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How to SEEK help.

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1 How to SEEK help

2 What do you know about seeking help for addictions in Fredericton
What do you know about seeking help for addictions in Fredericton? Do you know where individuals can go?

3 Fredericton has many different options for seeking help with addictions.
These are offered to people of all ages. Special centers and services are aimed at helping the youth as they are greatly influenced by drugs in today’s society. Programs can also be found within the different schools.

4 Options Available: Fredericton Addiction Services
Drug Rehab Services/Centers Aftercare Services Three NA Meeting Centers Outpatient Treatment Facility AA Meeting Center Interventions Detox Counseling

5 Were you aware of all the options available in the Fredericton area for individuals with addictions? Do you know anyone who has tried to seek help but was unsure of how to do it?

6 Fredericton Addiction Services
They provide complete addiction and mental health services. One service in particular is Children and Youth Treatment Program.

7 Rehabilitation Treatments
Rehabilitation: This is defined as “To restore to good health or useful life, as through therapy and education.” Treatment: Is the act of applying a therapy, education or medicine to achieve a positive goal.

8 Twelve Steps: This treatment is a set of guiding principles outlining a course of action for recovery from addiction. This form of treatment includes a sponsor. Treatment is based on AA and NA. It is used with a code which has twelve different parts that they must go through to achieve a permanent sobriety. Individuals also attend meetings, similar to AA.

9 Bio-Physical Approach:
Long term treatment with no exact duration. It goes by the individuals needs. This treatment addresses two main aspects: 1) Physical Aspect: Done through vitamins, nutrients, exercise and sauna. The main objective is to shut down the physical cravings so the person can address the mental aspect without the triggers of addiction. 2) Teaches the individual to cope with life. It is done through different parts to get the person to be able to go back in life and face day to day situations with tools they have learned.

10 Do you believe that these treatment programs would work for individuals with addictions? Do you know anyone who has gone through something similar?

11 What are your thoughts on AA and NA meetings
What are your thoughts on AA and NA meetings? Do you think these support groups work? Why or why not? You might’ve seen an example of support groups in the video Cyberbully.

12 Interventions: Interventions can be done with just the family but they work best with a professional intervention counselor. This should be done in a place that feels comfortable to the addict. Interventions usually last two to three days. The first day includes the planning, such as who will be there, where it will take place, what you will say, and what treatment facility they will attend. The second day is the actual intervention.

13 Interventions are not exactly a form of treatment but they lead to treatment. Do you think these are usually successful? Have you ever been a part of an intervention or known someone who has? If so what was their success?

14 Counseling & Guidance:
Leo Hayes has a Guidance Center for youth who are seeking help. They team with an addiction counselor if necessary. LHHS Guidance: If a student has an addiction or is afraid they may become addicted they can talk to their counselor. This counselor brings in an addiction counselor to work with the student a few days through the week to help them with coping skills.

15 Did you know that you had help at school
Did you know that you had help at school? And access to addiction counseling through guidance?

16 Portage Portage is a non-profit organization that helps people who are suffering from substance abuse-related problems to overcome their dependencies and live healthy, happy, and productive lives. This program is for youth ages and the admission is voluntary. They must express a desire for treatment and go through an interview.

17 Portage continued.. Based on the therapeutic community model, in which the residents work together through peer mentoring and positive role modeling to develop their self-worth, coping mechanisms and transferable life skills. Youth develop a sense of belonging and learn to trust themselves and others. Most residents complete their program in 4 to 6 months but it is determined by each individuals needs, motivation, and readiness for treatment.

18 A typical day at Portage includes:
Gender specific therapy groups Community meetings Physical education/outdoor recreational activities Case management and treatment planning sessions. Individual counseling Guidance and vocational planning Psychotherapy is also available if necessary During your stay you will learn: Trust, growth, self-respect, self-discovery, confidence, balance, skills with which to face the future, and SOBRIETY. video

19 Don’t be afraid to ask for help
Don’t be afraid to ask for help! We have many options available in Fredericton. Help inform those around you!

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