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Do Now: Hard Times Budget

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1 Do Now: Hard Times Budget
*Answer all questions in complete sentences unless otherwise specified. Please number your responses in your notebook. 1. What was the most surprising thing you discovered when planning your budget? 2. What are some areas that you overestimated the cost? 3. What are some areas that you underestimated the cost?

2 Hard Times Budget Objective: To learn to budget the more common way-by having a total figure available and allocating that figure among the line items.

3 Activity 93 Open your workbooks to Activity 93.
Do you think the required salary is reasonable? Look at Activity 94. Are these careers interesting to you? What would be a more reasonable figure for you?

4 Activity 96 Place the more reasonable figure on Line B, “Gross monthly salary.” Multiply Line B by 80%. Place that figure on Line A “Net Income.” Change the totals on lines 1-12 to add up to your new “Net Income” on Line A.

5 Optional Activity Read page 97 and look at the sample budget for Phyllis. Notice how the total money spent equaled her net income. This is called a, “Zero Based Budget.” Every dollar has a name! There are to be no dollars left behind!  Read pages For each scenario, fill out how you might budget for the character’s situation. In the workbook on Activity 98, place $1,700 under Net Income.

6 A Few Words about Poverty
The USA is one of the richest countries in the world. However, we still have people who live in poverty begging for food, shelter, and digging through trash cans for food. Poverty doesn’t see ethnicity, sex, or age.

7 Poverty Cont. You cannot assure that you will become a poverty statistic, but here are a few things you can do to try to prevent it: If you are female, be aware that on average, women earn only 81 cents for every dollar earned by a man. This is partially due to: Discrimination Women clustering in fields of teaching, retail, and clerical work that, as a rule, are not high paying. Some women believe that someone else will take care of them and that they will never need to get a job.

8 Poverty Cont. If you are a woman, one of the best things you can do to ensure your future is to take classes in math, science, and technology. If you have any interests in careers that are male dominated, pursue them. ALWAYS assume you will have to support yourself. Plan for it! At least you will be prepared!

9 Poverty Statistics Approximately 43,600,000 people in the USA live below the poverty line. That is 14.3% of the total population! 9.2% of families live below the poverty level. 19% of American households are headed by a woman. 29.9% of all families headed by a woman with no husband present live below the poverty line. In the USA, 19% of children live below the poverty line.

10 Statistics Cont Single-parent families maintained b men have a median weekly earnings of $802. Single-parent families maintained by women have a median weekly earnings of $558. Married-couples families have median weekly earnings of $1,404.

11 Dave Ramsey Says… Remember…..Broke is temporary, poor is a state of mind! You are NOT POOR! You are temporarily broke! Change your family tree! Get sick and tired of being sick and tired! Get mad! Work so hard, sell so much stuff that the kids will think they are next!

12 Activity 103 Answer the questions on Activity 103.
What can you do to prevent yourself from becoming one of the 14.3 percent in the USA who live below the poverty line?

13 Movie Time! Chip Conley: “Measuring what makes life worthwhile.”

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