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Primary Staff Report Analysis by Role Header: Relation 1

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Presentation on theme: "Primary Staff Report Analysis by Role Header: Relation 1"— Presentation transcript:

1 Primary Staff Report Analysis by Role 2015-08-01 Header: Relation 1
Internal/Identier/File name 1 Analysis by Role 1 1

2 I am satisfied with my job at this school
General Report - Analysis by Role - Hunslet Carr Primary School (202071) -

3 I feel part of the school community
General Report - Analysis by Role - Hunslet Carr Primary School (202071) -

4 My job description is a good match to what I actually do in school
General Report - Analysis by Role - Hunslet Carr Primary School (202071) -

5 I am proud to work at this school
General Report - Analysis by Role - Hunslet Carr Primary School (202071) -

6 I know how to contribute to the school's goals
General Report - Analysis by Role - Hunslet Carr Primary School (202071) -

7 This school enables me to maintain a good work/life balance
General Report - Analysis by Role - Hunslet Carr Primary School (202071) -

8 I feel safe at this school
General Report - Analysis by Role - Hunslet Carr Primary School (202071) -

9 This school is run smoothly on a day to day basis
General Report - Analysis by Role - Hunslet Carr Primary School (202071) -

10 I am well supported by management
General Report - Analysis by Role - Hunslet Carr Primary School (202071) -

11 My opinions are listened to at this school
General Report - Analysis by Role - Hunslet Carr Primary School (202071) -

12 School management value my work
General Report - Analysis by Role - Hunslet Carr Primary School (202071) -

13 I am kept well informed about what is happening at this school
General Report - Analysis by Role - Hunslet Carr Primary School (202071) -

14 This school is well led General Report - Analysis by Role - Hunslet Carr Primary School (202071) -

15 This school has an effective governing body
General Report - Analysis by Role - Hunslet Carr Primary School (202071) -

16 Pupil behaviour is managed consistently in this school
General Report - Analysis by Role - Hunslet Carr Primary School (202071) -

17 This school deals with all types of bullying effectively (this includes name calling, acts of violence, cyber, racist or homophobic bullying etc) General Report - Analysis by Role - Hunslet Carr Primary School (202071) -

18 My school cares about staff welfare
General Report - Analysis by Role - Hunslet Carr Primary School (202071) -

19 Compared to my colleagues, my pay is a fair reward for what I do
General Report - Analysis by Role - Hunslet Carr Primary School (202071) -

20 There is good support from colleagues for new staff at this school
General Report - Analysis by Role - Hunslet Carr Primary School (202071) -

21 Staff at this school collaborate well with one another
General Report - Analysis by Role - Hunslet Carr Primary School (202071) -

22 The school provides appropriately for my professional development
General Report - Analysis by Role - Hunslet Carr Primary School (202071) -

23 I have targets which set out what I need to achieve
General Report - Analysis by Role - Hunslet Carr Primary School (202071) -

24 My performance management meetings and review help me develop
General Report - Analysis by Role - Hunslet Carr Primary School (202071) -

25 I have the resources I need to do my job
General Report - Analysis by Role - Hunslet Carr Primary School (202071) -

26 The quality of the school facilities is good
General Report - Analysis by Role - Hunslet Carr Primary School (202071) -

27 This school is successful in meeting the needs of individual pupils
General Report - Analysis by Role - Hunslet Carr Primary School (202071) -

28 The curriculum meets the needs of pupils
General Report - Analysis by Role - Hunslet Carr Primary School (202071) -

29 This school enables pupils to fulfil their potential
General Report - Analysis by Role - Hunslet Carr Primary School (202071) -

30 This school uses assessment effectively to inform teaching and learning
General Report - Analysis by Role - Hunslet Carr Primary School (202071) -

31 This school provides a good level of challenge for the most able pupils
General Report - Analysis by Role - Hunslet Carr Primary School (202071) -

32 This school provides a good level of support for pupils with SEN
General Report - Analysis by Role - Hunslet Carr Primary School (202071) -

33 This school provides a good level of support for less able pupils
General Report - Analysis by Role - Hunslet Carr Primary School (202071) -

34 This school has high expectations of pupils' achievement
General Report - Analysis by Role - Hunslet Carr Primary School (202071) -

35 This school is a safe place for children
General Report - Analysis by Role - Hunslet Carr Primary School (202071) -

36 I know who to talk to if I am concerned about a vulnerable child or adult
General Report - Analysis by Role - Hunslet Carr Primary School (202071) -

37 Staff apply school policies in a consistent way
General Report - Analysis by Role - Hunslet Carr Primary School (202071) -

38 This school is well thought of in the local community
General Report - Analysis by Role - Hunslet Carr Primary School (202071) -

39 This school has a good relationship with parents
General Report - Analysis by Role - Hunslet Carr Primary School (202071) -

40 Header: Relation Internal/Identier/File name 40 40

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