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“What will my Child Learn in 4K?”

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Presentation on theme: "“What will my Child Learn in 4K?”"— Presentation transcript:

1 “What will my Child Learn in 4K?”
Mary Weber, 4K Administrator Oregon School District Heart of Brooklyn LaPetite Little Angels Christian Pre-School Little Folks Growing Center Oregon Daycare, Inc. Oregon Pre-School Inc. YMCA

2 Who Am I? Early Learning Educator for 26 years
* 20 years in Kindergarten/Reading (5 and 6 year olds) * 6 years in Early Childhood – EEN (3 and 4 year olds) Mother of 2 children, 26 and 24 years old I love the outdoors and art!

3 Agenda Mission and Beliefs Wisconsin Model of Early Learning Standards
Oregon Pre-K Ready for Learning Curriculum Every minute counts, every student matters!! Questions

4 Mission and Beliefs “Every child has a right to a high-quality developmentally appropriate preschool education” All children are capable and competent and will have success while participating in multidimensional experiences. We believe in offering curriculum that is research-based and fosters learning through play and active exploration of their environment. All children should have access to positive relationships and opportunities to engage with peers. Community collaboration will provide children and their families an array of learning opportunities as partners in their child’s education and care.

5 Where do the Standards Come From?
Wisconsin Model of Early Learning Standards (Pre-K to beginning of Grade 1) com/EarlyLS.htm Common Core Standards, which replaced Wisconsin Model Academic Standards (Kindergarten-Grade 12)

6 COMMUNICATION Includes building “school” vocabulary to ensure pre-requisite skills are in place Speech and Language foundational skills

7 EARLY LITERACY Balanced Literacy: Equal attention given to “reading” and “writing”…… The Continuum of Literacy Learning Eg. Read-Alouds, Making Books, Choosing A Variety of Texts, Understand the concepts of books, how print works, 3 ways to read a book Handwriting without Tears Eg. Brain Gym activities, Fine Motor/Multisensory, Letter/Numeral Instruction with wood pieces, wet/dry, roll a dough, shaving cream, marker boards OUTREACH: Literacy Workshop: October 14th 6:00-7: Joane Rudolph and Sue Amend

8 PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT Gross (large muscle) Motor Skills
jumping, skipping, running Fine (small muscle) Motor Skills writing, drawing, grasping

9 Every minute counts, every student matters!
What knowledge and skills should every student acquire as a result of this unit of instruction? Standards are assigned to thematic units to ensure all are covered several times throughout the school year How will we respond when some students don’t learn? Response to Instruction, Differentiation Strategies How will we respond when some students have clearly achieved the intended outcome? Response to Instruction, Differentiation Strategies

10 How do we know if your child is learning?
External = PALS (Phonological Awareness of Literacy Screening) External= DIAL-4 (Developmental Indicators for Assessment of Learning) Periodic = Everyday Math, Handwriting without Tears Ongoing =Teaching Strategies-GOLD for Self-Help, Gross Motor, Communication, Language, Scientific Thinking

11 Progress Reporting Report # of students reaching the standards
Parents receive progress reports in January and June Parent-Teacher Conferences are held in Fall and Spring. School Board report Report # of students reaching the standards Report # of students who made one year gain Report # of students who met their goals if a student has an individualized educational plan

12 What does my child do in 4K?
Enjoy books in various ways Play with peers Participate in learning centers Practice self help skills Run, skip, dance, climb Explore science materials Learn what it means to be a part of a group Practice fine motor skills

13 How Can I Help? Volunteer
Outreach Programs are offered throughout the year, both at your site and through the district. The first district program is: Oct. 14th 6:00-7:30 Fine Motor and Pre-Handwriting

14 Special Education Inclusion
This year, we have 4 sites that have full inclusion of students with disabilities. Special Education staff will be working within the classrooms as team members with 4K teachers.

15 Questions? Mary Weber 4K Administrator
under the “Our Schools” Tab to 4 Year Old Kindergarten

16 THANK YOU! Thank you for taking time from your family to join us.

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