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Teacher: Zhuang Caijun

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1 Teacher: Zhuang Caijun
Welcome to Songjiang No.2 Middle School Teacher: Zhuang Caijun

2 What led to Ray Kroc’s success?
curiosity It was his _______________that led to his success.

3 Supporting sentence: Surprised by this, Kroc decided to go and visit it.

4 Past participle phrases used as adverbials
Surprised by this, Kroc decided to go and visit it. When opened for business, the hamburger stand was immediately filled with customers. Impressed by the cleanliness, service and food, Kroc looked at the name over the hamburger stand. Although started six years earlier, in 1948, McDonald’s was still a small business owned by two brothers, Mac and Dick McDonald. reason time reason concession

5 Adverbial of reason Surprised by this, Kroc decided to go and visit it. =Because he was surprised by this, Kroc decided to go and visit it. Impressed by the cleanliness, service and food, Kroc looked at the name over the hamburger stand. =Because he was impressed by the cleanliness, service and food, Kroc ---

6 Past participle phrases can be used as adverbials of time
When opened for business, the hamburger stand was immediately filled with customers. When it was opened for business, the hamburger stand was immediately filled with customers.

7 Heated, water turns into steam.
When it is heated, water turns into steam. When heated, water turns into steam.

8 A past participle phrase can also be used as an adverbial of concession
Although started six years earlier, in 1948, McDonald’s was still a small business owned by two brothers, Mac and Dick McDonald. =Although it was started six years earlier, McDonald’s was --- Though he was defeated, he remained a popular leader. =Though defeated, he remained a popular leader. Defeated, he remained a popular leader.

9 Past participle phrases are used as adverbials of condition
Given more time, the new sales manager could have done better. = ___ he had been given more time, the new sales manager could have done better. If We will never attack unless attacked. = We will ---unless we are attacked.

10 Past participle phrases can also be used as adverbials of attending circumstances
The old man sat, surrounded by his children. =The old man sat and he was surrounded by his children.

11 Past participle phrases used as adverbials
When (he was) asked what he thought of his employees, the new manager made no comments. If (I am) invited, I will go. Excited at the news, the little boy jumped with joy. =Because he was excited at the news, the little boy jumped with joy.

12 Tips on how to use past participles as adverbials
过去分词的逻辑主语与主句的主语必须一致; 如将过去分词转化为从句,则从句中必须有be+done的形式,表被动或状态; 连词如when, although, though,even though, if, unless能直接置于过去分词前,而 because则不能。

13 She came home, tired out after a day’s hard work.
Study the following sentences and tell whether the participles are correctly used. She came home, tired out after a day’s hard work. Walked through the park, we saw a lovely show of roses. Seen from the top of the mountain, the village looks beautiful. When told the good news, a look of pleasure came to her face. Correct Wrong Correct Wrong

14 Rewrite the sentences replacing the underlined part with a past participle.
She was shocked by the bad news and burst into tears. → Shocked by the bad news, she burst into tears. KFC is considered the most popular international brand, and it has more than 30,000 restaurants in the world. = Considered the most popular international brand, KFC has more than 30,000 restaurants in the world.

15 Although it was introduced into the mainland in 1987, KFC has already had more than 1000 restaurants in china. =Although introduced into the mainland in 1987, KFC has already had more than 1000 restaurants in china. The novel is based on real events and tells the story of Ray Kroc. =Based on real events, the novel tells the story of Ray Kroc.

16 The manager was excited about the booming sales figure, and he couldn’t think of anything to say.
Excited about the booming sales figure, the manager couldn’t think of anything to say.

17 Complete the following sentences in a sensible way to make sure that each sentence contains a past participle used as an adverbial. Inspired by Ray Kroc’s success, we __________________________. When faced with difficulties, we __________________________. If closely united, we __________________________. decide to work as hard as he won’t give up can overcome any difficulty

18 Located in convenient places
4. ________________________ (locate, convenient places), McDonald’s is popular with customers. 5. ______________________ (compare, McDonald’s), KFC has more restaurants in China. 6. _________________________(when, tell, too much fried food is bad for health), I decided to go to a fast-food restaurant no more/less often. Compared with McDonald’s When told that too much fried food is bad for health

19 Watch a short play and write as many sentences as possible with participle phrases used as adverbials

20 homework Please finish Test Two of Unit Four.

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