development of the Christian’s “spiritual character” is discussed 1:5-11 Letter’s purpose also given 1: :1 A “reminder” of things saints already knew It is sometimes good & necessary to review things one previously learned

28 Lesson 1 – General Introduction
Outline Of 2nd Peter True Knowledge In Which To Grow 1:1-21 False Teachers Who Were To Come 2:1-22 Sure Promise In Which To Hope 3:1-18 4


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