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Microsoft Access 2003 Illustrated Complete

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1 Microsoft Access 2003 Illustrated Complete
Creating Multiple Table Queries

2 Objectives Build select queries Sort a query on multiple fields
Develop AND criteria Develop OR criteria Creating Multiple Table Queries

3 Objectives Create calculated fields Build summary queries
Build crosstab queries Build PivotTables and PivotCharts Creating Multiple Table Queries

4 Building Select Queries
Methods Methods: Simple Query Wizard Query Design View Creating Multiple Table Queries

5 Query Design View Query grid Field identifies fields Lists in query
Criteria to limit records Creating Multiple Table Queries

6 Sorting a Query on Multiple Fields
Sort orders are evaluated in a left-to-right order Use the Show check box to sort on a field but not show it in the query datasheet Creating Multiple Table Queries

7 Specifying Sort Orders
Primary sort field Secondary sort field Creating Multiple Table Queries

8 Developing AND Criteria
AND criteria are entered on the same row of the query grid AND criteria must both be true for the record to display in the datasheet AND criteria further limit the number of records in the datasheet Comparison operators or wildcard characters may be used in criteria Creating Multiple Table Queries

9 Developing AND Criteria
AND criteria are entered on the same row Creating Multiple Table Queries

10 Common Comparison Operators
Creating Multiple Table Queries

11 Developing OR Criteria
OR criteria are entered on different rows of the query grid OR criteria may either be true for the record to display in the datasheet OR criteria further expand the number of records in the datasheet Comparison operators or wildcard characters may be used in criteria Creating Multiple Table Queries

12 Developing OR Criteria
OR criteria are entered on different rows Creating Multiple Table Queries

13 Criteria Wildcards An asterisk (*) searches for any number of characters A question mark (?) searches for any single character A pound sign (#) searches for any single number Creating Multiple Table Queries

14 Creating Calculated Fields
Create a calculated field in the field cell of the query grid Calculated fields follow this pattern NewFieldName:expression Expressions may include field names, operators, and functions such as Sum Surround field names in [square brackets] Example: HourlyRate:[Cost]/[Hours] Creating Multiple Table Queries

15 Creating Calculated Fields
[Cost]/[Hours] is the expression HourlyRate is the new calculated field name Creating Multiple Table Queries

16 Arithmetic operators Creating Multiple Table Queries

17 Common functions Creating Multiple Table Queries

18 Building Summary Queries
A summary query calculates statistics about a group of records Use the Total row in the query grid to specify how records are grouped and summarized The datasheet of summary queries cannot be updated because each row represents several records Creating Multiple Table Queries

19 Building Summary Queries
Totals button Total row Group By Sum Count Creating Multiple Table Queries

20 Aggregate Functions Creating Multiple Table Queries

21 Building Crosstab Queries
Crosstab queries calculates statistics about a group of records using both a row and column heading Use the Crosstab Query Wizard to create a crosstab query Use the Total and Crosstab rows in the query grid to specify the crosstab settings Creating Multiple Table Queries

22 Building Crosstab Queries
The Description field is the row heading field The Location field is the column heading field The Cost field is being summarized Creating Multiple Table Queries

23 Building Crosstab Queries
The Location field is the column heading field The Description field is the row heading field The Cost field is being summarized Creating Multiple Table Queries

24 Other Query Wizards Find Duplicates Query Wizard finds whether a table contains duplicate values in one or more fields Find Unmatched Query Wizard finds records in one table that do not have related records in another table Creating Multiple Table Queries

25 Building PivotTables and PivotCharts
Use the PivotTable or PivotChart View of any existing table, query, or form Changes made to either the PivotTable or PivotChart view are automatically applied to the other Creating Multiple Table Queries

26 Building PivotCharts Drag fields from the field list to the field locations on the PivotChart Creating Multiple Table Queries

27 Building PivotTables Last is in the filter area
CourseID is in the column heading area Cost is summed for each CourseID and Location Location is in the row heading area Creating Multiple Table Queries

28 Comparing PivotTables, PivotCharts, and Crosstab Queries
Creating Multiple Table Queries

29 Summary Select queries are the most common type of query
Use select queries to: Select a subset of fields and records Sort data Create calculated fields Use summary, crosstab, PivotTable, and PivotCharts to show summarized information Creating Multiple Table Queries

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