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Christian Kaplan, CFA VP, Specialty Markets & EPG Life Sales

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1 AXA Presents… AXA’s Two-Product Approach IUL Hedging Mechanics The Discount Rate Trap
Christian Kaplan, CFA VP, Specialty Markets & EPG Life Sales For Financial Professional Use Only- Not for distribution to the public

2 AXA’s Two-Product Approach
For Financial Professional Use Only- Not for distribution to the public

3 Product Paradigm BL Protect (Single & Surv.) + IL Legacy III
Two Key Components for Success, across Product Spectrum: Optimize Cost Structures for Targeted Product Solutions Death Benefit Focus/DB IRR – Levelized Costs BL Protect (Single & Surv.) + IL Legacy III Accumulation Focus/CV IRR – Low Early, Higher Late Stage Costs BL Grow (Single & Surv.) + IL Optimizer III Reduce Overall Chassis Costs Comes with benefit of reduced reliance on illustrated rates Comes at expense of reduced illustrated rates Net overall effect = Narrower range of return outcomes = increased probability of success! For Financial Professional Use Only- Not for distribution to the public

4 Why a 2-Product Strategy?
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5 Why a 2-Product Strategy?
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6 Why a 2-Product Strategy?
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7 Why a 2-Product Strategy?
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8 Why a 2-Product Strategy?
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9 Why a 2-Product Strategy?
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10 AXA Equitable/ MONY America Product Portfolio
COI Curve Differentials AXA Equitable/ MONY America Product Portfolio Raw COI Curves AXA Equitable/ MONY America Product Portfolio Raw COI Curves For Financial Professional Use Only- Not for distribution to the public

11 Product Paradigm Conclusions
Two product strategy allows: Improved performance of each individual product for their respective purpose BL Protect & Legacy II & III for level-funded lifetime premium solves Focus: IRR on DB Result: Lower reliance on future returns to perform via levelized lower charges BL Grow & Optimizer II & III for max-funded short(er)-pay scenarios Focus: IRR on CV Result: Lower reliance on future returns to perform via lower charges early on NOTE: For best results, using Option B to A switch where optimal For Financial Professional Use Only- Not for distribution to the public

12 IUL Hedging Mechanics For Financial Professional Use Only/ Not for distribution to the public

13 IUL Hedging Mechanics – Part 1
Net Premium 5.26% Yield on GP assumed here For Financial Professional Use Only/ Not for distribution to the public

14 IUL Hedging Mechanics – Part 3
Buy 1yr ATM European Call Option Sell 1yr OTM European Call Option Net Cost = Discount Rate/Options Budget (e.g. 5%) Exposure to Index = Total Notional Value of all segments for all inforce policies every month Result: Max Carrier Gain = Cap – Options Cost Max Carrier Loss = Options Cost Carrier takes aggregate counterparty risk but no equity return risk!

15 Yield Cost vs. Cap & Floor
1/15/1998 1yr ATM European Call Option Cost (as % of notional) = 10.85% 1yr 12% OTM European Call Option Cost = 5.14% Net Carrier Cost to Hedge 12% Cap Bull Call Spread = ( )= 5.71% 1/17/2006 1yr ATM European Call Option Cost (as % of notional) = 6.94% 1yr 12% OTM European Call Option Cost = 1.63% Net Carrier Cost to Hedge 12% Cap Bull Call Spread = ( )= 5.3% 1/15/2013 1yr ATM European Call Option Cost (as % of notional) = 5.79% 1yr 12% OTM European Call Option Cost = 1.37% Net Carrier Cost to Hedge 12% Cap Bull Call Spread = ( )= 4.41% Carrier Buys = Cost Carrier Sells = Income For Financial Professional Use Only/ Not for distribution to the public

16 Yield Cost vs. Cap & Floor
70% of the options cost variability could be explained by movements in the 10yr TSY My Conclusion: IUL performance is more closely correlated to FI than Equity Returns Source: St. Louis FED’s FRED DB - TSY data AXA Hedging Team - historical hedging cost data

