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City Charter approved 6/4/1996

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1 City Charter approved 6/4/1996
Neighborhood Councils and Community Forum

2 Purpose Advise the City Council and the Mayor on neighborhood and City-wide issues. Increase citizen participation Build cooperation and improved communication between citizens and City officials.

3 Responsibilities City—provide information on City and neighborhood issues to all Neighborhood Councils and the Community Forum regularly and in a timely manner. The NC and CF—report to the City Council and the Mayor regarding neighborhood and city wide interests and concerns.

4 Office Staffing Liaison turnover—every 1-2 years
Past 3 years—5 work study students Spotty coverage due to work study limited hours and schedules/vacations/and funding Constant retraining-- inefficient and time consuming

5 Current Activities NCs are engaged and positive
15 active NCs-most ever Previously sparsely attended; attendance average 50 people New—strategic planning done for 11 NC Increased communications with Mayor City, Council , Staff

6 Time commitments Average 4 NC meetings per week; prep time 2 hours each meeting plus 3 hours meeting and travel time (20+ hours/week) NC yearly elections—train new members (15 NC x 4 hours) City meetings—3 per week- one hour each Community Forum & LT—each monthly—8+ hours/month Constant citizen support phone and —2-3 hours per day

7 Time intensive projects
ONGOING: Neighborhood Project funds—citywide recruitment—citizen training, support, department collaboration, committee selections, grant management; small and large grants Traffic Circle—collaborative (Extension and Parks and Rec and UM ambassadors) promotion, training, ongoing support, grant management Candidates’ Forums

8 Time intensive projects
Months of Preparation Bus Tour ONVYA Future and continuing projects: Sustain adequate level of support for increased # NCs All NCs active with support for subcommittees Neighborhood summit Citizens’ Academy

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