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Warm up – 2/9/17 What did Native Americans refer to as the “three sisters”?

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Presentation on theme: "Warm up – 2/9/17 What did Native Americans refer to as the “three sisters”?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm up – 2/9/17 What did Native Americans refer to as the “three sisters”?

2 Medieval Europe

3 What influenced the Europeans to explore, especially North America?

4 Middle Ages 500-1500 People very superstitious Mapmakers
Uneducated, knew very little about the outside world Believed in magic and witchcraft Mapmakers Draw pictures of sea monsters & other creatures on maps

5 But time will change these ideas…..
Here there be monsters But time will change these ideas…..

6 Crusades Roman Catholic Church popular
Religion dominates the lives of the people Begin to go on pilgrimages to Christian shrines and holy places Where are a majority of these holy places? Palestine (Holy Land) Pope Urban II in 1095 called on all Christian kings and knights to go to war to recapture the holy lands. Series of wars called the Crusades Cont. until 1291


8 Results of Crusades At 1st the Crusaders did gain territory but the Muslims won it back Success Open Europe's eyes to the rest of the world Experienced new land/people Boost trade b/w Europe and the Middle East New knowledge (weapons, religions, etc) Got a taste of exotic luxury goods Fruits, spices, sugar, silks, perfumes and carpets Italy will become huge market center

9 Renaissance Period called “rebirth” Sparked new ways of thinking
What's the meaning of life? Valued individualism Scientists begin to question the accepted teachings of the Catholic Church (black plague) Is the church telling the truth? Very popular in Italy 1400s & 1500s Inspiration of artists

10 Protestant Reformation
People begin to turn against the Catholic church Teachings (sale of indulgences) Corruption in the church 1517: German monk Martin Luther wrote 95 theses Criticized church practices Called for public debate Hoped to bring about reforms but he started a religious revolution People who supported called Protestants

11 Catholic Counter-Reformation
period of Catholic revival initiated in response to the Protestant Reformation Catholic Church promised to REFORM some of their policies Outcome: " reconversion" of some parts of Europe particularly Spain new religious orders like the Jesuits greater intensity in missionary activity especially in Latin America more printing of Catholic literature stronger censorship of "heretical works" Council of Trent


13 Finally…..Spanish Inquisition
established in 1478 by Catholic Monarchs Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile. intended to maintain Catholic religion in their kingdoms Outcome: Send Jesuits to North America to Convert the Native Americans


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