17 Yield Cost Differentials
Nov 2008 Periods of Hedging Cost Spread Compression = Low RFR + Low VOL For Financial Professional Use Only/ Not for distribution to the public

18 IUL Hedging Summary Hedging Costs in IULs
Predominantly Driven by Interest Rate Levels Through Long-Term options prices via RFR Mostly from options budget discount rate from carrier (I-Rate Sensitive) Implied Volatility, although important in options pricing, plays much smaller role in mid-to-long term cap setting for IUL carriers Return Commitment in IUL not borne by carrier Counterparty risk exists, but no return risk on payout Carrier trades assumed GP Yield/Discount Rate for net zero cost ‘Bird in the hand vs. two in the bush’ for consumer For Financial Professional Use Only/ Not for distribution to the public

19 The Discount Rate Trap (and how AXA helps you avoid it)
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20 Question… Do you believe, that certain insurance carriers have a competitive advantage long-term, in achieving above-average rates of return on policyholder’s investable assets? For Financial Professional Use Only- Not for distribution to the public

21 IUL Hedging Mechanics – Part 2
Average Yield on GP across Top 50 = % (5yr avg) Average Yield on GP across Top 20 = % (5yr avg) For Financial Professional Use Only/ Not for distribution to the public

22 Crediting Rate/Discount Rate Differentials
If all companies achieve roughly the same return on invested assets, how can fixed crediting rates, or IUL cap rates differ so markedly? In my opinion, factors can be: Increased reliance on expected future investment returns using historical data (carrier and/or client) Product Cost Structure Optimization (PL, Exp. Chrgs, COI discounts, bonuses) Taking more investment risk via derivative instruments, captive reinsurance, etc. Differing Accounting/Actuarial Standards depending on HoldCo Domicile Use of different Required Rates of Return on Product Suite (Carrier RoC) For Financial Professional Use Only- Not for distribution to the public

23 The Efficient Frontier
Carriers can invest almost exclusively here For Financial Professional Use Only- Not for distribution to the public

24 Using the EF for LI Products
Investment Risk Borne By Policyholder Investment Risk Borne By Carrier & Policyholder Investment Risk Borne By Carrier For Financial Professional Use Only- Not for distribution to the public

25 Outcome is not Singular
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26 Outcome is not Singular
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27 Outcome is not Singular
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28 Outcome is not Singular
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29 A Thought Experiment For Financial Professional Use Only/ Not for distribution to the public

30 Beware of the Discount Rate Trap
Simple Life Insurance Product Calculator to show the impact of discount rates versus chassis costs Modeled after BL Protect COI Curve and Premium Load Structure Results using sample male aged 30, Standard NT: Current BLP COI 2% Crediting Rate – MPC to A100 = $8,054 1.75x BLP COI 4% Crediting Rate – MPC to A100 = $8,027 1.5x BLP COI 4% Crediting Rate – MPC to A100 = $7,198 With 10-yr 2.4%, which would you rather rely on as a policyholder? Costs are Sticky Discount Rates are not For Financial Professional Use Only/ Not for distribution to the public

31 VP, Specialty Markets & EPG Life Sales
Thank You! Christian Kaplan, CFA VP, Specialty Markets & EPG Life Sales (212) Life insurance products are issued by AXA Equitable Life Insurance Company or MONY Life Insurance Company of America and are co distributed by AXA Network, LLC and AXA Distributors, LLC. Variable Life products are co- distributed by AXA Advisors, LLC and AXA distributors, LLC. Please be advised that this presentation is not intended as legal or tax advice. Accordingly, any tax information provided in this article is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer. The tax information was written to support the promotion or marketing of the transactions) or matters) addressed, and clients should seek advice based on their particular circumstances from an independent tax advisor. Neither AXA Equitable and its affiliates do not provide legal or tax advice. For Financial Professional Use Only- Not for distribution to the public

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