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British East India Company

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1 British East India Company
By: Anna Angle, Kirkland Anderson, Evan Beissert Presented by: Mr. Anderson

2 Competition for Resources Effects of the Company
The British East India company was formed because England wanted to stop the Dutch spice monopoly in the East Indies. During 1623 the English got massacred by the Dutch and concentrated the trading in India. The English just wanted spices. Effects of the Company The India Trade brought great wealth to the british. Economic wealth power gave them big military power, for instance they built ships, and had plenty of weapons. With all this power they pushed out the Portuguese from their ports and battled the Dutch in the 1600’s.

3 How and Where the Company Traded
British hosted the East India Company near the eastern coast of India. But, the British wasn’t the first force to control a trading company. The Dutch controlled the Company at first by using threats to compel local leaders. After the British came in to control the company, they used a more peaceful approach at first, but if any traders showed any hostility, they knew what to do. There was a normal cycle everyday in the Company which consisted of using silver to buy from the Indian textiles for peppers and spices, sometimes cotton and a blue dye from a native plant in India that Great Britain couldn’t receive. After a few years, they began demanding trade from India in a more violent way which didn’t benefit either sides. They transported the trade by using ships to carry the goods over the sea.

4 Scarcity of Resources What did they trade?
The scarcity of resources were a big part of this trade because the whole point of this was to trade. The British traded lots of spices that were involved in the trade like nutmeg, pepper, cloves, cinnamon, and ginger. The industrial items that were traded were cotton, silk, indigo dye, salt, saltpetre, tea and opium. These items helped them be successful because Most people wanted these items and they were able to give them for a price of course. What did they trade? The British East India Company was in India trading silver for textiles. Than the English traded the textiles for spices along the lines of pepper and other spices like nutmeg and mace. They then sent those materials back to England on big ships. They also traded Indian cotton and indigo, which were used to dye clothing.

5 The Nation they were taking Trade from
The British were taking trade from the Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, and French nations to benefit themselves in the Eastern trading company they were controlling. They transported goods from around Europe, Africa, and Asia by sea and (rare) traveling on land.

6 How the Company Influenced Today’s World
The British Eastern Company influenced today’s world by increasing the rate of trade and transporting items by sea, starting a miniature industrial revolution from the use of textiles, and inspiring the Dutch to make their own trading company. The British benefited themselves for over 200 years of fresh spices from India which impacted trade for them in the future.

7 Question What was the main item traded? A: fish and bread
B: pepper and other spices C: silk and other clothing items D: Indian cotton and indigo

8 Citations History Alive!: World Connections.” History Alive!: World Connections, Teachers' Curriculum Institute, 2013, pp. 173–177. Courtney, Thomas. “British and Dutch East India Company.”, 3 Oct. 2014, company/. “PortCities Bristol.” Trade Goods from the East: Spices | The East Indies | The Places Involved | Slavery Routes | Bristol and Transatlantic Slavery | PortCities Bristol, “East India Company.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 1 Oct. 2017, The Columbia Encyclopedia 6th Edition. “East India Company, British.” The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th Ed,, 5 Oct. 2017, “Products.” Home,

9 More Citations “Wagon (Traditional).” Scribblenauts Wiki, Scribblenauts, Corporation, Roblox. “Green Short Sleeved Shirt (Question Mark) [DESC].” ROBLOX, Sleeved-Shirt-Question-Mark-DESC.

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