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France 2015 Let the journey begin….

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Presentation on theme: "France 2015 Let the journey begin…."— Presentation transcript:

1 France 2015 Let the journey begin…

2 What we’ll do, try and explore

3 Chambord

4 Colleville

5 Mont Saint Michel

6 Notre Dame

7 Versailles

8 Pointe du Hoc


10 Les marchés de Paris

11 Dinner in a cave

12 Paying for your tour $221 a month $7.50 a day
The EF Price Guarantee Your guaranteed lowest price will never change once you enroll. Monthly Payment Plan - Just $95 to enroll - Choose your monthly withdrawal date - No late fees

13 What happens as the #s Change?
15-19 participants: + $ : Current price 25-29: - $ : - $ : - $285

14 What does that include? Roundtrip airfare
Transfers to airport, hotels, and cities once in France Overnight stays in hotels, all with private baths Continental breakfasts daily Upgraded dinners daily Full-time services of an EF Tour director Local guided tours of Paris and Normandy Entrance fees

15 Transfer to and from airport in the US Insurance
What isn’t included? Gratuities Transfer to and from airport in the US Insurance Beverages (other than water) and lunches

16 Payment Options Once enrolled, you will automatically be enrolled in the Auto-payment Option. However, you can opt out of it. With auto-pay, the payments are $176 per month. If you do NOT wish to participate, you will have to call EF.

17 EF Insurance An additional $155 Not mandatory but suggested
Tour Cancellation and Interruption Insurance A refund of the Program Fee if your child needs to cancel from or interrupt the tour due to reasons of serious injury or illness requiring hospitalization, financial hardship due to unexpected job loss, jury duty, military call to active duty or severe damage to home. Medical and Accident Insurance Coverage of up to $35,000 for hospital bills, doctors’ fees and medical transportation for illnesses or injury while on tour, as well as travel and accommodation expenses for a family member to be with your child while hospitalized in the event of a life-threatening illness.

18 Insurance Baggage and Property Insurance Coverage for baggage, cash, airline tickets, travel documents and valuable property in cases of theft or delay, including emergency on-tour cash reimbursement of up to $300 within 24 hours of a theft. 24-hour Emergency Assistance Round-the-clock handling of claims and assistance from English-speaking insurance representatives during your child’s tour.

19 What if I sign up but then cannot go and it’s not covered by insurance?

20 Before our Departure… I will be collecting… A medical form
A copy of your passport, which you will certainly need A copy of your parents’ credit card, front and back, in case of emergencies A behavior contract, outlined in the following slides

21 Expectations and Behavior
Prior to the trip… You will be expected to… Maintain your academics Continue with French Stay out of trouble in school and at home! Participate in fundraisers

22 Expectations and Conduct
During the trip: To be cooperative and polite to each other, the chaperones, and everyone we encounter To participate in all activities To be on time to all activities and meals To stay with the group at all times. You must always be with at least two members of the group

23 R-E-S-P-E-C-T While in hotels, be respectful of other people’s property. To remain in assigned rooms between lights out and the morning wake up. NEVER let someone you don’t know into your room To observe and respect quiet hours of the hotel. We will not be the only ones there!

24 R-E-S-P-E-C-T To abide by the Southampton High School Code of Conduct
To abide by all rules of the United States of America To abstain from the use of tobacco To not come home with any new piercings / tattoos Listen to and be respectful of all chaperones at all times. And finally….

25 Alcohol (Deserving of its own page)
You’re not 21. The drinking age in France is not important as you are not French. YOU CANNOT DRINK ALCOHOL AT ANY POINT!

26 And if I choose not to listen?
If you choose not to abide by any of the rules… I will happily use your parents credit card and you WILL be shipped home on the next available flight! You will have to face your parents and their disappointment in you. Your behavior may jeopardize the opportunity of future students to have this amazing experience. You will be subject to administrative disciplinary consequences upon our return

27 Also remember… We want you to have fun!! This is an amazing trip and you will make so many wonderful memories. That being said, our first priority is your safety and health and all of the rules exist with this in mind 

28 What can we do? How will the money be used? How much do we need?
Fundraising What can we do? How will the money be used? How much do we need?

29 Enrollment If the rules seem fair, your parents say OUI, and you still want to go…. ENROLL with EF by January 1, 2014 for the best price. After that date, the price will go up by $200.

30 Sign up online at
Three Ways to Enroll Fax in the form Call Customer Service Sign up online at

31 Questions Anything I forgot to mention?

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